摘 要:開发一种既具有强可见光吸收又具有高电荷迁移率的高效光催化剂是非常重要的研究,但这仍然是一个巨大的挑战。为了可以获得具有强可见光吸收和高电荷迁移率的最佳光催化材料,文章将利用第一性原理,探究C-Mg共掺GaN纳米片的电子性质。研究结果表明C-Mg的共掺不会引起结构的可见变化,但是可以降低有效带隙值,以利用可见光。同时会引入杂质能级,这将会形成载流子复合中心。
中图分类号:O643.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2020)02-0049-02
Abstract: It is very important to develop an efficient photocatalyst with both strong visible light absorption and high charge mobility, but it is still a great challenge. In order to obtain the best photocatalytic materials with strong visible light absorption and high charge mobility, this paper will use the first principles to explore the electronic properties of C-Mg co-doped GaN nanowires. The results show that the co-doping of C-Mg does not cause a visible change in the structure, but it can reduce the effective band gap to make use of visible light. At the same time, the impurity energy level will be introduced, which will form the carrier recombination center.
Keywords: GaN nanowires; energy band structure; photocatalysis
1 计算方法
3 结束语
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