The National Core Arts Standards (VIII)
[US]National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
Music: Traditional and Emerging Ensembles
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component: Imagine— Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Anchor Standard:Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding:The creative ideas,concepts,and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from avarietyof sources.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians generate creative ideas?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr1.1.E.5a Compose andimprovisemelodic and rhythmic ideas ormotivesthat reflect characteristic(s)of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr1.1.E.8a Compose andimproviseideas formelodiesandrhythmic passages1based oncharacteristic(s)of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr1.1.E.Ia Compose andimproviseideas formelodies,rhythmic passages,andarrangementsfor specificpurposesthat reflect characteristic(s) of musicfrom avarietyofhistorical periodsstudied in rehearsal.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr1.1.E.IIa Compose andimproviseideas forarrangements,sections2,and shortcompositionsfor specificpurposesthat reflect characteristic(s) of musicfrom avarietyofculturesstudied in rehearsal.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr1.1.E.IIIa Compose andimprovise musical ideasfor avarietyofpurposesandcontexts.
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component: Planand Make —Selectand develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Anchor Standard:Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their expertise,context,andexpressive intent.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians make creative decisions?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr2.1.E.5aSelectand develop draft melodic and rhythmic ideas ormotivesthatdemonstrateunderstanding of characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
MU: Cr2.1.E.5b Preserve draftcompositionsandimprovisationsthroughstandard notationand audio recording.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr2.1.E.8aSelectand develop draftmelodies andrhythmic passagesthatdemonstrateunderstanding of characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
MU: Cr2.1.E.8b Preserve draftcompositionsandimprovisationsthroughstandard notationand audio recording.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr2.1.E.IaSelectand develop draftmelodies,rhythmic passages,andarrangementsfor specificpurposesthatdemonstrateunderstanding of characteristic(s) of musicfrom avarietyofhistorical periodsstudied in rehearsal.
MU: Cr2.1.E.Ib Preserve draftcompositionsandimprovisationsthroughstandard notationand audio recording.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr2.1.E.IIaSelectand developarrangements,sections,and shortcompositionsfor specificpurposesthat demonstrate understanding of characteristic(s) of music from avarietyofculturesstudied in rehearsal.
MU: Cr2.1.E.IIb Preserve draftcompositionsandimprovisationsthroughstandardnotation,audio,or videorecording.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr2.1.E.IIIaSelectand develop composed and improvised ideas into draftmusical worksorganized for avarietyofpurposesandcontexts.
MU: Cr2.1.E.IIIb Preserve draftmusical worksthroughstandard notation,audio,or video recording.
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component:Evaluate andRefine— Evaluate andrefineselected musical ideas tocreate musical workthat meets appropriatecriteria.
Anchor Standard: Refineand complete artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians evaluate andrefinetheir work through openness to new ideas,persistence,and the application of appropriatecriteria.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr3.1.E.5a Evaluate andrefinedraftcompositionsandimprovisationsbased on knowledge,skill,andteacherprovided criteria.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr3.1.E.8a Evaluate andrefinedraftcompositionsandimprovisationsbased on knowledge,skill,andcollaboratively-developed criteria.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr3.1.E.Ia Evaluate andrefinedraftmelodies,rhythmic passages,arrangements,andimprovisationsbased onestablishedcriteria,including the extent to which they address identifiedpurposes.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr3.1.E.IIa Evaluate andrefinedraftarrangements,sections,shortcompositions,andimprovisationsbased onpersonally-developedcriteria,including the extent to which they address identifiedpurposes.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr3.1.E.IIIa Evaluate andrefinevaried draftmusical worksbased onappropriatecriteria,including the extent to which they addressidentifiedpurposesandcontexts.
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component: Present—Sharecreativemusical workthat conveysintent,demonstratescraftsmanship,and exhibits originality.
Anchor Standard: Refineand complete artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.
Essential Question(s):When is creative work ready toshare?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr3.2.E.5aSharepersonally-developed melodic and rhythmic ideas ormotives— individually or as anensemble— thatdemonstrateunderstanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr3.2.E.8aSharepersonally-developedmelodies andrhythmic passages— individually or as anensemble—thatdemonstrateunderstanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr3.2.E.IaSharepersonally-developedmelodies,rhythmic passages,andarrangements— individually or as anensemble— thataddress identifiedpurposes.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr3.2.E.IIaSharepersonally-developedarrangements,sections,and shortcompositions—individually or as anensemble— that address identifiedpurposes.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr3.2.E.IIIaSharevaried,personally-developedmusical works— individually or as anensemble— that address identifiedpurposesandcontexts.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Select—Selectvaried musical works topresentbased on interest,knowledge,technical skill,andcontext.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze,andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical works,understanding of their own technical skill,and thecontextfor a performance influence the selection ofrepertoire.
Essential Question(s):How do performersselect repertoire?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr4.1.E.5aSelectvariedrepertoireto study based on interest,music reading skills (where appropriate),an understanding of thestructureof the music,context,and thetechnical skillof the individual orensemble.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr4.1.E.8aSelecta variedrepertoireto study based on music reading skills (where appropriate),an understanding offormal design3inthe music,context,and thetechnical skillof the individual andensemble.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr4.1.E.IaExplain thecriteriaused toselecta variedrepertoireto studybased on an understanding of theoretical4andstructural5characteristics of the music,thetechnical skillof the individual orensemble,and thepurposeorcontextof theperformance.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr4.1.E.IIaDevelop and applycriteriatoselecta variedrepertoireto studyandperformbased on an understanding oftheoreticalandstructuralcharacteristicsand expressive challenges in the music,thetechnical skillof the individual orensemble,and thepurposeandcontextof theperformance.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr4.1.E.IIIa Develop and applycriteriatoselectvariedprogramsto study andperformbased on an understanding oftheoreticalandstructuralcharacteristics and expressive challenges in the music,thetechnical skillof the individual orensemble,and thepurposeandcontextof theperformance.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Analyze—Analyzethestructureandcontextof varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze,andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Analyzing creators’contextand how they manipulateelements of musicprovides insight into theirintentand informs performance.
Essential Question(s):How does understanding thestructureandcontextof musical works inform performance?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr4.2.E.5aDemonstrate,using music reading skills where appropriate,how knowledge of formal aspects inmusical worksinform prepared or improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr4.2.E.8aDemonstrate,using music reading skills where appropriate,how thesetting6and formal characteristics ofmusical workscontribute to understanding thecontextof the music inprepared or improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr4.2.E.IaDemonstrate,using music reading skills where appropriate,howcompositional devices7employed andtheoreticalandstructuralaspects ofmusical worksimpact and informprepared or improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr4.2.E.IIaDocument anddemonstrate,using music reading skills where appropriate,howcompositional devicesemployed andtheoreticalandstructuralaspects ofmusical worksmayimpact and inform preparedandimprovisedperformances.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr4.2.E.IIIaExamine,evaluate,and critique,using music reading skills where appropriate,how thestructureandcontextimpact and inform prepared and improvisedperformances.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Interpret— Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’intent.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze,andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Performers make interpretive decisions based on their understanding ofcontextandexpressiveintent.
Essential Question(s):How do performersinterpretmusical works?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr4.3.E.5a Identifyexpressive qualitiesin a variedrepertoireof music that can be demonstrated through prepared and improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr4.3.E.8aDemonstrateunderstanding and application ofexpressive qualitiesin a variedrepertoireof music through prepared and improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr4.3.E.IaDemonstratean understanding ofcontextin a variedrepertoireof music through prepared and improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr4.3.E.IIaDemonstratehow understandingthe style,genre,andcontextof a variedrepertoireof musicinfluencesprepared and improvisedperformancesas well as performers’technical skillto connect with the audience.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr4.3.E.IIIaDemonstratehow understanding thestyle,genre,andcontextof a variedrepertoireof musicinformsprepared and improvisedperformancesas well as performers’technical skillto connect with the audience.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component:Rehearse,Evaluate,andRefine—Evaluate andrefineselected musical ideas tocreate musicalworkthat meets appropriatecriteria.
Anchor Standard:Develop andrefineartistic techniques and work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:To express their musical ideas,musiciansanalyze,evaluate,andrefinetheir performance over time through openness to new ideas,persistence,and the application of appropriatecriteria.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians improve the quality of their performance?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr5.1.E.5a Use self-reflection and peer feedback torefineindividual andensemble performancesof a variedrepertoireof music.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr5.1.E.8aDevelop strategies to address technical challengesin avariedrepertoireof musicand evaluate their successusing feedback fromensemblepeers and other sources torefine performances.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr5.1.E.Ia Develop strategies to addressexpressivechallenges in a variedrepertoireof music,and evaluate their success using feedback fromensemblepeers and other sources torefine performances.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr5.1.E.IIa Developand apply appropriate rehearsal strategies to address individual andensemble challengesin a variedrepertoireof music,and evaluate their success.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr5.1.E.IIIa Develop,apply,andrefineappropriate rehearsal strategies to address individual andensemblechallenges in a variedrepertoireof music.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Present—Performexpressively,with appropriateinterpretationand technical accuracy,and in a manner appropriate to the audience andcontext.
Anchor Standard:Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians judge performance based oncriteriathat vary across time,place,and cultures.Thecontextand how a work is presented influence the audience response.
Essential Question(s):When is a performance judged ready topresent? How docontextand the manner in which themusical workis presented influence audience response?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr6.1.E.5aDemonstrateattention totechnical accuracyandexpressive qualitiesin prepared and improvisedperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music.
MU: Pr6.1.E.5bDemonstratean awareness of thecontextof the music through prepared and improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr6.1.E.8aDemonstrateattention totechnical accuracyandexpressive qualitiesin prepared and improvisedperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music representing diverseculturesandstyles.
MU: Pr6.1.E.8bDemonstratean understandingof thecontextof the music through prepared and improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr6.1.E.IaDemonstrateattention totechnical accuracyandexpressive qualitiesin prepared and improvisedperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music representing diversecultures,styles,andgenres.
MU: Pr6.1.E.IbDemonstratean understandingof expressive intentby connecting with an audiencethrough prepared and improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr6.1.E.IIaDemonstratemastery of the technical demands and an understanding ofexpressive qualitiesof the music in prepared and improvisedperformancesof a variedrepertoirerepresenting diversecultures,styles,genres,andhistorical periods.
MU: Pr6.1.E.IIbDemonstratean understanding ofintentas a means for connecting with an audiencethrough prepared and improvisedperformances.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr6.1.E.IIIaDemonstrateanunderstanding andmastery of the technical demands andexpressive qualitiesof the musicthrough prepared and improvisedperformancesof a variedrepertoirerepresenting diversecultures,styles,genres,andhistoricalperiodsin multiple types ofensembles.
MU: Pr6.1.E.IIIbDemonstrateanability8to connectwith audience members before and during the process of engaging with and responding to themthrough prepared and improvisedperformances.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Select— Choose music appropriate for a specificpurposeorcontext.
Anchor Standard:Perceive andanalyzeartistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Individuals’ selection of musical works is influenced by their interests,experiences,understandings,and purposes.
Essential Question(s):How do individuals choose music to experience?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re7.1.E.5a Identify reasons for selecting music based on characteristics found in the music,connectionto interest,andpurposeorcontext.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re7.1.E.8aExplainreasons for selecting musiccitingcharacteristics found in the music andconnectionsto interest,purpose,andcontext.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re7.1.E.IaApplycriteriatoselectmusic for specified purposes,supporting choices byciting characteristics found in the music andconnectionsto interest,purpose,andcontext.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re7.1.E.IIa Applycriteriatoselectmusic for avarietyof purposes,justifying choices citing knowledge of the music and the specifiedpurposeandcontext.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re7.1.E.IIIaUse research andpersonallydeveloped criteriato justify choicesmade when selecting music,citing knowledge of the music andindividual and ensemblepurposeandcontext.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Analyze—Analyzehow thestructureandcontextof varied musical works inform the response.
Anchor Standard:Perceive andanalyzeartistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Response to music is informed by analyzingcontext(social,cultural,and historical) and how creators and performers manipulate theelements of music.
Essential Question(s):How does understanding thestructureandcontextof the music influence a response?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re7.2.E.5a Identify how knowledge ofcontextand the use of repetition,similarities,and contrasts inform the response to music.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re7.2.E.8a Describe howunderstandingcontextand the way theelements of musicare manipulated inform the response to music.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re7.2.E.IaExplainhowtheanalysisof passagesand understanding the way theelements of musicare manipulated inform the response to music.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re7.2.E.IIa Explain how theanalysisofstructuresandcontextsinform the response to music.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re7.2.E.IIIaDemonstrateand justifyhow theanalysisofstructures,contexts,andperformance decisionsinform the response to music.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Interpret— Support aninterpretationof musical works that reflect creators’/performers’expressive intent.
Anchor Standard: Interpret intentand meaning in artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Through their use of elements and structures of music,creators and performers provide clues to theirexpressive intent.
Essential Question(s):How do we discern the musical creators’ and performers’expressive intent?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re8.1.E.5a Identifyinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning ofmusical works,referring to theelements of music,contexts,and (when appropriate) thesetting of the text 9.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re8.1.E.8a Identifyand supportinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning ofmusical works,citing as evidencethetreatmentof theelements of music,contexts,and (when appropriate) thesetting of the text.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re8.1.E.IaExplainand supportinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning ofmusical works,citing as evidence the treatment of theelements of music,contexts,(when appropriate) thesetting of the text,andpersonal research.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re8.1.E.IIa Supportinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning ofmusical worksciting as evidence the treatment of theelements of music,contexts,(when appropriate) thesetting of the text,andvaried researchedsources.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re8.1.E.IIIaJustifyinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning ofmusical worksbycomparing and synthesizingvaried researched sources,including reference to other art forms.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component:Evaluate — Support personal evaluation of musical works and performance(s) based onanalysis,interpretation,andestablished criteria.
Anchor Standard:Applycriteriato evaluate artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:The personal evaluation ofmusical work(s) and performance(s) is informed byanalysis,interpretation,andestablished criteria.
Essential Question(s):How do we judge the quality ofmusical work(s) and performance(s)?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re9.1.E.5a Identify and describe the effect of interest,experience,analysis,andcontexton the evaluation of music.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re9.1.E.8aExplain the influenceof experiences,analysis,andcontexton interest inand evaluation of music.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re9.1.E.IaEvaluate works andperformancesbased onpersonally-orcollaboratively-developed criteria,includinganalysisof thestructureandcontext.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re9.1.E.IIa Evaluate works andperformancesbased onresearchas well aspersonally-andcollaborativelydeveloped criteria,includinganalysisandinterpretationof thestructureandcontext.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re9.1.E.IIIaDevelop and justifyevaluations of music,programsof music,andperformancesbased oncriteria,personal decision-making,research,and understanding ofcontexts.
Artistic Process:Connecting
Process Component:Connect — Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make music.
Anchor Standard:Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians connect their personal interests,experiences,ideas,and knowledge to creating,performing,and responding.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating,performing,and responding?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cn10.0.E.5aDemonstratehow interests,knowledge,and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.E.5a,MU: Pr4.1.E.5a,MU: Pr4.3.E.5a,MU:Re7.1E.5a)
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cn10.0.E.8aDemonstratehow interests,knowledge,and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.E.8a ,MU: Pr4.2.E.5a,MU: Pr6.1.E.5c,MU:Re7.1.E.8a)
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cn10.0.E.IaDemonstratehow interests,knowledge,and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU:Cr3.2.E.Ia,MU: Pr4.1.E.Ia,MU: Pr4.3.E.Ia,MU: Re7.1.E.Ia)
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cn10.0.E.IIaDemonstratehow interests,knowledge,and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.E.IIa,MU: Pr4.1.E.IIa,MU: Pr4.3.E.IIa,MU:Re7.1.E.IIa)
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cn10.0.E.IIIaDemonstratehow interests,knowledge,and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.E.IIIa,MU: Pr4.1.E.IIIa,MU:Pr4.3.E.IIIa,MU: Re7.1.E.IIIa)
Artistic Process:Connecting
Process Component:Connect — Relate musical ideas and works to varied contexts and daily life to deepen understanding.
Anchor Standard:Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,cultural,and historicalcontextto deepen understanding.
Enduring Understanding:Understanding connections to varied contexts and daily life enhances musicians’creating,performing,and responding.
Essential Question(s):How do the other arts,other disciplines,contexts,and daily life inform creating,performing,and responding to music?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cn11.0.E.5aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts,and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.E.5a,MU: Cr3.2.E.5a,MU: Pr6.1.E.5b,MU: Re9.1.E.5)
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cn11.0.E.8aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts,and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.E.8a,MU: Cr3.2.E.8a,MU: Pr6.1.E.8b,MU: Re9.1.E.8a)
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cn11.0.E.IaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts,and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.E.Ia,MU: Cr3.2.E.Ia,MU: Pr6.1.E.Ib,MU: Re9.1.E.Ia)
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cn11.0.E.IIaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts,and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.E.IIa,MU: Cr3.2.E.IIa,MU: Pr6.1.E.II,MU: Re9.1.E.IIa)
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cn11.0.E.IIIaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts,and daily life.(MU: Cr1.1.E.IIIa,MU: Cr3.2.E.IIIb,MU: Pr6.1.E.IIIb,MU: Re9.1.E.IIIa)
Music: Harmonizing Instruments
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component: Imagine— Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.
Anchor Standard:Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding:The creative ideas,concepts,and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from avarietyof sources.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians generate creative ideas?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr1.1.H.5a Generate melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas for simplemelodies(such as two-phrase)and chordal accompaniments for given melodies.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr1.1.H.8a Generate melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas formelodies(created over specified chord progressions10orAB/ABA forms) andtwo-tothree-chordaccompaniments for given melodies.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr1.1.H.Ia Generate melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas forimprovisations,compositions(formssuch astheme and variationor 12-bar blues),and threeor-more-chord accompaniments in avarietyof patterns(such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns).
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr1.1.H.IIa Generate melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas forcompositions(formssuch asrounded binary11orrondo12),improvisations,accompaniment patterns in avarietyofstyles,andharmonizations13for givenmelodies.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr1.1.H.IIIa Generate melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas for acollection ofcompositions(representing avarietyofformsandstyles),improvisationsin several different styles,andstylistically appropriateharmonizationsfor givenmelodies.
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component: Planand Make —Selectand develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.
Anchor Standard:Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their expertise,context,andexpressive intent.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians make creative decisions?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr2.1.H.5aSelect,develop,and usestandard notationor audio/video recording to document melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas for drafts of simplemelodies(such as two-phrase) and chordal accompaniments for given melodies.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr2.1.H.8aSelect,develop,and usestandard notationandaudio/video recording to document melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas for drafts ofmelodies(created over specifiedchord progressionsorAB/ABA forms) andtwo-to-three-chordaccompaniments for given melodies.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr2.1.H.IaSelect,develop,and usestandard notationand audio/video recording to document melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas for drafts ofimprovisations,compositions(formssuch astheme and variationor 12-bar blues),andthree-or-more-chord accompaniments in avarietyof patterns(such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns).
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr2.1.H.IIaSelect,develop,and usestandard notationand audio/video recording to document melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas for drafts ofcompositions(formssuch asroundedbinaryorrondo),improvisations,accompaniment patterns in avarietyof styles,andharmonizationsfor givenmelodies.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr2.1.H.IIIaSelect,develop,and usestandard notationand audio/video recording to document melodic,rhythmic,and harmonic ideas for drafts ofcompositions(representing avarietyofformsandstyles),improvisationsin several different styles,andstylistically appropriateharmonizationsfor givenmelodies.
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component:Evaluate andRefine— Evaluate andrefineselected musical ideas tocreate musical workthat meets appropriatecriteria.
Anchor Standard: Refineand complete artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians evaluate andrefinetheir work through openness to new ideas,persistence,and the application of appropriatecriteria.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr3.1.H.5a Applyteacher-provided criteriato critique,improve,andrefinedrafts of simplemelodies(such as two-phrase) and chordal accompaniments for given melodies.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr3.1.H.8a Applyteacher-provided criteriato critique,improve,andrefinedrafts ofmelodies(created over specifiedchord progressionsorAB/ABA forms) andtwo-to-three-chord accompaniments for given melodies.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr3.1.H.Ia Develop and applycriteriato critique,improve,andrefinedrafts ofimprovisations,compositions(formssuch astheme and variationor 12-bar blues) and three-or-more-chord accompaniments in avariety of patterns(such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns).
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr3.1.H.IIa Develop and applycriteriato critique,improve,andrefinedrafts ofcompositions(formssuch asroundedbinaryorrondo),improvisations,accompaniment patterns in a variety ofstyles,andharmonizationsfor givenmelodies.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr3.1.H.IIIa Develop and applycriteriato critique,improve,andrefinedrafts ofcompositions(representing a variety offormsandstyles),improvisationsin a variety ofstyles,andstylistically appropriateharmonizationsfor givenmelodies.
Artistic Process:Creating
Process Component: Present—Performexpressively,with appropriateinterpretationand technical accuracy,and in a manner appropriate to the audience andcontext.
Anchor Standard: Refineand complete artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.
Essential Question(s):When is creative work ready toshare?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cr3.2.H.5aSharefinal versions of simplemelodies(such as two-phrase) and chordal accompaniments for given melodies,demonstrating an understanding of how to develop and organize personalmusical ideas.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cr3.2.H.8aSharefinal versions ofmelodies(created over specifiedchord progressionsorAB/ABA forms) andtwo-to-three-chordaccompaniments for given melodies,demonstrating an understanding of how to develop and organize personalmusical ideas.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cr3.2.H.IaPerformfinal versions ofimprovisations,compositions(formssuch astheme and variationor 12-bar blues),andthree-or-more-chord accompanimentsin a variety of patterns (such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns),demonstratingtechnical skillin applying principles of composition/improvisation and originalityin developing and organizingmusical ideas.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cr3.2.H.IIaPerformfinal versions ofcompositions(formssuch asroundedbinaryorrondo),improvisations,accompaniment patternsin a variety ofstyles,andharmonizationsfor givenmelodies,demonstratingtechnical skillin applying principles of composition/improvisation and originality in developing and organizingmusical ideas.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cr3.2.H.IIIaPerformfinal versions of acollection ofcompositions(representing a variety of formsand styles),improvisationsin several different styles,andstylistically appropriateharmonizationsfor givenmelodies,demonstratingtechnical skillin applying principles of composition/improvisation and originality in developing and organizingmusical ideas.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Select—Selectvaried musical works topresentbased on interest,knowledge,technical skill,andcontext.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze,andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Performers’ interest in and knowledge ofmusical work(s),understanding of their own technical skill,and thecontextfor a performance influence the selection ofrepertoire.
Essential Question(s):How do performersselect repertoire?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr4.1.H.5a Describe anddemonstratehow a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments is selected,based on personal interest,music reading skills,andtechnical skill,as well as thecontextof theperformances.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr4.1.H.8a Describe anddemonstratehow a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments is selected,based on personal interest,music reading skills,andtechnical skill(citingtechnical challengesthat need to be addressed),as well as thecontextof theperformances.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr4.1.H.IaExplain thecriteriausedwhen selecting a variedrepertoireof music forindividual or small groupperformancesthat includemelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompanimentsin a varietyof patterns (such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns).
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr4.1.H.IIaDevelop and applycriteriafor selecting a variedrepertoireof music for individual and small groupperformancesthat includemelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompanimentsin avarietyofstyles.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr4.1.H.IIIa Develop and applycriteriafor selecting a variedrepertoirefor aprogramof musicfor individual and small groupperformancesthat includemelodies,repertoirepieces,stylistically appropriate accompaniments,andimprovisationsin avarietyof contrastingstyles.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Analyze—Analyzethestructureandcontextof varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze,andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Analyzing creators’contextand how they manipulateelements of musicprovides insight into theirintentand informs performance.
Essential Question(s):How does understanding thestructureandcontextof musical works inform performance?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr4.2.H.5a Identify prominent melodic and harmonic characteristics in a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments selected forperformance,including at least some based on readingstandard notation.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr4.2.H.8a Identify prominent melodic,harmonic,andstructuralcharacteristics andcontext(social,cultural,orhistorical) in a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments selected forperformance,including at least some based on readingstandard notation.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr4.2.H.Ia Identifyand describe important theoreticalandstructuralcharacteristicsandcontext(social,cultural,orhistorical) in a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompanimentsin a variety ofpatterns (such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns).
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr4.2.H.IIa Identify and describe importanttheoreticalandstructuralcharacteristics andcontext(social,cultural,andhistorical) in a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompanimentsin avariety ofstyles.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr4.2.H.IIIa Identify and describe importanttheoreticalandstructuralcharacteristics andcontext(social,cultural,andhistorical) in a variedrepertoireof music selected forperformanceprogramsthat includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,stylistically appropriate accompaniments,andimprovisationsin avarietyofcontrastingstyles.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Interpret— Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’intent.
Anchor Standard: Select,analyze,andinterpretartistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:Performers make interpretive decisions based on their understanding ofcontextandexpressive intent.
Essential Question(s):How do performersinterpretmusical works?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr4.3.H.5a Demonstrate and describe ininterpretationsan understanding of thecontextandexpressive intentin a variedrepertoireof music selected forperformancethat includesmelodies,repertoire pieces,and chordal accompaniments.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr4.3.H.8a Demonstrate and describe ininterpretationsan understanding of thecontext(social,cultural,orhistorical) andexpressive intentin a variedrepertoireof music selected forperformancethat includesmelodies,repertoire pieces,and chordal accompaniments.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr4.3.H.Ia Describe ininterpretationsthecontext(social,cultural,orhistorical) andexpressiveintentin a variedrepertoireof music selected forperformancethat includesmelodies,repertoire pieces,improvisations,and chordal accompaniments in avariety of patterns (such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns).
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr4.3.H.IIaExplainininterpretationsthecontext(social,cultural,andhistorical) andexpressive intentin a variedrepertoireof music selected forperformancethat includesmelodies,repertoire pieces,improvisations,and chordal accompaniments in avariety ofstyles.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr4.3.H.IIIa Explain andpresentinterpretationsthat demonstrate and describe thecontext(social,cultural,andhistorical) andan understanding of the creator’sintentinrepertoirefor variedprogramsof musicthat includemelodies,repertoire pieces,stylistically appropriateaccompaniments,andimprovisationsin a variety ofcontrastingstyles.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component:Rehearse,Evaluate,andRefine— Evaluate andrefinepersonal andensembleperformances,individually or in collaboration with others.
Anchor Standard:Develop andrefineartistic techniques and work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding:To express their musical ideas,musiciansanalyze,evaluate,andrefinetheir performance over time through openness to new ideas,persistence,and the application of appropriatecriteria.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians improve the quality of their performance?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr5.1.H.5a Applyteacher-provided criteriato critique individualperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments selected for performance,and apply practice strategies to address performance challenges andrefinethe performances.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr5.1.H.8a Applyteacher-provided criteriato critique individualperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments selected for performance,andidentifypractice strategies to address performance challenges andrefinethe performances.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr5.1.H.Ia Develop and applycriteriato critique individualand small groupperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompanimentsin a varietyof patterns(such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns),andcreaterehearsal strategiesto address performance challenges andrefinethe performances.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr5.1.H.IIa Develop and applycriteriato critique individual and small groupperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompaniments in avarietyofstyles,andcreaterehearsal strategies to address performance challenges andrefinethe performances.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr5.1.H.IIIa Develop and applycriteria,includingfeedback from multiple sources,to critique variedprogramsof musicrepertoire(melodies,repertoirepieces,stylistically appropriateaccompaniments,improvisationsin avarietyof contrastingstyles) selected for individual and small group performance,andcreaterehearsal strategies to address performance challenges andrefinethe performances.
Artistic Process:Performing
Process Component: Present—Performexpressively,with appropriateinterpretationand technical accuracy,and in a manner appropriate to the audience andcontext.
Anchor Standard:Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians judge performance based oncriteriathat vary across time,place,and cultures.Thecontextand how a work is presented influence the audience response.
Essential Question(s):When is a performance judged ready topresent? How docontextand the manner in which themusical workis presented influence audience response?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Pr6.1.H.5aPerformwithexpressionandtechnical accuracyin individualperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments,demonstrating understanding of the audience and thecontext.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Pr6.1.H.8aPerformwithexpressionandtechnical accuracyin individualperformancesof a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,and chordal accompaniments,demonstratingsensitivity14to the audience and anunderstanding of the context(social,cultural,orhistorical).
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Pr6.1.H.IaPerformwithexpressionandtechnical accuracy,in individual andsmall groupperformances,a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompanimentsin a varietyof patterns (such as arpeggio,country and gallop strumming,finger picking patterns),demonstratingsensitivityto the audience and an understanding of thecontext(social,cultural,orhistorical).
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Pr6.1.H.IIaPerformwithexpressionandtechnical accuracy,in individual and small groupperformances,a variedrepertoireof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,improvisations,and chordal accompaniments in avarietyofstyles,demonstratingsensitivityto the audience and an understanding of thecontext(social,cultural,andhistorical).
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Pr6.1.H.IIIaPerformwithexpressionandtechnical accuracy,in individual and small groupperformances,a variedrepertoireforprogramsof music that includesmelodies,repertoirepieces,stylistically appropriateaccompaniments,andimprovisationsin a varietyof contrastingstyles,demonstratingsensitivityto the audience and an understanding of thecontext(social,cultural,andhistorical).
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Select— Choose music appropriate for a specificpurposeorcontext.
Anchor Standard:Perceive andanalyzeartistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Individuals’ selection of musical works is influenced by their interests,experiences,understandings,and purposes.
Essential Question(s):How do individuals choose music to experience?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re7.1.H.5aDemonstrateand describe reasons for selecting music,based on characteristics found in the music andconnectionsto interest,purpose,or personal experience.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re7.1.H.8aExplainreasons for selecting musiccitingcharacteristics found in the music andconnectionsto interest,purpose,andcontext.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re7.1.H.IaApplycriteriatoselectmusic for specified purposes,supporting choices byciting characteristics found in the music andconnectionsto interest,purpose,andcontext.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re7.1.H.IIa Applycriteriatoselectmusic for avarietyof purposes,justifying choices citing knowledge of the music and the specifiedpurposeandcontext.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re7.1.H.IIIaSelect,describe,and compare avarietyofindividual and small group musicalprogramsfromvariedcultures,genres,andhistorical periods.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Analyze—Analyzehow thestructureandcontextof varied musical works inform the response.
Anchor Standard:Perceive andanalyzeartistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Response to music is informed by analyzingcontext(social,cultural,and historical) and how creators and performers manipulate theelements of music.
Essential Question(s):How does understanding thestructureandcontextof the music influence a response?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re7.2.H.5aDemonstrateand explain,citing evidence,the use of repetition,similarities,and contrasts in musical selections and how these and knowledge of thecontext(socialorcultural) inform the response.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re7.2.H.8aDescribehowthe way that the elements of musicare manipulatedand knowledge of thecontext(socialandcultural) inform the response.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re7.2.H.IaCompare passages in musical selectionsand explain how theelements of musicandcontext(social,cultural,orhistorical) inform the response.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re7.2.H.IIaExplain how theanalysisof the structuresandcontext(social,cultural,andhistorical)ofcontrastingmusical selections inform the response.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re7.2.H.IIIaDemonstrateand justifyhow thestructuralcharacteristicsfunctionwithin avarietyofmusical selections,and distinguish howcontext(social,cultural,andhistorical) andcreative decisionsinform the response.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component: Interpret— Support aninterpretationof musical works that reflect creators’/performers’expressive intent.
Anchor Standard: Interpret intentand meaning in artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:Through their use of elements and structures of music,creators and performers provide clues to theirexpressive intent.
Essential Question(s):How do we discern the musical creators’ and performers’expressive intent?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re8.1.H.5a Identifyinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning of musical selections,referring to theelements of music,context(personalorsocial),and (when appropriate) thesetting of the text.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re8.1.H.8a Identifyand supportinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning of musical selections,citing as evidencethe treatmentof theelements of music,context,and (when appropriate) thesetting of the text.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re8.1.H.IaExplainand supportinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning of musical selections,citing as evidence the treatment of theelements of music,context(personal,social,andcultural),and(when appropriate) thesetting of the text,andoutside sources.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re8.1.H.IIa Explain and supportinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning of musical selections,citing as evidence the treatment of theelements of music,context(personal,social,andcultural),and(when appropriate) thesetting of the text,andvaried researchedsources.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re8.1.H.IIIaEstablish andjustifyinterpretationsof theexpressive intentand meaning of musical selections by comparing and synthesizing varied researched sources,including reference to examples from other art forms.
Artistic Process:Responding
Process Component:Evaluate — Support personal evaluation ofmusical work(s) and performance(s) based onanalysis,interpretation,and establishedcriteria.
Anchor Standard:Applycriteriato evaluate artistic work.
Enduring Understanding:The personal evaluation ofmusical work(s) and performance(s) is informed byanalysis,interpretation,and establishedcriteria.
Essential Question(s):How do we judge the quality ofmusical work(s) and performance(s)?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Re9.1.H.5a Identify and describe how interest,experiences,andcontexts(personalorsocial) effect the evaluation of music.
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Re9.1.H.8aExplainthe influenceof experiences andcontexts(personal,social,orcultural) on interest in and the evaluation of avariedrepertoireof music.
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Re9.1.H.IaDevelop and applyteacher-provided andestablished criteriabased onpersonal preference,analysis,andcontext(personal,social,andcultural) to evaluateindividual and small group musical selectionsfor listening.
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Re9.1.H.IIa Applypersonally-developedandestablished criteriabased onresearch,personal preference,analysis,interpretation,expressive intent,andmusical qualitiesto evaluatecontrastingindividual and small group musical selections for listening.
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Re9.1.H.IIIaDevelop and justifyevaluations of avarietyof individual and small group musical selections for listening based onpersonally-developedandestablished criteria,personal decision making,and knowledge and understanding ofcontext.
Artistic Process:Connecting
Process Component:Connect — Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Anchor Standard:Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Enduring Understanding:Musicians connect their personal interests,experiences,ideas,and knowledge to creating,performing,and responding.
Essential Question(s):How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating,performing,and responding?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cn10.0.H.5aDemonstratehow interests,knowledge and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.H.5a,MU: Pr4.1.H.5a,MU: Re7.1.H.5a)
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cn10.0.H.8aDemonstratehow interests,knowledge and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.H.8a,MU: Pr4.1.H.8,MU: Re7.1.H.8a)
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cn10.0.H.IaDemonstratehow interests,knowledge and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.H.Ia,MU: Pr4.1.H.Ia,MU: Re7.1.H.Ia)
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cn10.0.H.IIaDemonstratehow interests,knowledge and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.H.IIa ,MU: Pr4.1.H.IIa)
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cn10.0.H.IIIaDemonstratehow interests,knowledge and skills relate to personal choices andintentwhen creating,performing,and responding to music.(MU: Cr3.2.H.IIIa,MU: Pr4.1.H.IIIa)
Artistic Process:Connecting
Process Component:Connect — Relate musical ideas and works to varied contexts and daily life to deepen understanding.
Anchor Standard:Relate artistic ideas and works with variedcontextto deepen understanding.
Enduring Understanding:Understanding connections to varied contexts and daily life enhances musicians’creating,performing,and responding.
Essential Question(s):How do the other arts,other disciplines,contexts and daily life inform creating,performing,and responding to music?
Grade HS Novice
MU: Cn11.0.H.5aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts and daily life.(MU: Pr4.3.H.5a,MU: Re7.2.H.5a,MU: Re9.1.H.5a )
Grade HS Intermediate
MU: Cn11.0.H.8aDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts and daily life.(MU: Pr4.3.H.8a,MU: Re7.2.H.8a,MU: Re9.1.H.8a)
Grade HS Proficient
MU: Cn11.0.H.IaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts and daily life.(MU: Pr4.3.H.Ia,MU: Re7.2.H.Ia,MU: Re9.1.H.Ia)
Grade HS Accomplished
MU: Cn11.0.H.IIaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts and daily life.(MU:Pr4.3.H.IIa,MU: Re7.2.H.IIa,MU: Re9.1.H.IIa)
Grade HS Advanced
MU: Cn11.0.H.IIIaDemonstrateunderstanding of relationships between music and the other arts,other disciplines,varied contexts and daily life.(MU:Pr4.3.H.IIIa,MU: Re7.2.H.IIIa,MU: Re9.1.H.IIIa)
National Core Arts Standards © 2015 National Coalition for Core Arts Standards.
Rights administered by State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE).All
Additional materials including discipline specific introductions and glossaries used by
special permission.All rights
1Rhythmic passage: Short section or series of notes within a larger work that constitutes a single coherent rhythmic idea.
2Section: one of a number of distinct segments that together comprise a composition; a section consists of several phrases.
3Formal design: Large-scale framework for a piece of music in which the constituent parts cohere into a meaningful whole;encompasses both structural and tonal aspects of the piece.
4Theoretical: (SeeFundamentals of Music Theory).
5Structural: (SeeStructure).
6Setting: Specified or implied instrumentation,voicing,or orchestration of a musical work.
7Compositional devices: Tools used by a composer or arranger (arranger: person who creates alternative settings or adaptations of existing music) to create or organize a composition or arrangement,such as tonality,sequence,repetition,instrumentation,orchestration,harmonic/melodic structure,style,and form.
8Ability: Natural aptitude in specific skills and processes; what the student is apt to do,without formal instruction.
9Setting of the text: Musical treatment of text as presented in the music.
10Chord progression: Series of chords sounding in succession; certain progressions are typical in particular styles/genres of music.
11Binary form: (SeeAB).
12Rondo: Musical form consisting of three or more contrasting sections in which one section recurs,such as ABACA.
13Harmonization: Process of applying stylistically appropriate harmony,such as chords,countermelodies,and ostinato,to melodic material.
14Sensitivity: Skill of a creator,performer,or listener in responding to and conveying the nuances of sound or expression.