The Cock Crowing at Midnight半夜鸡叫


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2019年10期





Farmers:Yubao, Yubao, Yubao.

Farmer A:Yubao is so young. But he has to get up so early and do hard work every day. He is so tired and sleepy.

Zhou Bapi:Ouch, my god!You freak me out(吓到我了)!

Landlady:Why do you get up so early today?

Zhou Bapi:Shh! I’m going to the hen house. These farmers don’t go to work until the cock crows(雞鸣) every day. If we want them to do more work, we should let the cock crow earlier than before.


Zhou Bapi:Nothing is impossible. I’m going to poke(捅,杵,戳) the cock with a stick, and learn crowing from the cock.

Landlady:Hey, my husband is so clever!

Zhou Bapi:Get up! Get up! You are so lazy! Time to work, hurry up!

Landlady:Can’t you hear the cock crow?

Zhou Bapi:If you don’t get up now, I will pay you no money.

Landlady:We will never give you anything to eat!

Farmer A:Zhou Bapi will rip our skins out(扒了……的皮).

Farmer B:The cock crows as soon as we lie down. Why does the cock crow so early?

Farmer C:Something is wrong. Look, the moon is still in the sky.

Farmer A:What’s wrong with the cock?

Farmer A:It is so strange that we have worked for a very long time until daybreak.

Farmer B:The cock doesn’t crow until daybreak as usual, now it’s so early.

Farmer C:The cock helps the rich landlord to bully(欺凌) us. How poor we are!

Yubao:Uncles, perhaps it’s Zhou Bapi’s plot(阴谋). I’m going to find it out tonight.

Zhou Bapi:In order to make them do more work every day, I imitate(模仿) the sound of the cock to wake the farmers up at midnight. I’m so excited.

Yubao:Eh, there’s someone here. Who is it at midnight?

Zhou Bapi:Cluck, cluck.

Yubao:Ah? It’s Zhou Bapi!

Zhou Bapi:Get up. Get up. Get up to work. The cock calls twice. Go to work quickly.

Yubao:Uncles, it’s nothing about the cock. We are cheated by Zhou Bapi. That is his trick.

Farmer B:What?

Yubao:Just now, I saw Zhou Bapi crowing like the cock.

Farmer A&B&C:Zhou Bapi? He did it?!

Farmer C:He is going to kill us.

Farmer A:What should we do?

Yubao:Uncles, I have a good idea.

Farmer B:What’s it?

Yubao:Let’s teach Zhou Bapi a lesson. Just wait and see!

Zhou Bapi:It’s time to wake them all up!

Yubao:Thief! Somebody wants to steal the cock.

Farmer A&B&C:Catch him! Catch him!

Yubao:Catch the thief!

Farmer A:Never let the thief run away. Beat him to death!

Zhou Bapi:Stop! Stop! It’s me. I’m the master.

Yubao:Liar! How could the master come to the hen house at midnight?

Farmer A:Yeah, you must want to steal the cock. Beat him.

Farmer A&B&C:Beat the thief!

Zhou Bapi:Help! Help!

Landlady:Stop! He is your master.

Farmer A:It’s impossible. Ah, he is ... the master.

Farmer C:Master, what are you doing in the hen house?

Zhou Bapi:I ... I ...

Farmer A&B&C:Haha!

(The End)


My Dream Life