秦梦洁 许庆祥
摘 要: 设H和K为两个Hilbert空间,A∈B(H)和B∈B(K,H)满足ind(A)≤1,R(AB)R(B),以及R(B)为闭.给出了等式R(AB)=R(A)∩R(B) 成立的一个充分条件,并给出了上述等式不成立的一个反例.
关键词: 算子值域; Drazin逆; Moore-Penrose逆
中图分类号: O 177.1 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000-5137(2019)05-0469-03
Abstract: Let H and K be two Hilbert spaces,and let A∈B(H),B∈B(K,H) be two bounded linear operators such that ind(A)≤1,R(AB)R(B) and R(B) is closed in H.A sufficient condition is given under which R(AB)=R(A)∩R(B).Furthermore,a counterexample is constructed such that R(AB)≠R(A)∩R(B).
Key words: the range of an operator; Drazin inverse; Moore-Penrose inverse
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