A Fight of Heroes英雄之战
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2019年10期
Many people love the Captain America series(美国队长系列电影). They’re very exciting. Superheroes beat(打败) bad people and protect(保护) the world. People begin to worry about the superpowers(超能力) of superheroes. So the government(政府) wants to make an Anti-hero Act(反英雄法令). Iron Man(钢铁侠) is for(支持) the Act. But Captain America is against(反对) the Act. That makes superheroes into two sides(对立、冲突等的一方). Captain America leads(带领) one side and Iron Man leads the other side. A battle(斗爭) between them begins. Which side will win? You can find the answer in Captain America: Civil War(《美国队长3》).