(中南大学商学院,湖南 长沙 410012)
0 引言
目前,学术界在绿色供应链管理方面已取得了丰硕的研究成果;众多学者基于不同角度研究了绿色供应链在行为运筹方面的问题。Maditati等[9]、Islam等[10]、顾志斌和钱燕云[11]等从内涵界定、生产运筹、模型优化和实证分析等方面对国内外绿色供应链的已有研究进行了梳理和总结,并对未来的研究方向做出设想。江世英和李随成[12]、高举红等[13]关注权利结构对绿色供应链的影响,前者[12]以零售商主导的闭环供应链为研究对象,分析了当产品需求受绿色度和销售努力影响时,低价促销和绿色营销两种策略对最优决策和利润的影响;后者[13]构建了不同权利结构下两级绿色供应链的博弈模型,并研究了收益共享机制下博弈均衡解的变化。Zhang和Liu[14]、曹裕和刘子豪[15]等都在两级绿色供应链的研究基础上,将研究进一步拓展到三级绿色供应链模式下。具体地,Zhang和Liu[14]关注绿色成员企业在三级绿色供应链模式下的协调问题;曹裕和刘子豪[15]则在信息不对称背景下,对三级绿色供应链在非合作和合作博弈模式下实施绿色管理时的可行性进行分析。此外,刘会燕和戢守峰[16]关注绿色供应链之间的竞争,他们以两条相互竞争的绿色供应链为研究对象,在考虑消费者绿色偏好下,探讨了不同链与链竞争下的最优定价和产品绿色度决策。以石平等[17]、李媛和赵道致[18]、江世英等[19]为代表的文献则研究了公平关切和风险规避等行为因素对绿色供应链最优策略和效用的影响。此外,Esmaeili等[20]、Yang和Xiao[21]、Cao等[22]、Xu等[23]研究了政府政策对绿色供应链短期和长期生产定价决策的影响;以Wang等[24]、Huang等[25]、Zhang等[26]、Ghosh 和Shah[27]等为代表的文献则关注上游制造商或供应商主导下绿色供应链的契约协调问题。
1 变量假设和符号说明
表1 符号说明
2 上下游联合绿色研发博弈模型
2.1 集中模式下的模型
将式(21) (23)代入到式(19)中,可以将零售商的最优化问题表示为
表2 不同契约下均衡时的最优策略
表3 不同契约下绿色产品的需求和利润
3 数值算例
3.1 消费者环保意识对渠道利润和绿色产品需求的影响
图1 参数对渠道利润的影响
图2 参数对绿色产品需求的影响
3.2 绿色成本系数对渠道利润和绿色产品需求的影响
图3 参数对渠道利润的影响
图4 参数对绿色产品需求的影响
3.3 参数和对渠道利润和绿色产品需求的综合影响
图5 参数和对的综合影响
图6 参数和对的综合影响
3.4 灵敏度分析
表4 参数变化时不同模式下的最优价格和需求
表5 参数变化时不同模式下的最优利润
4 研究结论
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Study on joint contract coordination to promote green product demand under the retailer-dominance
ZHOU Yanju, HU Fengying*, ZHOU Zhenglong
(School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410012, China)
In the context of a green economy, enterprises, as important participants in human social activities, must resort to green supply chain management practices under pressure of environmental regulation, environmental barriers to international trade, and increasing public awareness of environmental protection. In order to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in the context of a green economy, many companies are trying to provide products that are more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than their traditional counterparts on the market. However, the improvement of a product’s “green” quality often requires significant investment into environmental research and development, coupled with the existence of the double-marginal effect of the supply chain. The price of green products in the market is often higher than that of their traditional counterparts, which has become one of the key factors hindering the progression of these products towards becoming mainstream consumer goods. This paper focuses on whether different contracts can improve the value of green products while improving the profit of supply chain members and their market demand, in the context of a green economy, and has important implications for the development of production enterprises and the entire green society.
This paper takes the retailer-led bilateral monopoly green supply chain as the research object, uses relevant knowledge of game theory to construct a Starkberg game model between manufacturers and retailers, and discusses the retailers’ cost of investment in responsible environmental research and development. Manufacturers offer strategies for balancing the supply chain and resolving coordination issues when different joint R&D contracts are available.
First, on the basis of considering various factors such as consumer environmental awareness, product “green” level and price, the optimal situation and profit problem is analyzed under the centralized situation and wholesale price contract model. Moreover, the wholesale model is used as a reference for other forms of contract. Second, the paper discusses the impact of introducing environmental R&D cost-sharing contracts, as well as two-part contracts on green product demand, supply chain member profit, and channel profit. Finally, numerical simulation is used to analyze the critical parameters of the green supply chain – consumer environmental awareness, the environmental cost coefficient, the impact of green product demand, and channel profit – in different situations.
The results of the research show that the cost-sharing contract cannot achieve the Pareta improvement in the profits of the members of the supply chain, so it cannot be used as an effective coordination mechanism to increase the demand for green products. On the other hand, under certain conditions, the two-part contract can achieve a win-win situation for the members of the supply chain and increase the market demand for green products. Furthermore, although the improvement of consumers' environmental awareness does not always lead to an increase in demand for green products, it always drives an increase in the profit of green supply chains. The impact of the environmental cost coefficient on corporate profits is affected by consumers’ degree of environmental awareness; greater awareness will, in turn, encourage companies to pursue a lower cost coefficient and actively carry out green technology innovation efforts.
Green supply chain; Consumer environmental awareness; Retailer dominance; Contract coordination; Optimal demand
Funded Project: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71471178), the Kay Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (71431006), the Major International Joint Research Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71210003) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2017zzts050)
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan