刘雨舟 湖南师范大学 湖南长沙 410006
1. 引言
在自传体小说《浮生六记》中,作者沈复描写了与其爱妻陈芸幸福安静的婚姻生活,同时还描写了其家庭变故、闲情意趣、山水游记等等,为后人生动再现了二百多年前中国文人的生活意趣。在这部优秀著作中,通篇文言行文,练字精当简练,大量使用典故,具有极高的语言艺术成就。然而考虑到中西文化差异,典故所蕴含的文化内涵往往会给译者带来困扰。因此, 如何将典故的引申意义和独特的民族特色更好地传达给读者就成为译者必须要回答的问题。本文选取林语堂译本(Six Chapters of A Floating Life)和白伦、江素惠夫妇合译本(Six Records of A Floating Life)中的典故作为研究对象,指出在东西方社会文化语境下,典故的翻译应该使目的语接受者获得与原语文本读者尽可能相同的阅读效果,以期更好地推动典籍英译的发展,帮助中国文化“走出去”。
3.1 出自历史事件或历史故事之典故
(1)芸曰:“肥者有福相。”余曰:“马嵬之祸, 玉环之福安在?”
“But a plump person has good luck, ” replied Yun. “What about the fat Yang Kueifei who died at Mawei?” (林语堂,1999:221)
“Fat people have good fortune,” Yun applied.“Considering the disaster that befell her at Mawei,”I said, “Where was Yang kuei-fei’s good fortune?” (白伦,江素惠, 2017:74)
Yang Kuei-fei was an imperial concubine who was rather plump and is supposed to have so distracted the T’ang Emperor Hsuan Tsung that he almost lost the dynasty to the rebel An Lu-shan. She was executed by loyalist troops at Mawei. (白伦,江素惠,2017:130)
3.2 出自神话传说之典故
But Li Po’s poems have the wayward charm of a nymph. His lines come naturally like dropping petals and flowing waters, and are so much lovelier for their spontaneity. (林语堂,1999:21)
But Li Pai’s poetry flows like a flower tossed into a stream. It’s enchanting. (白伦,江素惠, 2017:7)
“姑射仙子”是中国传统神话传说中的仙女,最早出自《庄子.逍遥游》。林在翻译时,将其译成了“nymph”( 指希腊神话中的女神),采取了改换形象意译的方法,令目的语读者易于接受。而白氏夫妇直接删去了这一典故,有失妥当。
3.3 出自文学作品之典故
“The beauty had therefore fallen into the hands of a barbarian.” (林语堂,1999:133)
“The beauty belongs to Sha-shih-li!” (白伦,江素惠, 2017:46)
A line from a famous folk story that recounts the kidnapping of a beautiful woman by the barbarian leader Sha-shih-li during the T’ang Dynasty. (白伦,江素惠,2017:126)
3.4 出自民间习俗之典故
On the seventh night of the seventh moon of that year, Yun prepared incense, candle and some melons and other fruits, so that we might together worship the Grandson of Heaven 1 in the Hall called “After My Heart.” (林语堂,1999:27)
1: The seventh day of the seventh moon is the only day in the year when the pair of heavenly lovers, the Cowherd (“Grandson of Heaven”) and the Spinster, are allowed to meet each other across the Miky Way. (林语堂,1999:27)
On the evening of the 7th day of the seventh month that year, Yun lit candles and set out fruit on the altar by the Pavilion of My Desire, and we worshipped Tien Sun together. (白伦,江素惠, 2017:9)
The Weaver’s Star. The legend tells that the waver and the cowherd were so much in love that they neglected both cloth and cows. Thus they were banished to separate stars, and can come together in the sky only once a year, on the 7th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. It is a day for lovers and for young women in search for a husband.(白伦,江素惠, 2017:121)
3.5 出自人名地名之典故
(5) 芸谓华夫人曰:“今日真如渔父入桃源矣。”
“Now I really feel like the fisherman who went up to the Peach-Blossom Spring,”1 said Yun to Mrs.Hua. (林语堂,1999: 151)
1: Reference to an idyllic retreat mentioned in an essay by T’ao Yuanming. ( 林语堂,1999: 151)
Yun told Madam Hua, “Today I feel just like the fisherman who wander into Peach Blossom Spring!” (白伦,江素惠, 2017:51)
An ancient tale immortalized by the Chin poet T’ao Ch’ien (365-427), about a fisherman who strolls through a peach orchard and discovers a mysterious valley isolated from the cares of the world. On his arrival, he is interrogated by the inhabitants of the valley about conditions in the outside world, much as Yun was being questioned by the farm women. According to the legend, the fisherman began his trek by mooring his boat at chuanchou on the Yuan River in Hunan Province. (白伦,江素惠, 2017:126-127)
从翻译环境和目的方面来看,林译本《浮生六记》最早刊登于1935年的《天下》月刊以及《西风》上。在当时的历史环境下,美国人大多对中国怀有偏见。因此林语堂认为自己有责任将中国人的生活哲学介绍给西方读者,但考虑到目标读者的接受程度,在大多数时候还是采取了归化的策略,增加了译本的可读性。白伦、江素惠的译本于八十年代由企鹅出版社出版,在前言中,白氏夫妇也写道“…by the use of extensive but, we hope, not intrusive notes and maps - present to the modern English reader a more complete exposition of the tale Shen Fu told.”也就是说,白伦、江素惠译本在解释典故的注解方面更加详尽,就是想让当代的西方读者体会到当时当地中国的风土人情,这种译本不得不说可能也更符合目前让中国文化走出去的趋势。