The Value of Campus Life 校园生活的价值


英语世界 2019年8期


The impact of higher education increases dramatically when students are enrolled in a college where they live on campus and are constantly interacting with a range of people and ideas.

The Gallup organization1 has done extensive longitudinal research on the connection between college and success in life. They find participation in an activity outside the classroom (what I will call a co-curricular activity2) to be one of the most significant predictors for success. Students who were highly engaged in a co-curricular activity are 1.4 times more likely to report thriving in all aspects of their lives and 1.8 times more likely to be thriving in their careers.

While in college, students have the opportunity to develop skills, values and habits they will need as adults. In a recent book, Making Decisions in College, a group of faculty from Wellesley College3 and Bowdoin College4 argue that, just as in life, the college experience is shaped by the decisions we make and don’t make on a daily basis. They write:

Colleges create spaces (both physical and metaphysical) in which students must make these decisions, often in the face of new and ambiguous situations. Some of these decisions are formal and happen only once or twice during college: what to major in, whether or not to study abroad, who to choose as an advisor, where and with whom to live next year. Others occur once or twice a semester: which classes to take, organizations to participate in, or lectures to attend. And still others arise every day: whether to invest time, with whom to hang out, whether to meet with professors outside of class.

Integrative learning

The deepest learning happens when classroom learning is followed by opportunities to practice what is being taught.

The learning happens everywhere in formal and informal ways. For example, for many students, residential halls may be the first place they have lived in a racially and ethnically diverse community. Hence, daily life becomes core to learning as they develop relationships with roommates and hallmates. Students learn to voice views, hear others, and understand how to work together to create the communities they want to live in.

The same can be said for student organizations. College campuses are filled with student-run organizations. Students who take on a leadership role in a campus organization face all the usual management challenges in the workplace and in civic life5—endeavors that include aligning and focusing groups of people who have different talents, personalities and levels of commitment.

Co-curricular learning

Students need to develop a broad array of soft and hard skills. No single curriculum can do it all. There is too much to learn and too few classes and courses to teach it all. Campus life is crucial to closing the gaps between what we teach in the curriculum and what students need to succeed.

For example, students have access to a range of on-campus leadership development programs that help them develop good management skills, and there are instructional modules designed to help them become more effective learners.


From the professional and student staff members who cultivate community in residence halls, to campus safety officers, deans, health and counseling professionals, student development staff spend lots of time connecting and catalyzing students. The staff push students to get outside their comfort zones, to listen and hear other students, to reflect on their own world views and choices, and to learn.

Very often, this mentorship happens because a student has stumbled or is in crisis. This means two things. First, students get support in those key moments, making it possible for them to persist in college and move forward. And, second, those moments of struggle and crisis become learning moments.

Life skills

College is a place where students will develop life habits ranging from simple daily choices around nutrition, exercise and sleep, to larger habits around the kinds of relationships they will create and the ways they will deal with challenge and failure. There is a network of support staff who work to provide a safe and structured environment that fosters students’ psychological, physical and social development. Student can seek counselling services for health-related concerns, adjustment issues as well as interpersonal and relationship difficulties. Counseling helps students learn new coping skills, set goals, make decisions, manage stress, and explore various aspects of their emerging adult lives—independence, values, personal goals, intimacy and friendship.


College campuses are filled with conflicts. Roommates sometimes do not get along. Campus organizations have competing interests. An event blows up into a major campus controversy. These are normal. Conflict is a crucial component of living democratically. Campus life programs help students learn to see conflict as normal and positive and how to turn conflict into those proactive and positive moments that lead to forward momentum. Therefore, the learning is magnified7 in ways that not only improve the student experience but also the lives they will lead.                                                   ■


















大学校园充满冲突:室友之间有时相处不融洽,校园社团之间利益冲突,小事件酿成重大校园争议。这些冲突都很正常。冲突是民主式生活的重要环节。各种校园生活项目帮助学生学会将冲突视为正常、正向的事情,并将之转化为积极行动的机会,进而形成前进的动力。学生的学习因此得到拓展和深化,这不仅丰富了他们的大学经历,而且对他们未来的生活也具有积极的意义。    □


