8 Things You Should Know Before You Start College入学应知八件事


英语世界 2019年8期


Advice for getting your first semester of college off to a good start.八條建议,助你顺利开启大学第一学期。

By McKenna Miller

Setting off for your first semester of college can be scary, and even the most eager aspiring first-year will have questions. Although colleges do their best to make new students feel welcome, there are some issues that won’t be addressed in the orientation package. Here’s a little guide to some of the more practical matters of getting your college career started right.

Every college has different rules on what you can bring

It is essential that you check the list of approved and prohibited items from your college before you move in. Rules vary from school to school, and you may want to hold off on buying that mini-fridge/microwave combo1 until you make sure you can have them in your dorm. Even things you might not think about, such as power strips2 or halogen lamps, might be prohibited by your university. Make sure you check the college’s specific requirements.

You probably shouldn’t take your whole closet

Dorm storage space is one thing that many incoming freshmen overestimate. Depending on the size of your wardrobe, it might be a good idea to consider leaving everything but the necessities at home. Besides, you might find you don’t need as many clothes as you think—most college laundry facilities are easy and inexpensive. Many colleges even offer free use of washers and dryers. It’s a good idea to do some research before you start school to see whether or not you need to stock up on quarters. Some colleges even have high-tech laundry services that will text you once your clothes are ready. Be sure to do a little research into your college’s laundry facilities before you pack for college.

You might not like your first roommate (and that’s not the end of the world)

For your first semester of college, odds are you’ll have a randomly picked roommate. And while it’s completely possible that you will be the best of friends, it’s also possible that you might not get along. This can be uncomfortable, but remember that with classes, clubs, and other campus events, you probably won’t be in your room very much anyway. By the time the semester is over, you’ll most likely have found a friend to room with for the next term.

First semester classes might not be that great (but they’ll get better)

For your first semester, you’re probably taking a first-year seminar, some gen-ed classes, and perhaps a big lecture hall 101 type course3. Some of the big, mostly first-year classes aren’t the most engaging, and first-year students are frequently taught by graduate students rather than the college’s professors. If your classes aren’t what you had hoped for, keep in mind that you will soon be in smaller, more specialized classes. Once you pick your major, you can start with the major-specific classes as well. Even if you’re undecided, you’ll have a wide range of classes to choose from, with everything from upper-level science courses to creative fine art studios. Just remember to register as soon as you can before the classes fill up!

Know where you can get good food

Food is an important part of the campus experience. Most colleges have multiple dining options, and it’s a good idea to try them all your first semester. If you want to know the best place to eat, or if you need vegan, vegetarian, or gluten-free options, you can always check the college’s website, or just ask your fellow students. Don’t forget to try outside the college, too—college towns almost always have good, cheap food.

There are tons of things to do (and it’s pretty easy to find them)

The last thing anyone should be worried about is being bored on campus. Almost every college has a host of student clubs and organizations, frequent campus events, and other activities. They’re not hard to find, either. Colleges usually have a list of registered student organizations, and there are often fliers and posters all around campus for things to do and clubs to join. Some clubs even have their own social media sites, which could help you not only learn about the clubs, but also contact current members.

Plan out your academic career early (but don’t be afraid to change it)

In order to make sure you have all the credits you need to graduate on time, it’s a good idea to plan out your courses early. Don’t forget to plan for general education requirements and classes you need for your major. But keep in mind that your plan won’t be written in stone. Most students change their majors at least once during their college careers. So, while it’s a good idea to have a plan for your academic career, keep in mind that you’ll probably end up changing it.

You can get good grades and have fun

A common fear when starting college is that there will be time for either studying or having fun, but not both. The truth is that with good time management it is possible to get good grades in all your classes and still have time to be in clubs and go have fun. If you manage your schedule well, you may even get a decent amount of sleep, too.                                     ■

















新生常担心学习和娱乐不可兼得。但事实上,管理好时间,不仅可以在所有课程中取得好成绩,还能得空在俱乐部里玩乐。如果安排得当,还会有充足的睡眠时间。              □



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