How to learn faster


疯狂英语·爱英语 2019年7期


In order to fit into the changing environ⁃ment of our lives more quickly, we need to learn better. Take care of your body, its helpful for your learning.

Get plenty of sleep. Youll want to be sure to get plenty of sleep if you want your brain to get enough information. Go to bed early, get a few hours of sleep, and then get up early so that you can study more with a clear brain.

Eat enough food.  When youre hungry, your brain will have a really hard time getting any information. Make sure that you get enough food for all of the meals. You might even want to choose some healthy snacks while you are studying.

Drink plenty of water. When your body doesnt get enough water, you wont be able to focus. You can easily become upset by your thirst. It can even lead to things like a headache, making it even harder for you to learn.

Get exercise. Light exercise while study?ing can help you to learn faster. For people who are very physical and active, being forced to stay still for too long can also make it hard to stay focused. So exercising while studying can also be helpful in that way.

Teach your brain to learn. You might need to work to retrain your brain for good habits. Improve your focus by doing more tasks without breaks. Set a time and place thats just for learning. This will make your brain want to do more and you wont strug⁃gle to learn quite so much.





Go to bed early, that you can study more on a clear brain. 早点上床睡觉,……这样你就可以在头脑清醒的时候多学一些。

这是一个复合句,主句为几个并列的祈使句。so that是连词,意为“以便”,引导的是目的状语从句;with a clear brain是介词短语,意为“头脑清醒的状态”。



1.You should have plenty of sleep for getting enough information.

2.You mustnt eat snacks while you are studying.

3.You will be upset if you are thirsty.

4.Healthy people can go on studying for a long time.

5.You must work to retrain your brain for good habits.


1.T   根据句子“Youll want to be sure to get plenty of sleep if you want your brain to get enough information.”可知,只有睡眠足够,大脑才有可能获取一定的信息。

2.F   根据句子“You might even want to choose some healthy snacks while you are studying.”可知,在学习过程中是可以适当吃些健康的零食的。

3.T   根据句子“You can easily become upset by your thirst.”可知,人在口渴时容易心烦意乱,注意力自然难以集中。

4.F   根据句子“For people who are very physical and active, stay focused.”可知,即使健康的人久坐也是不利于学习的。因此,本句话是错误的。

5.T   根据句子“You might need to work to retrain your brain for good habits.”可知,人在学习过程中必须要不断训练大脑,促使它想要做更多的事情。


新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2