

环球中医药 2020年1期

《环球中医药》杂志是由国家卫生健康委员会主管,中华国际医学交流基金会主办,国内外公开发行的中医药学术期刊。王永炎院士任名誉总编辑,天津中医药大学校长张伯礼院士任总编辑。陈可冀、肖培根等7名两院院士,150多名国内外著名中医药专家分别担任杂志顾问、副总编或编委。其中海外编委来自英国、美国、加拿大、中国香港等10个国家和地区。来自国内外中医教育、医疗、科研单位的200余位优秀中医药学者担任本刊审稿专家。本刊2020年为月刊,大16开,170页。国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5652/R;国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1674-1749。环球中医药杂志网站。本刊开放存取,可免费在本刊网站下载本刊所有文章PDF版全文。


1 文稿要求

1.1用稿方向 本刊的主要用稿方向是中医、中药、针灸科研文章,包括临床研究、理论研究与实验研究。介绍海外中医现状、外国民族传统医药的文章优先刊登。本刊重视综述文章,欢迎中医临床探讨论文,扶持中医学术传承。对中医护理、中医院管理和临床个案择优刊登。

1.2开设栏目 重点关注中医药领域科研新进展,重视学术思考与中医传承。主要栏目有述评、论著、理论探讨、综述、名医心鉴、学术论坛等;特色栏目有铿锵中医行、医案析评、海外中医、中医文化等。本刊每年会设多个重点专题,围绕专题写作的文稿,将优先审理和刊登。

1.3字数和格式 论著、综述栏目文章以5000~8000字为宜,其余栏目文章须3000字以上。本刊欢迎长篇稿件,重大科研课题与理论创新稿件不受字数限制。论著、理论探讨、数据挖掘与综述栏目文章须有英文题名、英文摘要。所有栏目都要求有中文摘要。

1.4作者简介、单位和基金项目标注 来稿要求有第一作者和通信作者的姓名、出生年、性别、职称、学位、学术兼职、研究方向,E-mail等。作者单位须注明科室。本刊通信作者指课题负责人,并非指稿件联系人。本刊不标注“指导老师”。本刊不标注“同等贡献第一作者”“共同通信作者”。第一作者为在读研究生请注明入学年。若文题含有某专家姓名不应再将其列为作者。基金项目只标注基金名称和编号,不标注课题名称。

1.5层次标题和图表 体现层次的小标题一般不超过3级。论文中图要求有图序、图题,表要有表序、表题。文中所用表格一律采用三线表格式。文章的图片要求附图片格式原图。

1.6参考文献 著录格式执行GB/T7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》,并参考《中国医药卫生期刊文后参考文献著录格式示例》。引用某外文期刊文章为文后参考文献,该条文献也应标为原刊语种文字,不应翻译为中文。

1.7医学伦理与知情同意 学术论文需遵循医学伦理基本原则。以人为观察对象的科研,作者应该论文中说明科研是否符合人体试验委员会(单位内、地区或国家性的)所制定的伦理学标准以及是否受试者知情同意,并提供该委员会批准文件或其他证明符合伦理学要求的证据,提供受试对象知情同意的证据。

2 投稿方式

2.1新投稿件 在网站www.hqzyy.com使用采编系统投稿为环球中医药杂志唯一收稿方式,请勿向本刊邮箱投稿。本刊2018年1月启用“志清采编系统”和手机APP“环球中医药杂志新媒体平台”,作者新投稿件请注册并投稿。电脑端和手机端可以实现同步,方便作者投稿、查稿、缴费。

2.2稿件查询和撤稿 本刊一般2~12周左右回复稿件处理情况,本刊努力缩短审稿时间,不足之处还请谅解。无论录用与否,本刊均会告知结果。如欲撤稿,请务必采编系统通知本刊。查稿电话010-65269860(工作日14:00-16:00)。

2.3文责与修改 稿件一律文责自负。编辑可能会对来稿做不涉及原意的文字修改、删节,不同意删改者请特别注明。凡拟发稿件,出版前都会提请作者核对样稿。

2.4快速通道 本刊对国家级科研基金项目的主体论文、博士毕业课题主体论文设有快速通道。快速通道文章审稿时间、见刊周期将明显缩短,收取审稿费200元/篇。通过快速通道被录用文章版面费均为3000元/篇、稿酬350~500元。请作者投稿后致电010-65269860咨询并办理。快速通道只接受论著、综述两类体裁。

2.5审稿费、编审费和稿酬 本刊2020年来稿(快速通道稿件除外)免收审稿费。稿件确认刊载后请按《论文录用通知》要求支付文章编审费。稿件一经刊用,赠当期杂志2册,并酌付稿酬。

3 特别提示



GlobalTraditionalChineseMedicine, charged by National Health Commission and operated by China International Medical Foundation, is a traditional Chinese medicine academic journal published both in China and abroad. The editor in chief is Mr. Zhang Boli, member of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Seven members of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chinese Academy of Science including Chen Keji and Xiao Peigen, along with over 150 Chinese and foreign experts on TCM serve as the consultants, deputy editors and members of the editorial board. Our editorial board is composed of experts from over 10 countries and regions including the UK, the US, Canada and Hongkong China, and we also have over 200 excellent TCM scholars from a large range of schools, hospitals and research institutions globally working as reviewers. The journal is issued monthly in the size of 210 mm×285 mm with 170 pages. The Chinese serial number is CN 11-5652/R and the international standard serial number is ISSN 1674-1749. Our website is which provides open access to full texts of all of our articles in PDF.

This journal is included in the Key Magazine of China Technology andChemicalAbstractsin the US. We sincerely invite the scholars of traditional Chinese medicine and other traditional medicines at home and abroad to submit professional articles.


1.1Main Direction:The main articles in this journal are on studies of TCM,Chinese materia medica and acupuncture,including clinical studies,theory researches and experimental studies. Articles introducing the current situation of TCM abroad and foreign traditional medicines will be given priority.This journal attaches importance on reviews and welcomes articles discussing clinical TCM and TCM academic inheritance.Essays on TCM nursing, TCM hospital management and clinical case study will also be considered prior to others.

1.2Language Requirement: The journal is mainly in Chinese, but we also accept the English articles in hopes of receiving essays from TCM researchers and clinical practitioners whose first language is not Chinese. Unfortunately we do not accept papers in other languages. English Articles written by authors whose first language is Chinese or translations of articles published in languages other than Chinese and English will be rejected as well.

1.3Columns: The main columns of the journal are treatise, discussion on theories, review, clinical experience and academic forum, and our featured columns include clinical case analysis and TCM overseas. The papers in treatise and review column should have 5000~8000words while essays in other columns should have more than 3000 words. We welcome long articles. Chinese abstracts should not be less than 200 characters while the length of English abstracts should be limited between 250 and 600 words.

1.4The Cites: The article shall include the name, birthday, gender, title, highest degree, academic posts, research direction and E-mail address of the first author and the corresponding author. The author's department should be indicated along with the institution. The corresponding author refers to the project investigator instead of the contact person.

1.5Subtitles, Tables and images: the subtitles in the article should be less than three levels. Tables and figures should be ordered with numbers and demonstrated with titles. The tables in the articles should be in three lines, and the original image files in their picture format should be attached if any pictures are presented in the articles.

1.6Reference: The reference should apply the Vancouver style. The family name of author should be put before his/her given name. If there are more than three authors, names of the fourth and other authors should be replaced by "et al". Names of the authors should be indicated with capital letters if the referring text is from a foreign journal, but should be indicated in full names if the source is a Chinese essay. Titles of the references should be presented in their original languages instead of the translated versions.

1.7Medical Ethics and Informed Consent: Academic papers should follow the basic principles of medical ethics. In the researches where people are the observation subjects, the author should state in his/her essay whether the research meets the ethical standards set by the Human Body Test Commission (organizational, regional or national), and whether the subjects are informed of their situation and have given consents to the scientific research. Evidence including the committee approval documents and other documents proving ethical compliance, the subjects' knowledge and consent should be provided.


2.1Website: The online collecting and editing system ofGlobalTraditionalChineseMedicineis our only channel of receiving articles. Please submit your contribution through

2.2Inquiry and Withdrawal: Authors will be informed of the approval or refusal in 2~12 weeks after submission, and we will do our best to shorten the reviewing process. The author will be informed of the outcome whether the article is accepted or not. Please let us know if you plan to withdraw your article. If you have any question, please contact us by calling 86-10-65269860 (between 14:00-16:00 on working days in China).

2.3Liability and modification: The liability relating to the article will be borne by the authors themselves. The editorial department may modify or delete part of the article without changing the original meaning. Please notify us if you do not accept any modifications. The writer will be asked to check the final version before publication.

2.4Charge: Editorial fee in 2020 is free. Please clear the publishing fee according to the Essay Acceptance Notice after confirming the approval of your article. Once published, the journal will present two current issues for you for free. Once your paper is published, you will receive 2 copies of the issue for free and your payment.


According to The Copyright Law of People's Republic of China, authors need to sign the Copyright Assignment Agreement when submitting the articles, which transfers the copyright of the articles to the Journal Press ofGlobalTraditionalChineseMedicine.

