王琳 王剑波 乔静 王倩
摘 要 目的:評价有氧运动锻炼干预对社区老年代谢综合征患者的影响。方法:从上海田林社区65岁以上老年健康体检数据中,选取符合代谢综合征诊断的患者100名,随机分成干预组和对照租,每组各50例。干预组中男性20例,女性30例,平均年龄(73.4±5.8)岁;对照组中男性21例,女性29例,平均年龄(71.6±5.2)岁。对干预组实施低速自行车骑行的有氧运动,对照组没有任何运动。干预为期12周,评价两组患者代谢综合症指标的变化情况。结果:干预后,干预组的体重指数(BMI)和腰围(WC)平均水平均明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);干预组的血压和空腹血糖(FPG)平均水平均低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:有氧运动干预对控制老年代谢综合征患者的BMI、WC、FPG和血压效果明显,有助于减轻药物经济负担和药物副作用,提高生活质量,是防治代谢综合征的理想措施。
关键词 有氧运动;老年人;代谢综合征
中图分类号:R589 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2019)14-0060-03
Evaluation of the effect of aerobic exercise intervention on elderly patients with metabolic syndrome
WANG Lin1, WANG Jianbo2, QIAO Jing1, WANG Qian1(1. Aijianyuan Team of Tianlin Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District, Shanghai 200233, China; 2. Chief of Xujiahui Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise intervention on elderly patients with metabolic syndrome in the community. Methods: From the health examination data of elderly people over 65 years old in Tianlin Community of Shanghai, 100 patients who met the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome were selected and randomly divided into an intervention group and a control group with 50 cases in each group. There were 20 males and 30 females in the intervention group with an average age of (73.4±5.8) years; there were 21 males and 29 females in the control group with an average age of (71.6±5.2) years. The intervention group was given aerobic exercise of cycling at low speed, and the control group did not exercise at all. The intervention lasted for 12 weeks, and the changes of metabolic syndrome indicators in the two groups were evaluated. Results: After intervention, the average levels of body mass index(BMI) and waist circumference(WC) in the intervention group were significantly lower than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05); the average blood pressure and fasting plasma glucose(FPG) levels in the intervention group were lower than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion: Aerobic exercise intervention is effective in controlling BMI, WC, FPG and blood pressure in elderly patients with metabolic syndrome, helps to reduce the economic burden of drugs and side effects of drugs, and improves the quality of life, which is an ideal measure to prevent metabolic syndrome.
KEY WORDS aerobic exercise; elderly people; metabolic syndrome
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
从1 420名参与健康体检对象中选择有代谢综合征的65岁以上老年人100例,按参加体检顺序编号,以奇数和偶数随机将研究对象分为干预组和对照组,每组各50例。干预组中男性20例,女性30例,平均年龄(73.4±5.8)岁;对照组中男性21例,女性29例,平均年龄(71.6±5.2)岁。两组性别和平均年龄差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
纳入标准是根據MS诊断标准[4],即有中心性肥胖(男性腰围(WC)≥90 cm,女性WC≥80 cm),且合并以下四项指标中任二项:(1)三酰甘油(TG)水平≥1.7 mmol/L,或已接受相应治疗者;(2)高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-c)水平降低(男性<1.03 mmol/L,女性<1.29mmol/L),或已接受相应治疗者; (3)收缩压(SBP)≥130 mmHg或舒张压(DBP)≥85 mmHg,或已接受相应治疗者、或此前已被诊断为高血压者;(4)空腹血糖(FPG)≥5.6 mmol/L,或此前已被诊断为2型糖尿病、或已接受相应治疗者。排除标准:(1)有肾功能不全,血清肌酐超过97 mmol/L者;(2)有慢性肝脏疾病者;(3)有充血性心力衰竭,心绞痛和严重心律失常者;(4)有严重慢性阻塞性肺疾病者;(5)SBP超过160 mmHg,或DBP超过100 mmHg的高血压者。
1.2 方法
干预组对象采用带有耗氧量、热量、心跳、时间、距离等显示装置的四肢联动踏车仪进行有氧运动,要求保持在一个较低的速度下进行。所有研究对象在有氧运动前休息10 min,在开始测试的前3 min使骑自行车的输出功率保持在20 W,以后每3 min增加20 W,直到心率达到120次/min或最大心率(男性220-年龄,女性210-年龄)的75%。期间每5 min测量1次血压。每次运动持续时间是15 min,每周5次,为期12周[5]。对对照组提供常规健康宣教。在干预前、干预12周后测量两组对象WC、BMI、血压、FPG、TG。评估干预效果。
1.3 统计学方法
2 结果
2.1 有氧运动对老年MS患者肥胖指标的影响
2.2 有氧运动对老年MS患者血压、FPG、TG的影响
3 讨论
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