文 Debra Meiburg MW 编、译 张恬熙
Georgia's native grapes are gaining global support as winemakers wake up to the potential of the country's indigenous varieties such as the ancient red grape saperavi (sap-er-ah-vee), which makes complex, aromatic, inky-dark wines.
11月11日,澳大利亚休伊·汉密尔顿酒庄的首席执行官玛丽·汉密尔顿、中国蒲昌酒庄的首席酿酒师洛里斯·塔塔格里亚、哈萨克斯坦阿尔巴酒庄的酿酒师兼首席执行官泽努拉·卡基姆扎诺夫、格鲁吉亚穆卡都酒庄的酿酒师兼庄主兰多·乌祖纳什维利等人,与《迈宁格国际葡萄酒》杂志的主编费尔西蒂·卡特等酒评家和专家一起,探讨晚红蜜的光明前景,包括现况和未来。我和我的美酒文化有限公司一起,与ProWine China合作举办了全球第一届晚红蜜研讨会,将晚红蜜与赤霞珠、西拉、梅洛这些高贵的葡萄品种作对比,探讨晚红蜜更多的可能性。
Saperavi is a teinturier grape that has been used in Georigan winemaking for thousands of years. While it's far from new, the last two decades have seen the grape step into the global spotlight as vines emerge around the globe - from the Barossa Valley to Xinjiang, Finger Lakes and Marlborough and more. McLaren Vale winemaker Hugh Hamilton confesses to being “obsessed” by saperavi, telling Gourmet Traveller online, “I love the variety … It grabbed me from the moment I tasted it.”
On November 11, winemakers—including Mary Hamilton (CEO of Hugh Hamilton Wines, Australia), Loris Tartaglia (Chief Winemaker, Pu Chang, China), Zeinulla Kakimzhanov (Winemaker & CEO, Arba Winery, Kazakhstan), Lado Uzunashvili (winemaker and owner at Mukado Wines, Georgia) and others —gathered in Shanghai, together with critics and experts like Editor-in-Chief of Meiningers Wine Business International magazine, Felcity Carter, to discuss Saperavi's bright prospects, both present and future. The world's first International Saperavi Symposium, hosted by myself and Meiburg Wine Media in partnership with ProWine China, explored this special grape in comparison to noble red varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Merlot.
Uzunashvili believes Saperavi is Georgia's most important variety, both in quality and quantity. “Saperavi is a survivor that shares many characteristics with noble varieties,” he said.
Uzunashvili is an 11th generation winemaker who studied in Moscow before seeking research opportunities abroad. His search lead him to Australia (where he introduced Hamilton to Saperavi), France, Morocco, Ukraine, Italy and Japan (Vinepair). He now shares his time between his home in Adelaide and Georgia.
Like other winemaking countries, Georgia is far from immune to the growing issue of climate change, which Uzunashvili says presents itself in the form of a drier, hotter climate with decreased rainfall.
While Bordeaux has addressed its climate challenge by introducing Five new grape varieties, Uzunashvili has taken what he has learned in Australia's hot, dry climate conditions and is adapting it to Georgia (Vinepair).
MWM's half-day Saperavi Symposium was attended by around 70 media, education and trade delegates, and concluded with a comparative tasting of 17 global Saperavis in styles from both traditional and unexpected wine countries, including Australia (which is thiugh to have around 30 producers working with Saperavi at the moment), China, USA, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, Moldova and of course, Georgia. UK-based wine writer and critic Robert Joseph said of Saperavi “I don't think saperavi wears a suit very easily; I don't think it wears a tie. It has a wildness; a wine with its hair down,” he said.
During the tasting, panellists and audience members were treated to Saperavi styles that spanned the spectrum from a “fresh” 2017 Dr. Konstantin Frank, USA that occupies the space “between white and red,” said Joseph, through to fruit-driven, balanced style ‘The Squid' from Billy Button, Australia. Cassidy Dart MW captured the variety's variations perfectly, describing Chelti Winery's 2008 Saperavi as, “A lovely wine, like an older pinot noir,” whereas Mukado's 2017 Saperavi-Shavkapito blend is, “Dark, rustic, earthy and wild.”
The tasting capped off what was an extremely ecumenical event, with an internationally renowned panel of experts and wines. Instead of ‘Watch this space,' it's more like ‘Where to next?' as Saperavi continues its gradual march across the globe, from vine to glass.