

中国康复理论与实践 2019年8期




为了准确、有效地评估脑瘫患者坐位躯干控制下所有的功能和活动,并评估基于功能活动的躯干控制的基本要素,Heyrman等[12]开发了躯干控制测量量表(Trunk Control Measurement Scale,TCMS),它是目前评估脑瘫患者躯干控制较全面、准确的测量量表[13]。随着研究发展深入,研究人员还进行TCMS与其他功能性量表的关联性研究,如躯干控制能力与上肢功能、下肢功能、粗大运动功能等之间的关系[14-16]。TCMS具有高信度和高效度,是评估脑瘫患者坐位躯干控制能力的合适且可靠的量表[17]。目前国内尚未引进TCMS,在脑瘫患者的评估和治疗中,对躯干控制没有足够准确、全面的测量方法,临床上躯干控制训练的针对性和有效性较差。


1 TCMS评估方法与内容

1.1 评估方法





1.2 评估内容





2 TCMS适用范围


3 TCMS信度和效度


Marsico等[20]调查TCMS及其子量表在脑瘫、获得性脑损伤和脊髓损伤等神经运动障碍患者中的信度和效度;其中,90例神经运动障碍患者(年龄5~18岁,平均11岁)参加信度研究,50例神经运动障碍患者(年龄5~18岁,平均11岁)参与效度研究;结果表明TCMS在5岁以上神经运动障碍患者中具有良好的信度和效度。此外,他们通过对患者的TCMS评分和功能独立性量表(Functional Independence Measure,FIM)评分进行比较来判别TCMS的有效性,结果显示,若静态平衡评分小于80%、动态可达性评分小于55%或选择性运动控制评分小于35%左右的患者,在日常生活活动中需要辅助。


4 TCMS与同类量表比较

坐姿量表(Level of Sitting Scale,LSS)、坐姿姿势控制量表(Seated Postural Control Measure,SPCM)以及脊柱校准和运动范围量表(Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure,SAROMM)已在临床实践中用于评估脑瘫患者的躯干控制能力[23-25],但它们只适用于评估患者的静态坐位平衡和动态坐位平衡,不能检测出患者的反应性平衡。TCMS总评分能够准确有效评估脑瘫患者的静态坐位平衡、动态坐位平衡和反应性平衡的能力。TCMS评估内容范围较为全面,具有较高的可靠性和有效性[26]。

Bañas等[27]通过研究后得出,TCMS评分与粗大运动功能测量(Gross Motor Function Measure,GMFM)评分之间相关程度高于儿童伸手测试(Pediatric Reach Test,PRT)评分,表明TCMS较PRT可以更准确地评估脑瘫患者运动功能水平;且SPCM、神经运动功能障碍儿童坐位评估(Sitting Assessment for Children with Neuromotor Dysfunction,SACND)和躯干控制的分段评估(Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control,SATCo)评估前均需要准备具有规定尺寸的特定材料,而TCMS不涉及任何设备和材料,只需患者能够遵循口头指示,即可进行评估,可节约大量成本。

此外,Hong[28]等对躯干损伤量表(Trunk Impairment Scale,TIS)和TCMS的结构效度和反应性进行比较,结果显示TCMS是TIS的扩展版本,虽然评估比TIS更耗时,但TCMS有更高的检测躯干功能变化的潜力,因为它包含更多更细化的评估项目。


5 TCMS与其他功能量表关联性研究

为研究躯干控制能力与上肢功能之间的关系,Kim等[14]选用上肢技巧质量测试(Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test,QUEST)评估15例脑瘫患者的上肢操作水平,同时对患者进行TCMS评分,结果显示患者的QUEST得分与TCMS得分呈正相关。考虑到躯干功能与上肢的灵活性、协调性及抓握能力的相关性,可以认为TCMS评分结果对于脑瘫患者的上肢功能具有一定的提示作用。

为研究躯干控制能力与下肢功能之间的关系,Balzer等[15]使用改良Ashworth量表、徒手肌力评定(Manual Muscle Test,MMT)、下肢选择性控制评估(Selective Control Assessment of Lower Extremity,SCAOTLE)和TCMS对52例脑瘫患者分别进行评定,结果显示,在分别以肌肉力量和下肢的选择性控制以及年龄为自变量的回归模型中,躯干控制能力是步态能力的最强预测因子,且患者的下肢肌肉力量、下肢选择性控制与躯干控制能力之间表现出强相关性。


为研究躯干控制能力与平衡功能之间的关系,Panibatla等[29]使用TCMS和儿童平衡量表(Paediatric Balance Scale,PBS)评估24例痉挛型脑瘫患者,结果显示TCMS评分与PBS评分显著相关,且TCMS评分越高的患者,其PBS评分也越高。由此可见,痉挛型脑瘫患者的躯干控制能力与平衡能力之间呈高度正相关。

为研究伴有尿失禁的痉挛型双瘫脑瘫患者的躯干控制能力与尿失禁之间的关系,Talu[30]使用功能性失调和失禁症状评分问卷(Dysfunctional Voiding and Incontinence Symptoms Score,DVISS)、功能障碍性排尿症状评分(Dysfunctional Voiding Symptom Score,DVSS)、MMT和TCMS对50例痉挛型双瘫脑瘫患者进行评估,结果显示,DVISS和DVSS评分与腹部肌肉力量、TCMS评分之间存在高度负相关关系;此外,研究者发现粗大运动功能分级系统(Gross Motor Function Classification System,GMFCS)和DVISS以及GMFCS和DVSS之间均存在高度正相关关系。GMFCS评级越高,DVISS和DVSS评分越高,TCMS评分越低,提示痉挛型双瘫脑瘫患者的躯干控制能力与尿失禁症状之间呈高度负相关。

6 小结


附录:Trunk Control Measurement Scale

Right Item 1 Static Sitting Balance Testing procedure:Each item is verbally explained to the patient and demonstrated by the tester if needed.Starting position(unsupported sitting,hands on legs)Patient isinstructed to sit upright and hold this position for 10 seconds Bilat/Left□0□1□2 2Starting position Patient lifts both arms at eye height in one second and returns to starting position□0□1 3Starting position Therapist crosses one leg over the other leg□2□0□0 Patient falls or can only maintain upright sitting with double arm support Patient can only maintain upright sitting with single arm support for 10 seconds Patient can maintain upright sitting without arm support for 10 seconds If score=0,then total score=0 Patient falls or can not lift arms Patient can lift arms without falling but with compensations.Possible compensations are:(1)backward lean,(2)increase of trunk flexion,(3)lateral flexion,and(4)other Patient liftsarms without compensations Patient falls,can not cross legs or can only maintain sitting with double arm support Patient can maintain sitting with single arm support for 10 seconds Patient can maintain sitting without arm support for 10 seconds Patient falls,can not cross legs or can only cross legs with double arm support Patient can only cross legs with single arm support Patient crosses legs without arm support but with clear trunk displacement Patient crosses legs with minimal trunk displacement Patient falls,can not abduct leg or can only abduct leg with double arm support Patient can only abductleg with singlearm support Patient abducts leg without arm support but with clear trunk displacement Patient abducts leg with minimal trunk displacement□1□1□2□2 4Starting position Patient crosses one leg over the other leg(assistance with one hand is allowed)'minimal'=small trunk movements without signs of imbalance of trunk during movement of leg'clear'=clear signs of imbalance i.e.lateral flexion or flexion of trunk□0□0□1□1□2□2□3□3 5Starting position Patient abducts one leg over 10 cm and returns to starting position(10 cm width=width of the knee)'minimal'=small trunk movements without signs of imbalance of trunk during movement of leg'clear'=clear signs of imbalance i.e.lateral flexion or flexion of trunk□0□0□1□1□2□2□3□3 Total static sitting balance /20

Dynamic Sitting Balance Item Bilat/Left Right 6a Selective movement control Testing procedure:Firstly,each item is verbally explained and demonstrated by the tester.Secondly,the item is demonstrated on the patient with manual guidance.Thirdly,the patient is asked to perform the expected movement under manual guidance of the tester.Then,the patient performs the item on its own in three attempts.Starting position:arms crossed over chest Patient is instructed to lean forward with a fixed trunk for approximately 45°and return to starting position normal righting reaction of the head head extension is not scored as a compensation Patient falls or can not reach target position Patient can lean forward If score=0,then item 6b=0□0□1 6b 7a Starting position:arms crossed over chest Patient is instructed to lean backward with a fixed trunk for approximately 45°and return to starting position normal righting reaction of the head head flexion is not scored as a compensation Patient compensates(1)increased head extension,(2)increased trunk flexion,(3)increased lumbar lordosis,(4)increased knee flexion,and(5)other Patient leans forward without compensations Patient falls or can not reach target position Patient can lean backward If score=0,then item 7b=0□0□1□0□1 7b □0 8a Starting position Patient is instructed to touch the table with the elbow at level of the femoral head(by shortening the ipsilateral side and lengthening the contralateral side)and return Patient compensates(1)increased head flexion,(2)increased trunk flexion,(3)increased knee extension,and(4)other Patient leans backward without compensations Patient falls or does not touch the table with the elbow Patient can touch the table with the elbow If score=0,then item 8b and 8c=0□1□0□1□0□1 8b □0□0 Patient demonstrates(1)no shortening/lengthening or(2)opposite shortening/lengthening Patient demonstrates expected shortening/lengthening If score=0,then item 8c=0 Patient compensates:(1)increased trunk flexion,(2)forwardor backward lean,(3)pelvic lift,and(4)other Patient touches the table without compensations Patient falls or can not lift the pelvis Patient can lift the pelvis If score=0,then item 9b and 9c=0□1□1 8c □0□0 9a Starting position Patient is instructed to lift the pelvis at one side and return to starting position.No lifting of the thigh is allowed.□1□0□1□1□0□1


Dynamic Sitting Balance Item Selective movement control Testing procedure:Firstly,each item is verbally explained and demonstrated by the tester.Secondly,the item is demonstrated on the patient with manual guidance.Thirdly,the patient is asked to perform the expected movement under manual guidance of the tester.Then,the patient performs the item on its own in three attempts.Bilat/Left Right 9b □0□1□0□1 9c□2□0□2□0□1 10a Starting position:arms crossed over chest Patient is instructed to rotate the upper trunk three times with head fixated in starting position.The movement is initiated from the shoulder girdle.□1□0□1□2 10b 11a Starting position:arms crossed over chest Patient is instructed to rotate the upper trunk three times with head fixated in starting position.The movement is initiated from the shoulder girdle.□0□1□0□1□2 11b 12a Starting position:arms crossed over chest Patient is instructed to shuffle the pelvis three times in a forward direction and return backwards in three times to the starting position Shuffle movement=combination of lateral flexion and rotation with the pelvis,alternated left and right□1□2□0□1□2 12b Patient demonstrates no shortening/lengthening Patient demonstrates partially expected shortening/lengthening(partial=short and/or small ROM)Patient demonstrates expected shortening/lengthening If score=0,then item 9c=0 Patient compensates:(1)contralateral head flexion,(2)marked lateral trunk displacement,and(3)other Patient lifts the pelvis without compensations Patient(1)falls,(2)can not rotate the upper trunk i.e.patient can not perform the rotation movement,even not with the entire trunk,or(3)demonstrates no selective rotation of the upper trunk(en bloc)Patient demonstrates partial selective rotation of the upper trunk(partial=asymmetrical,small ROM,more shoulders than trunk)Patient demonstrates expected selective rotation of the upper trunk If score=0,then item 10b=0 Patient rotates the upper trunk with head rotation Patient rotates the upper trunk without head rotation Patient(1)falls,(2)can not rotate the lower trunk i.e.patient can not perform the rotation movement,even not with the entire trunk,or(3)demonstrates no selective rotation of the lower trunk(en bloc)Patient demonstrates partial selective rotation of the lower trunk(partial=asymmetrical,small ROM,additional movement of upper trunk)Patient demonstrates expected selective rotation of the lower trunk If score=0,then item 11b=0 Patient compensates with pelvic tilt Patient rotates the lower trunk without compensations Patient falls or can not shuffle the pelvisin forward and backward direction displacement of the body in either direction Patient can partially shuffle the pelvis(partial=with mainly lateral flexion and little rotation;small ROM;takes a lot of effort)Patient can shuffle the pelvis by use of both lateral flexion and rotation in one direction and partially in the other direction Patient can shuffle the pelvis by use of both lateral flexion and rotation in both directions If score=0,then item 12b=0 Patient compensates with excessive trunk displacement Patient shuffles pelvis without compensations Total selective movement control□3□1□2/28

注:TCMS英文版已获原作者Lieve Heyrman许可:(Iam very pleased with your interest in the TCMSand your initiative to translate it into Chinese.Therefore,Igive you the permission to use the TCMSand to start up the translation process of the TCMS.Iwish you the best with your work on this.)

Item 13 Dynamic reaching(equilibrium reactions)Testing procedure:Each item is verbally explained by the tester and then performed three times by the patient.Starting position:arms straight forward Patient isinstructed to reach forward with both arm straight to target at eye level positioned at a distance,corresponding with the forearm length and return to starting position Bilat/Left□0□1 Right□0□1 Patient falls or can not reach target Patient reaches target,but has difficulties in performance.Difficulties are:(1)takes a lot of effort i.e.slow and with difficulty or(2)usessome support of hand when approaching the starting position Patient reaches target and returns to starting position without difficulties Patient falls or can not reach target Patient reaches target,but has difficulties in performance.Difficulties are:(1)takes a lot of effort i.e.slow and with difficulty or(2)usessome support of hand when approaching the starting position Patient reaches target and returns to starting position without difficulties Patient falls or can not reach target Patient reaches target,but has difficulty in performance.Difficulties are:(1)takes a lot of effort i.e.slow and with difficulty or(2)usessome support of hand when approaching the starting position Patient reaches target and returns to starting position without difficulties□2□2 14Starting position:one arm straight sideward and other hand on leg Patient isinstructed to reach sideward with one arm straight to target at eye level positioned at a distance,corresponding with the forearm length and return to starting position□0□1□0□1□2□2 15Starting position:one arm straight sideward and other hand on leg Patient isinstructed to reach across the midline with one arm(reach to the opposite side)and return to starting position.The target ispositioned at eye level at a distance corresponding with half the forearm length of the reaching arm.□0□1□0□1□2□2 Total dynamic reaching Total TCMSscore/10/58

