

世界建筑 2019年12期


登录墨西哥7 年后,ArchDaily 发布了 《墨西哥建筑状况互联网报告》,公开了关于城市建设的潮流、创新和新技术的信息及数据。以2018 年9月到2019 年9 月收集的数据为基础,分析对比了城市建设的基本因素,并使人理解其发展和演变过程。

利用在墨西哥ArchDaily 7 年间收集的数据,我们形成了一份关于墨西哥建筑建造及其发展过程的代表性介绍。我希望这个信息能够帮助人们设计出更好的城市,并理解建筑的数字化会如何影响我们在城市中的生活方式。

——戴维·巴苏尔托,ArchDaily 创始人及CEO




本文有10 个关于墨西哥建筑的重要表单。这是从每月1600 多万访问量、每月1.8 亿页面查阅量和每月30 多亿采集数据量中提取出来的。□ (尚晋 译)

After 7 years of arriving to Mexico, ArchDaily releases the report "The State of Mexican Architecture on the Internet", opening information and data on trends, innovation and new technologies that build cities. Starting from the data gathered between September 2018 and September 2019, this analysis allows to compare fundamental aspects of the construction of cities, and also to understand its advances and evolution.

From the data that we have gathered during the 7 years of ArchDaily Mexico, we have generated a representative profile of how Mexican architectureis being built and how it evolves. I hope that this information can help design better cities, and to understand how digitalisation of architecture can influence how we live in cities.

- David Basulto, Founder & CEO ArchDaily

Searches & Visits

By reviewing the most visited Mexican projects from all over the world, we can detect patterns and trends that correspond to how the styles from each country find themselves on Mexican architecture.

In the case of China, there is a clear interest from large scale projects: towers, developments,and large public complexes that relate to the scale of the country. But on the other hand, the searches from India reflect the understanding of Mexican architecture through materials and techniques to regulate the climate, similar to Indian architecture:brick and earth as important materials, and screens and sun shades to filter light.

These are 10 important views on Mexican architecture, extracted from more than 16 million visits per month, 180 million page views per month and more than 3 billion data captures every month. □

表1“2019年度建筑奖”墨西哥项目入围名单/Table 1: Mexican projects on the list of finalists of the 2019 Building of the Year Awards

表2 检索最多的建筑师和事务所(2019年),与2018年相比(图1)/Table 2: Most searched architects & offices (2019), compared to 2018 (Fig.1)

表3 墨西哥建筑师查看量最多的墨西哥项目排名/Table 3: Ranking of the most viewed Mexican projects, accessed by Mexican architects

表4 中国建筑师查看量最多的墨西哥项目排名/Table 4: Ranking of the most viewed Mexican projects, accessed by architects from China

表5 全世界建筑师查看量最多的墨西哥项目排名/Table 5: Ranking of the most viewed Mexican projects, accessed by architects from all over the world

表6 墨西哥建筑师访问量最多的项目来源地(图2)Table 6: Origin of the most accessed projects by Mexican architects (Fig.2)

表7 访问墨西哥项目最多的建筑师来源地(图3)Table 7: Origin of architects who access Mexican projects the most (Fig.3)

表8 美国建筑师查看量最多的墨西哥项目排名/Table 8: Ranking of the most viewed Mexican projects, accessed by architects from the USA

表9 欧洲建筑师查看量最多的墨西哥项目排名/Table 9: Ranking of the most viewed Mexican projects, accessed by architects from Europe

表10 印度建筑师查看量最多的墨西哥项目排名/Table 10: Ranking of the most viewed Mexican projects, accessed by architects from India


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