吴爱珍 蒋慧玲 高丽娟
[摘要] 目的 探討综合性康复介入辅助早期营养支持策略治疗对早产儿营养状况及生长发育的影响。 方法 选取2015年1月~2018年8月在我院妇产科出生的早产儿120例。将其分为观察组与对照组,每组60例。两组早产儿均予以早期营养支持策略,对照组予以婴儿常规体检并采用常规育儿方式进行养育;观察组在对照组基础上予以综合性康复介入辅助治疗。观察并比较两组早产儿2周内营养状况及生长发育指标变化情况。 结果 治疗2周后,两组早产儿血清PA和ALB水平均较出生时明显上升(P<0.05或P<0.01),且观察组早产儿上升幅度较对照组更明显(P<0.05);同时观察组早产儿体质量、头围增加速度和身长增长速率明显快于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 综合性康复介入辅助早期营养支持策略治疗用于早产儿不仅可显著提高血清PA和ALB水平,改善其营养状况;而且可加快早产儿的生长速率,促进其生长发育,降低生长迟缓发生率。
[关键词] 早产儿;早期营养支持策略;综合性康复介入;营养状况;生长发育
[中图分类号] R722.6 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)01-0056-03
Effect of comprehensive rehabilitation interventional combined with early nutrition support strategy on nutritional status, growth and development of premature infants
WU Aizhen JIANG Huiling GAO Lijuan
Department of Pediatrics, Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Lishui 323000, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of comprehensive nutritional rehabilitation interventional combined with early nutritional support strategy on nutritional status, growth and development of premature infants. Methods A total of 120 preterm infants born in our department of obstetrics and gynaecology from January 2015 to August 2018 were selected and divided into observation group and control group, with 60 patients in each group. Premature infants in both groups were given early nutrition support strategies, and the control group was given routine physical examination and adopted regular parenting methods for parenting. The observation group was given comprehensive rehabilitation interventional therapy based on the treatment of the control group. The changes in nutritional status, growth and development indicators were observed and compared between the two groups of preterm infants within 2 weeks. Results After 2 weeks of treatment, the serum PA and ALB levels of both groups increased significantly (P<0.05 or P<0.01), and the increase in the observation group was more obvious than that of the control group(P<0.05). At the same time, the body weight, head circumference increase rate and body length growth rate of premature infants in the observation group were significantly faster than those in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion Comprehensive rehabilitation interventional combined with early nutritional support strategy for preterm infants can not only significantly improve serum PA and ALB levels, improve their nutritional status, but also accelerate the growth rate of premature infants, promote their growth and development, and reduce low growth retardation rate.
[Key words] Premature infants; Early nutritional support strategies; Comprehensive rehabilitation intervention; Nutritional status; Growth and development
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
选取2015年1月~2018年8月在我院妇产科出生的早产儿120例。纳入标准[7]:①胎龄28~37周,出生体质量≤2000 g;②生命体征稳定,预计住院时间>2周。排除标准[8]:①先天性消化道疾病、遗传代谢性或心肺疾病者;②有手术史者。采用抛硬币法将早产儿分为观察组与对照组,每组60例。两组早产儿的性别、胎龄、出生体质量和5 min Apgar评分等比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。见表1。
1.2 方法
两组早产儿均予以早期营养支持策略,采用母乳喂养或鼻饲喂养,如母乳不足就补充早产儿专用配方奶喂养;同时在24 h内给予静脉营养支持,保证热量摄入在(250~335)kJ/(kg·d),予氨基酸3.5 g/(kg·d)和20%脂肪乳3 g/(kg·d),当肠内营养达到418.68 kJ/(kg·d)时停止静脉营养。对照组予以婴儿常规体检并采用常规育儿方式进行养育。观察组在对照组基础上予以综合性的康复介入辅助治疗,包括:①口部感觉及肌力训练:使用消毒棉签依次刺激唇周、舌尖、两侧面颊和舌面前2/3,5 min/次,3次/d;②非营养性吸吮:在喂奶前后予以早产儿型硅胶安抚奶嘴吸吮,10 min/次,3次/d;③新生儿抚触:用双手拇指和掌面依次抚触头部、胸腹部、四肢、手掌手指、足底脚趾和背部皮肤,20 min/次,3次/d。观察并比较两组早产儿2周内营养状况及生长发育指标变化情况。
1.3 观察指标
1.3.1 营养状况指标 采用血清前白蛋白(PA)和白蛋白(ALB)评估营养状况,采用全自动生化分析仪测定。
1.3.2 生长发育指标 包括体质量、头围增加速度和身长增长速率。
1.4 统计学处理
2 结果
2.1 两组早产儿出生时及治疗2周后血清PA和ALB水平的变化
2.2 两组早产儿生长发育情况比较
3 讨论
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