

农业工程学报 2019年16期

梁荣庆,陈学庚,张炳成,蒙贺伟,姜 鹏,彭祥彬,坎 杂,李卫敏


梁荣庆,陈学庚,张炳成,蒙贺伟,姜 鹏,彭祥彬,坎 杂※,李卫敏

(1. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832000;2. 农业部西北农业装备重点实验室,石河子 832000)



0 引 言

地膜覆盖栽培技术具有改善农作物生长环境及调节农作物生长周期等功能[1-6],被广泛应用于国内外农业生产中[7],推动了农业生产力及农业产业发展[8-11],也促进了农作物增产增收[12],该技术自20世纪70年代引入以来,在中国大部分地区取得了迅速推广与应用,尤其在北方干旱、半干旱及高山冷凉地区使用最为普遍[13-18],目前农用地膜已成为中国农业四大生产资料(种子、地膜、农药及化肥)之一[19]。截止到2017年底,中国当年农作物地膜覆盖面积及总使用量已达到了1 865.7万hm2及143.7万t[20],年需求量增长趋势明显。随着地膜覆盖面积及使用量的增加,农田地膜残留给农业生产环境及生态环境带来了诸多问题,目前中国农田地膜残留量约占总使用量的1/4~1/3[8]。



1 新疆棉田残膜使用及污染情况分析

1.1 新疆棉田地膜使用情况分析



截止到2017年,中国及新疆当年农田地膜总覆盖面积分别为1 865.7万hm2及379.6万hm2,新疆当年农田地膜总覆盖面积约占中国当年农田地膜总覆盖面积的20.3%和新疆当年农作物总播种面积(588.7万hm2[19])的64.5%,而新疆当年棉花种植面积为221.75 万hm2,新疆棉花覆膜总面积也为221.75 万hm2,约占新疆当年农田地膜总覆盖面积的58.4%。

图1 1993—2017年农作物播种面积、地膜覆盖面积及棉花种植面积



图2 1993—2017年中国及新疆农田地膜总使用量

1.2 新疆棉田残膜污染情况分析

农田地膜主要成分为高分子聚合物,性能极为稳定,自然降解时间为200~400 a[61]。随着农田地膜使用量和使用年限不断增加[62],农田残膜在土壤中大量聚集,当前全国耕地农田地膜平均残留量约为60 kg/hm2,最高已达到了165 kg/hm2[63-64],给农业生产、农作物生长和生态环境保护等带来了诸多问题。

2018年全国棉花种植面积为335.2万hm2,新疆作为中国棉花主产区,2018年棉花种植面积为249.2万hm2,约占全国总量的74.3%[65]。随着新疆棉花种植面积逐年扩大及长年覆膜连作,30多年来棉田积累的残膜污染问题尤为突出。土壤耕层中残膜碎片增多主要是由于农田地膜材料厚度、覆膜强度及回收力度不够等影响因素所造成的[66],文献[67-72]显示,新疆长期覆膜棉田耕层地膜残留量为42~540 kg/hm2,平均残留量在260 kg/hm2以上,是全国农田地膜平均残留量的4倍多,且该指标随种植年限增加而不断增加,地膜覆盖连续20年种植棉花-加工番茄土壤耕层中地膜残留量甚至高达358 kg/hm2。另外,新疆棉田地膜在耕层中的残留量分布较为集中,据调查统计在0~300 mm耕层土壤中的残膜量约占地膜总残留量的85%以上,且以碎片居多,极易形成残膜障碍层,与表层残膜相比其回收及初清理更困难。

2 新疆棉田残膜回收现状


2.1 人工收膜作业

2018年对新疆阿拉尔市、石河子市、双河市及玛纳斯县等地棉田残膜回收情况调研过程中发现,调研结果显示:南疆部分地区棉田残膜回收采用人工揭边膜、划中膜及揭膜作业方式,人工揭边膜及划中膜作业(图3a)主要在每年5月下旬至6月中旬首次灌溉前进行,以铁锹辅助作业或直接拖拽为主,无相应机械配套;划中膜作业则利用简单圆盘式划膜片或铁钩完成,人工揭边膜及划膜作业成本为150~200元/(人·d),作业效率约为2.67 hm2/(人·d)。

a. 人工划膜作业a. Manually cutting plastic film operationb. 人工揭膜作业b. Manually uncovering plastic film operation

人工揭膜作业(图3b)主要集中每年8月中旬灌溉前或11月中旬采棉结束后且棉秆粉碎还田作业前后进行,8月中旬灌溉前揭膜作业时棉田残膜强度及完整性较好,且人工揭取的残膜较为完整,其残留量及含杂量较少,有利于资源化利用,但该时期棉花正处于发育生长期,棉株高且棉铃多,为避免伤铃,该环节均采用人工揭膜,并无相应配套或辅助机械;另外也有部分农户选择在11月中旬棉花收获结束后且棉秆粉碎还田作业前后进行揭膜作业,该阶段棉田残膜强度及完整性与8月中旬相比较差,揭膜完整性较低,回收的残膜含有一定量棉秆,不利于后期残膜初清理及资源化利用。调研显示,人工揭膜作业效率约为0.67 hm2/(人·d),农闲时期人工作业成本最高为150元/(人·d),近年来由于新疆劳动力短缺,农忙时节人工成本较昂贵,约为200元/(人·d),而且雇佣困难,成本高、工作效率低、用工量及劳动强度大等问题,不适合大面积连续作业。


2.2 机械收膜作业



播前残膜回收机械主要是在棉花播种前对耕层内前季及多年残膜碎片进行回收的作业机械,包括搂耙式、链筛式、钉齿式、弹齿式、联合整地式及深翻筛土式等类型[78-83]。以搂耙式、弹齿式及钉齿式等结构为主的播前残膜回收机械作业深度一般为50 mm,该类型机具回收的棉田残膜以短条或碎片为主,含杂量少,有利于棉田残膜初清理及资源化利用。

深翻筛土式播前残膜回收机又称为耕层残膜回收机,作业深度可达200 mm以下。在作业过程中,主要采用旋耕装置将土壤打散,利用链筛式等分离装置将土壤与残膜进行筛分,继而实现残膜的有效回收,该类作业机具回收的残膜以碎片为主且含杂量较高,若处理不及时或不合理极易造成二次环境污染。另外,由于机收残膜中夹杂大量往季或当季还田的棉秆,对秸秆还田实际效果也会产生一定影响。









3 新疆棉田残膜初清理及资源化利用现状



3.1 棉田残膜初清理方式



a. 高速塑料破碎清洗机a. High speed plastic crushing and cleaning machineb. 搅拌清洗池b. Stirring cleaning pool

塑料水洗初清理设备主要由输送带、破碎机(撕碎机)、搓洗机、清洗槽等立式脱水机等组成。该类成套设备配套功率均在150 kW以上,加工能力为1 500 t/a左右,整体售价均在100万元以上。该类设备工艺流程为:撕碎(破碎)→高速搓洗→漂洗→脱水,主要工作过程为:利用单轴破碎机(撕碎机)对无棉秆的长条状或团状残膜进行破碎,破碎后的棉田残膜则被送至高速螺旋搓洗机中进行反复搓洗,尽可能去除棉田残膜碎片表面粘附土壤,搓洗后的棉田残膜碎片再被送至搅拌清洗水槽中进行反复搅拌清洗,清洗干净后的棉田残膜碎片则被搅拌清洗槽中的捡拾抛送机构抛送至立式脱水机中进行脱水,完成棉田残膜的初清理。为使棉田残膜清理干净,该成套设备配置的搅拌清洗槽较长,最长可达24 m,沉淀循环水池为3 000 m3左右,在水洗过程中虽可加滤网对较大尺寸残膜碎片进行过滤,但在沉淀水池中仍有较小的残膜碎片存在。


3.2 棉田残膜资源化利用情况


a. 残膜造粒设备a. Plastic film processing grains equipmentb. 塑料颗粒b. Plastic grains

以水洗造粒为主的棉田残膜再生加工设备所生产的再生塑料颗粒最优可达二级标准,市场售价最高可达7 000元/t(原生新料价格为9 000元/t),该再生塑料颗粒可与新塑料颗粒按一定比例混合后用于滴灌带、周转箱及包装膜等塑料产品的生产制造。


图6 残膜初清理及再生加工工艺流程

4 棉田残膜资源化利用问题及策略

4.1 棉田残膜资源化利用存在的主要问题













4.2 策略及建议


目前普通地膜厚度虽达到了GB 13735-2017《聚乙烯吹塑农用地面覆盖薄膜》的规定要求,但其强度未必能达到相应标准,由于新疆棉田地膜覆盖时间需100 d以上,该类地膜在回收时若强度不够也难以收集,且回收的棉田残膜碎片化较为严重及含杂量较高,因此在要求地膜厚度的同时,也需对其强度进行规定。与此同时应加快耐候性、高强度及可降解地膜的推广力度及速度,从根本上解决棉田残膜回收困难、含杂量高且杂质难以清理的问题,以便于初清理及资源化利用。


针对现有的棉田残膜回收机械存在的诸多问题,应加大科研投入,以农机与农艺融合为出发点,以提升机械化棉田残膜回收技术水平为总体目标,研究开发高效、高可靠性、适应性强且适用于普通标准地膜(厚度为0.01 mm)的棉田残膜回收机械,突破技术难点及攻克技术瓶颈,解决棉田边膜、根膜及耕层残膜回收难、残膜含杂量高等问题[54],重点攻克膜杂分离技术、边膜收获技术、起膜挑膜技术、输膜脱膜技术及耕层残膜回收技术等,并且能够满足整机价格低廉、操作简单及轻简化等要求,有效降低棉田残膜回收及资源化利用成本,增加企业受益及提高积极性。另外,还应对棉田残膜专用的装卸、打捆及转运机械进行开发,解决棉田残膜长距离转运问题。









5 结 论

1)截止到2017年,新疆当年农田地膜总使用量为21.9万t,新疆当年农田地膜总使用量约占全国农田地膜总使用量的15.3%,若按新疆当年棉花覆膜总面积约占新疆当年农作物覆膜总面积的58.4%推算,则2017年新疆当年棉花农田地膜使用总量为12.8万t。随着地膜使用量的增加及覆盖面积的扩大,残膜污染问题也日益凸显,新疆长期覆膜棉田耕层地膜残留量为42~540 kg/hm2,平均残留量在260 kg/hm2以上,是全国农田地膜平均残留量的4倍多,对生态环境及农业生产环境造成了重大影响,地膜使用与农业生态环境保护及农业绿色可持续发展之间的矛盾日益突出,残膜机械化回收虽在一定程度上解决了残膜污染问题,收而不用又会造成二次环境污染及有效资源浪费,残膜回收和资源化利用应并举并重,才能在根本上解决残膜污染问题。



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Problems and countermeasures of recycling methods and resource reuse of residual film in cotton fields of Xinjiang

Liang Rongqing, Chen Xuegeng, Zhang Bingcheng, Meng Hewei, Jiang Peng, Peng Xiangbin, Kan Za※, Li Weimin

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Plastic film mulching cultivation technology has functions such as improving crop growth environment and regulating crop growth cycle, and it has been widely used in agricultural production processes at home and abroad, and it has promoted agricultural productivity and agricultural industry development. But the problem of mulch film residue has brought many harms to the agricultural production environment and the ecological environment. The contradiction between the use of mulch film and the ecological environment protection of agriculture and the sustainable development of agriculture has become increasingly prominent. Xinjiang is the major cotton producing area in China, and the area covered by plastic film and the amount of its use rank first in the country, and the problem of residual film pollution in cotton fields in Xinjiang is particularly serious, which is affected by multiple factors such as growing planting area, continuous cropping, poor film strength and insufficient recycling. The problem of residual film pollution in cotton fields affects the growth and yield of cotton, and the quality of agricultural machinery operations has been reduced and the content of heterogeneous fibers in cotton textiles has exceeded the standard. In recent years, through the formulation and implementation of laws and regulations and the research and development of cotton film residual membrane mechanized recycling technology, the residual film pollution control work has achieved initial results, but residual film pollution control is a system engineering, and the problem of recycling but not using will cause secondary environmental pollution and effective use of resources. Based on the analysis and induction of the current basic use conditions and residual pollution situation of farmland mulch in Xinjiang, the paper took the current recycling method, the residual film preliminary cleaning method and resource re-utilization situation of cotton fields in Xinjiang as the main research content, and the characteristics of the residual film in cotton fields recycled by different methods were analyzed, the difficulty of initial cleaning and recycling of cotton film residues recovered by different methods was compared and analyzed. Through field investigations on the current basic conditions of the residual film preliminary cleaning method, reprocessing process flow and utilization methods in Xinjiang, the supporting equipment and working process of each production link were analyzed. The results showed that the main influencing factors that hindered the resource reusing process of residual film in cotton fields in Xinjiang were the lack of the advanced and applicable cotton fields residual film recycling machinery, higher residual film impurity in the cotton field harvested by machine, the lack of equipment and immature technology of the residual film preliminary cleaning and reprocessing method, the single cotton fields residual film recycling and reprocessing methods and products, and less residual film preliminary cleaning and reprocessing enterprises. Residual film recycling and resource re-utilization should be carried out in order to effectively solve the residual film pollution problem. Based on this, the coping strategies were proposed. It was recommended to accelerate the production and use of film by improving the weathering and high-strength film promotion and demonstration, improving the mechanized recycling technology of cotton fields residual film, developing suitable residual film preliminary cleaning and reprocessing technology, and rationally arranging the preliminary cleaning and reprocessing enterprises, recycling and reuse of all links to form a closed-loop residual film pollution control model for the entire industrial chain, comprehensive and multi-level solution to the problem of residual film pollution in cotton fields in Xinjiang, which were conducive to energy saving and emission reduction and sustainable development of agriculture and could provide some reference for farmland residual film pollution control and resource reuse in Xinjiang and even the whole country.

films; recycling; cotton; pollution control;preliminary cleaning;resource utilization





坎 杂,教授,博士生导师,主要从事现代农业装备研究。





梁荣庆,陈学庚,张炳成,蒙贺伟,姜 鹏,彭祥彬,坎 杂,李卫敏. 新疆棉田残膜回收方式及资源化再利用现状问题与对策[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(16):1-13. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.001

Liang Rongqing, Chen Xuegeng, Zhang Bingcheng, Meng Hewei, Jiang Peng, Peng Xiangbin, Kan Za, Li Weimin. Problems and countermeasures of recycling methods and resource reuse of residual film in cotton fields of Xinjiang[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(16): 1-13. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.001


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