Be There Just to Make up the Numbers
Mr Nanguo is a Yu player in the palace. He is going to blow Yu for the Qi Xuan Wang. Is he a clever man or not? 南郭先生濫竽充数能得逞吗?请看江苏省响水县实验小学同学们的精彩表演吧!
李天烨 李定一 杨浩然
殷浩然 蔡馨蒙 李纯等
Long long ago, there was a king named Qi Xuan Wang. He liked listening to Yu very much.
Minister A:Your Majesty, our country is so strong. We should have a team to play Yu.
Minister B:Good idea. I think we can form a band of one hundred people to play for you.
Minister A:No. Two hundred at least.
Qi Xuan Wang:Three hundred! To show how powerful my country is.
All:Smart king!
Nanguo:They call me Nanguo. I am lazy and I never work. I will blow Yu for the king.Thats really a good job. I cant play Yu at all, but I know how to pretend.
Minister A:Why do you come?
Nanguo:To play Yu. Look!
Minister A:OK. You must be very good at it.
Minister A:Your Majesty! Three hundred people are ready. Look!
Qi Xuan Wang:Great! Let them play right now.
Qi Xuan Wang:Who makes this noise?
Minister B:Its him! He wants to hurt your ears.
Qi Xuan Wang:How dare you do that?Kill him!
Nanguo:My... my... my king. I have something to say.
Minister A:You cheat the king. You must die!
Qi Xuan Wang:Wait. Lets just listen to him.
Nanguo:Smart king! Just now I saw a dragon over your head. It means you are the greatest king! I was too excited. So I blew loudly! Thats my best wish for you!
Qi Xuan Wang:Really?
Nanguo:My king. How dare I cheat you?
Qi Xuan Wang:Thats good.
Qi Xuan Wang:Mr Nanguo is honest. Give him gold!
All:Smart king!
Qi Xuan Wang:Great!Wonderful!
A few years later, Qi Xuan Wang passed away. His son Qi Min Wang becomes the new king.
Nanguo:My king! You want more people to play Yu? Ill work on it at once.
Qi Xuan Wang:No, I dont like so many people playing. I just like singly playing.
Nanguo:Emm... emm...Yes, singly playing is better. I will ask someone to play...
Qi Xuan Wang:No, you can play for me! You are the best, arent you?
Nanguo:Me? I ... I ... I cant.
Qi Xuan Wang:What? You cant blow Yu?
Nanguo:I, I blow, blow ...
Qi Xuan Wang:Damn it! Rubbish! You cheated all of us and my father. Kill him!
Nanguo:I am wrong. Let me go. Please, please ...
Qi Xuan Wang:Will you follow him?
All:No, no, no. Smart king! Long-lived king!
(The End)