Campfires, Explained解密营火


英语世界 2019年8期


Before the invention of clothing, agriculture, and even the wheel, our ancestors were playing with fire.

Here’s a science-backed1 guide to the ancient practice of building a campfire2, from its importance for human evolution to the chemistry of how it burns to this age-old3 fuel’s impact on our health and our environment.

Campfire was monumentally4 important to our evolution

In the book Catching Fire, biological anthropologist5 Richard Wrangham argues that campfires—and the subsequent6 invention of cooking meat and eating it—were the catalyst7 that allowed our ancestors to develop big brains. “The extra energy [in the cooked meat] gave the first cooks biological advantages,” Wrangham writes. “They survived and reproduced better than before. Their genes spread. … There were changes in anatomy8, physiology9, ecology, life history, psychology, and society.”

In these early days, it’s likely our ancestors didn’t actually know how to start fires. They only knew how to maintain them—after a lightning strike or spontaneous conflagration10 of brush got one started. Anthropologist Christopher Dana Lynn writes in the journal Evolutionary Psychology that inability to start fires would have required groups to coordinate activities to access and maintain them. This continual cooperation would have put pressure on cognitive capacities for social tolerance11, conceiving of others as collaborators in future cooperation

Fire would also lead to inventions like the steel mill and the steam engine, which would allow humans to literally reshape the world to their likings12.

So what, exactly, is fire?

When you look at flames, you are seeing the results of a complex chemical reaction called pyrolysis13. You’re seeing wood turned into gas, gas ignited14 by heat, and light from the excitement of electrons.

Here’s another way to think about it: The entire process of a fire is about tearing a log into as many pieces as possible. The tearing releases chemical bonds15, expending energy as heat and light.

But anyone who has tried to ignite a whole log with just a single match knows that it takes a lot to get a fire going. You can’t do it with a single match or spark from a piece of steel on flint16.

You have to take a tiny bit of energy and transform it into a self-sustaining reaction17. Each component of the wood has to absorb enough heat to begin the pyrolysis process.

Here’s how it goes: As plant fibers heat up, the plant’s tissues—mostly made out of a molecule18 called cellulose19—start degrade and break down. As the tissue gets hotter and hotter, water is driven out of the cells, and they then break apart, forming volatile20, combustible21 gases.

All of this needs to be done in the presence of oxygen, as fire is an oxidation reaction22.

The ignition of the gas continues the process of breaking down that log further and further. Inside that gas are actually hundreds of carbon-based compounds23. Some of these form soot24 and then are broken down further in the flame. If a fire burns perfectly, the log will break down all the big molecules into carbon dioxide and water vapor.

But why does this process create light?

It comes from the electrons releasing extra energy—going from an exited state to a less excited state25. (You know how metal glows when it’s heated red-hot? The same thing is happening in the flame, but instead of metal, it’s the tiny particles of soot absorbing the energy.)

Is wood smoke a pollutant?

The particles from wood smoke also can contribute to smog and haze. In Minnesota, for instance, where recreational outdoor fires are popular, recreational wood smoke accounts for around 5 percent of all the fine particles26 released to the air.

In terms of carbon dioxide emissions, wood smoke can be carbon neutral if the wood you burn is replaced by new growth. “But it’s not a slam dunk27,” Lisa Herschberger, an environmental research scientist with Minnesota’s pollution control agency, says. “It will be really important [for emissions] to learn how that wood was grown, how it was transported. It takes knowing the whole life cycle of the wood to know if you’re ahead or behind [on carbon emissions].”












原理如下:植物纤维升温后,组织(主要由一種叫作纤维素的分子生成)开始降解及分解。 植物组织不断升温,将水分逼出细胞,然后细胞分裂,形成挥发性易燃气体。


可燃气起火,原木进一步分解。 实际上,这种气体含有数百种碳基化合物。 其中一些形成烟灰,在火焰中继续分解。 如果火焰完全燃烧,原木中的大分子会分解为二氧化碳和水蒸气。







