

植物研究 2020年6期

王文采 杨宗宗


腺梗翠雀花 图1

Delphinium adenopodum W.T.Wang & Z.Z.Yang,sp.nov.Fig.1.

(Sect. Elatopsis Huth subsect. Metaconitoides W.T.Wang)

Ob inflorescentias corymbosas,calcar sepalinum sepalis brevius,petala et staminodia omnia nigra species nova haec est affinis D. yechengensi C.Y.Yang & B. Wang,a quo plantis humilioribus 9-18 cm altis,foliis minoribus,eorum laminis usque ad 4 cm latis,calcari sepalino breviore 9-11 mm longo,gynoecio ex carpellis quatuor constante differt. In D.yechengensi,plantae 45-50 cm altae,calcar sepalinum 11-14 mm longum,et gynoecium ex carpellis quinque constans est.

Perennial herbs 9-15 cm tall. Rhizomes ca. 7 cm long,at apex ca. 8 mm in diam. Stems paberulous,2-3-branched or simple,2-4-leaved. Basal leaves ca. 3,long petiolate;blades subcoriaceous,reniform,1.5-2.8 cm×2.8-4.0 cm,at base cordate,3-parted,central lobe cuneate-obovate or rhombicobovate,on apex or above incised-dentate,lateral lobes larger,obliquely flabellate,unequally 2-lobulate to 2-cleft,on apex incised-dentate;surfaces adaxially and abaxially covered with very short appressed hairs 0.1-0.5 mm long,sometimes mixed with sparse short glandular hairs;petioles 4-8 cm long,sparsely puberulous. Cauline leaves similar to basal ones,but upper ones smaller. Corymbs terminal and axillary,2-4-flowered;basal bract similar to cauline leaves but small,or undivided,with narrowly elliptic blade,and upper bracts sessile,narrowspatulate or linear,1-2 cm long,glabrous;pedicels 1.0-6.5 cm long,densely white-pubescent and yellow-glandular-pubescent,above 2-bracteolate;bracteoles linear,4-12 mm×1-1.2 mm,glabrous. Flower:Sepals blue-purple,purple or purplish,on both sides with sparse hairs and on out side also mixed with a few glandular hairs;upper sepal broadly ovate,16-22 mm×17-20 mm,spur narrow-conical,9-11 mm long,at base 6.5-7.0 mm in diam.;lateral sepals orbicular-ovate,18×11-18 mm;and lower sepals broadly obovate,12-20 mm×15-16 mm. Petals 2,black,apex 2-lobulate and pilose. Staminodes 2,black;limbs suboblong or narrow-ovate,ca. 8 mm×3 mm,2-lobed,adaxially below the middle densely yellowish-barbate;claws ca. 7 mm long,abaxially obove puberulous. Stamens ca. 35;filaments ca. 8 mm long,1-blue-nerved,above narrow-linear,below linear-lanceolate,glabrous or above the middle on each side with 1 or 2 hairs;anthers oblong,1.0 mm×0.6 mm,glabrous. Carpels 4;ovaries green,linear,4.0-4.6×0.8 mm,densely pubescent;styles whitish,0.7-1.0 mm long,glabrous.

图1 腺梗翠雀花1. 植株全形;2. 退化雄蕊;3. 雄蕊;4. 雌蕊群Fig.1 Delphinium adenopodum1.Habit;2.Staminode;3.Stamen;4.Gynoecium(from holotype)

图2 巩留翠雀花1. 植株全形;2. 小苞片;3. 退化雄蕊;4. 雄蕊;5. 雌蕊群Fig.2 Delphinium gongliuense1.Habit;2.Bracteole;3.Staminode;4.Stamen;5.Gynoecium(from holotype)

新疆(Xinjiang):塔什库尔干县(Tashikurgan Xian),alt.4 400 m,多石砾草坡,花紫色,花梗被白色柔毛和黄色腺毛(on rocky grassy slope,fls. purple,pedicels covered with white hairs and yellow glandular hairs),2019-08-03,杨宗宗(Z.Z.Yang)7659(holotype,PE);同地,同一日(same locality and on same day),alt. 4 430 m,多石砾草坡,花蓝紫色(on rocky grassy slope,fls. blue-purple),杨宗宗7661(PE);同地,同一日,alt.4 560 m,石砾山坡,花粉紫色(on rocky slope,,杨宗宗7238(PE,条形码号:02331415)。

本种的花序伞房状,萼距比萼片短,花瓣和退化雄蕊均呈黑色,因此与也具上述特征的叶城翠雀花(Delphinium yechengense C.Y.Yang&B.Wang)在亲缘关系上相近,与后者的区别在于本种的植株均较低,高9~15 cm,萼距较短,长9~11 mm,雌蕊群由4 枚心皮构成。在叶城翠雀花,植株高45~50 cm,萼距长11~14 mm,雌蕊群由5 枚心皮构成[1,3]。

巩留翠雀花 图2

Delphinium gongliuense W.T.Wang & Z.Z.Yang,sp.nov.Fig.2.

(Sect.Elatopsis Huth subsect.Elata W.T.Wang)

Ob folia 3-partita,sepalum superum calcari leviter longius,staminodia nigra,carpella 3 species nova haec est affinis D.actoensi W.T.Wang,a quo foliorum laminis utrinque hirtellis,racemis compositis,bracteolis linearibus 8.0-9.5 mm longis apice longe apiculatis recedit.In D.actoensi,foliorum laminae supra glabrae,racemi simplices,et bracteolae subulatae,4 mm longae,enerves,apice haud apiculatae sunt.

Perennial herbs 43-53 cm tall. Stems simple,with petioles spreading-hirtellous,4-5-leaved. Basal leaf 1,long petiolate;blades papery,petagonal,ca.7.0 cm×10.5 cm,at base shallowly cordate,3-parted slightly exceeding the middle of blade,on both surfaces appressed-hirtellous,central primary lobe trapezoidal-rhombic,ca. 3.5 cm broad,3-lobed,with secondary lobes 3-lobulate or 2-denticulate,lateral primary lobes larger,obliquely flabellate,unequally 2-lobed,upper secondary lobes 3-lobulate and lower secondary lobes 2-lobulate;petioles ca.25 cm long. Cauline leaves similar to basal one,but smaller,and upper ones shortly petiolate. Compound raceme terminal,ca. 9 cm long,terminal raceme 5-7 cm long,densely 14-flowered,lateral racemes 2-3,3-5 cm long,densely 4-6-flowered;lower bracts similar to upper cauline leaves,but smaller;rachis spreading-hirtelous; pedicels 0.6-1.6 cm long,densely spreading-hirtellous,near apex 2-bracteolate;bracteoles linear,8.0-9.5 mm×1.0-1.6 mm,hirtellous,at apex long apiculate. Flower:Sepals blue-pruple,abaxially appressed-hirtellous,adaxially with a few hairs;upper sepal ovate,14-16 mm×7 mm;lateral sepals obliquely broad-obovate,ca. 14 mm×9 mm;lower sepals obliquely broad-oblanceolate,ca. 17 mm×7 mm. Petals 2,black,glabrous.Staminodes 2,black;limbs trapezoidal,6.0-6.5 mm×2.0-3.5 mm,2-lobed,on margin above long ciliate,below lobes densely white-barbate;claws 6 mm long,at base minutely 1-appendiculate.Stamens ca.20,glabrous;filaments 5-6 mm long,below lanceolate-linear,1-nerved,above filiform;anthers darkblue,oblong,1 mm×0.35-0.50 mm. Carpels 3;ovaries oblong,3.0 mm×1.2 mm,puberulous;styles 1.6 mm long,glabrous.

新疆(Xinjiang):巩留县,恰西(Gongliu Xian,Qiaxi),alt.2 680 m,山坡草地,花蓝紫色(in grassy place on slope,,2.18-07-28,杨宗宗(Z. Z. Yang) 0817(holotype,PE,条 形 码 号:02331415;isoteype,PE.)。

本种的叶3 深裂,上萼片比距稍长,退化雄蕊黑色,心皮3,因此与也具上述特征的阿克陶翠雀花(D.actoense W.T.Wang)在亲缘关系上相近,与后者的区别在于本种的叶片两面均被微硬毛,花序为复总状花序,小苞片条形,长8.0~9.5 mm,顶端有长尖头。在阿克陶翠雀花,叶片上面无毛,花序为简单总状花序,小苞片钻形,长4 mm,无尖头[2]。


