Individual Differences in Language Leanrning
【Abstract】 When talking about language learning and teaching, teachers usually pay more attention to knowledge, skills, learning strategy, cultural awareness and affection, actually indidual differences should also be attached more improtance to in the application to language teaching because different personalities have different influence upon L2 learning.
【Key words】 language learning; indidual differnces; application
1. Introduction
Different personalities have different influence upon L2 learning, and language teachers should encourage students to learn L2 because they have different motivation. Both students and teachers should show empathy to other people and other cultures because of the difference between people and culture. Then the application of these factors in L2 teaching will be discussed.
2. Personality factors in Language learning
Personality refers to ‘the aspects of an individuals behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and feelings which are regarded as typical and distinctive of that person and recognized as such by that person and others (Richard, Platt & Platt, 1992, 271). Personality development usually involves the growth of a persons concept of self, acceptance of self, and reflection of selves as seen in the interaction between self and others. So there are many different factors within a person influencing the success of language learning.
3. Extroversion and Introversion
Extroversion means a person whose conscious interests and energies are more often directed outwards towards other people and events than towards the persons themselves and their own inner experiences (Richard, et al, 1992, 134). And according to Brown (2000, 155), extroversion refers to a person who has a deep-seated need to reach ego enhancement, self-esteem, and a sense of wholeness from other people as opposed to receiving that affirmation within oneself.
4. Empathy
Empathy is the major personality factor with the quality of being able to imagine and share the thought, feelings, and opinions of others in the harmonious coexistence of individuals in society. In other words, empathy is the process of ‘putting yourself into someone elses shoes, of reaching beyond the self to understand what another person is feeling (Brown, 2000, 153).
5. Motivation
Motivation, the factor that determines to ones desire to do something, plays an important part in L2 learning. It is divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the former refers to behaviors aiming at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences, namely, feelings of competence and self-determination (Deci, 1975, 23 in Brown, 2000, 164), while the latter refers to behaviors carried out in anticipation of a reward from outside and beyond the self (Brown, 2000, 164).
6. Application in L2 teaching
It is very difficult to teach L2 successfully because there are so many factors which have great influence on students learning. Language teachers should think of various ways to teach students, e.g. group work, because based on the definitions given above, the extroverted are usually considered as the talkative, outgoing, and active participants in different activities, esp. in language learning. They show more confidence in speaking activities and are keen on interacting with others. Their communicative ability in L2 learning is better than the introverted. While the introverted students patience and carefulness contribute a lot to their language learning because they can express their ideas in exact words and have a good skill of reading and writing. So, to some extent, introversion is superior to extroversion, so in group work they can help each other.
Each individual has different motivation to learn second language. For instance, in China, most of the students learn English for various entrance examination. This motivation forces them to make their effort to language learning. So, language teachers should think of ways to sustain their intrinsic motivation to the success of L2 learning.
7. Conclusion
I have analyzed the factors influencing the difference between individuals: personality, motivation, I hope that language teachers can take the advantage of the strong points to teach L2 successfully.
[1]Brown, H. D. 2000. Principles of language learning and teaching. 4th Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.