文/本刊记者 贺煜
From October 21 to 27, the 19th Italian Language Week in the World was held in Chongqing. With the theme of ""Italian on Stage", open classes in Italian such as "Silhouettes of Italian Culture-Literature, Drama, Music and Film" and "Beauty of the Italian Language-Italian for Performing Arts on the Stage" were held in Chongqing for Italian lovers. Activities such as Italian film appreciation meeting, opera appreciation meeting and drama performance were also held to further promote Italian and spread the cultural charm of the language.
第十九届世界意大利语言文化周开幕式在意大利驻重庆总领事馆活动大厅举行。 摄影/贺煜
“意大利语不仅是一门象征着建筑、红酒、时尚、电影、文学、设计和艺术的语言,也是一门代表着戏剧、表演和歌剧的语言。意大利深远的戏剧传统,不仅为诸多优秀戏剧文学作品的诞生提供了丰厚的土壤,还影响了诸多的音乐、歌剧作品的创作。”意大利驻重庆总领事馆副总领事康达城(Davide Castellani)说,正是基于这些因素,意大利语成为了世界上学习人数第四多的语言,但它的传播途径不仅仅局限于视觉艺术、音乐和表演。
Jointly hosted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Accademia della Crusca, the Italian Language Week in the World was created in 2001. It aims at promoting Italian as an important carrier of classical culture and contemporary culture around the world.
"Italian is not only a language that symbolizes architecture, red wine, fashion, movies, literature, design and art, but also a language that represents drama, performance and opera. Italy's far-reaching drama tradition not only provides rich soil for the birth of many excellent drama literature works, but also affects the creation of many music and opera works. " Davide Castellani, Deputy Consul General of the Italian Consulate General in Chongqing, said that it is precisely because of these factors that Italian has become the language with the fourth largest number of learners in the world, but its transmission is not limited to visual arts, music and performance.
Davide Castellani said that in the past 19 years, Italian Language Week has been the most important language promotion project of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation because of its large number of parallel events, excellent quality and high reputation of participating guests. This year's Italian Language Week organized by the Italian Consulate General in Chongqing is one of the richest cultural activities organized by the Consulate General since its establishment.
面向中国的意大利语爱好者推广意大利语。 摄影/贺煜
10月21日 第十九届世界意大利语言文化周开幕,首场活动《意大利戏剧艺术—从移动舞台时代到现代》文化沙龙在意大利驻重庆总领事馆活动大厅举行,意大利外交与国际合作部驻四川外国语大学的Vincenza Armiento教授,向意大利语爱好者讲述了意大利语在戏剧艺术中用法的变迁与发展。
10月22日 四川外国语大学成都学院教师Luca Ma面向该校法语意大利语系学生,开展以“意大利文化剪影—文学、戏剧、音乐和电影”为主题的公开课。
10月23日 共举办了3场活动。四川师范大学欧洲设计系教师Alessandro Lillacci在该校主持开展“意大利语的华美—舞台上表演艺术的意大利语”的开放课堂。Stefania Profita在西南大学开展了“从独白《1900》到电影《海上钢琴师》”公开课。意大利萨雷诺大学教授、意大利著名语言史学家Federico Sanguineti在意大利驻重庆总领事馆活动大厅举办了“为什么说《曼陀罗》是一部杰作”文学沙龙。
10月24日 在重庆和成都共举办两场活动。四川外国语大学法意语系意大利语专业大二学生在该校大礼堂,表演了意大利剧作家卡洛·哥尔多尼著名喜剧作品《一仆二主》。由意大利驻重庆总领事馆与瑞士驻成都总领事馆合办的电影《Cronofobia(夜行怪客)》内部放映分享会在成都举行。
10月25日 在重庆渝中区鹅岭二厂“Ourfilm片场世界”,伴随着贵州师范大学交响乐团总指挥罗伯托·菲奥雷(Roberto Fiore)大师的音乐演奏,开展了“舞台上的意大利独角戏”意大利现代戏剧文学作品朗读活动。
10月26日 在意大利驻重庆总领事馆活动大厅举行了文化周系列活动“意大利语—音乐联想的工具”。指挥家罗伯托·菲奥雷(Roberto Fiore)大师带来威尔第的名剧《茶花女》表演,伴有弦乐五重奏。
10月27日 在意大利驻重庆总领事馆活动大厅举办了本届语言文化周的最后一场活动—意大利戏剧作品表演比赛。该比赛面向西南地区开设意大利语高校意大利语课程学生。经过激烈角逐,四川外国语大学成都学院学生王一帆获得开设意大利专业课程高校组第一名;西南大学学生易景图则在开设意大利语课程(非专业课程)斩获第一。