

热力发电 2019年7期

王显龙,姚 远,李华山,王令宝,马伟斌,秦汉时


王显龙1,姚 远1,李华山1,王令宝1,马伟斌1,秦汉时2

(1.中国科学院广州能源研究所,广东 广州 510640;2.国网电力科学研究院,湖北 武汉 430074)



槽式聚光集热技术是太阳能中高温热利用的主要途径之一,近年来得到大力研究和推广[1-7],其研究方向主要集中在系统分析[1-3]、性能评价[4-6]和系统设计[7-8]等方面。跟踪精度是槽式集热系统设计和运维的重要参数,得到了较深入的研究[9-11]。Yusie Rizala和Chong等人[12-14]对太阳能跟踪方法和算法进行了介绍。Mussard等人[15]对1 m×1.05 m反射板开口0.5 cm吸热管槽式集热器的跟踪精度影响进行了模拟计算。Fabienne Sallaberry等[16]对某个型号槽式集热器的跟踪程序进行模拟分析并给出了计算结果。王金平等[17]设计了一种槽式太阳PLC跟踪控制系统,并对其跟踪精度和系统误差进行理论分析。Arian Bahrami等[18]基于所采集的相同地面高度的欧洲和非洲太阳能辐射数据,分析了纬度对不同太阳跟踪器性能的影响。胡亮等[19]分析了利用光控校正程控技术提高跟踪精度的理论,并确认PD调节器更有效。邵磊[20]和陆永亚[21]分别对蝶式太阳能跟踪误差和塔式聚光跟踪误差及风载荷的影响因素进行了分析。这些文献主要针对集热系统性能测试、集热器跟踪算法、跟踪外部影响因素、某一型号集热系统的跟踪精度等进行研究,鲜有文献对反射板变形的影响进行分析。


1 理想状态下允许跟踪误差


图1 槽式聚光集热器尺寸




2 反射镜抛物变形对焦点位置影响





表1 反射镜焦点偏离率计算结果

Tab.1 The calculation results of focus deviation rate of the PTC reflector ×10–4

图4 b 和e 对d 影响


3 反射镜抛物变形对允许跟踪误差的影响



–1≥0.27 (a≥1) (13)



Tab.2 The influence of width focus ration and focus deviation ratio on the maximum focus deviation angle


图5 b 和e 对焦点最大偏离角影响曲线


图6 抛物变形允许跟踪误差

4 结 论




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Influence of reflector deformation on allowed tracking error of parabolic trough collector

WANG Xianlong1, YAO Yuan1, LI Huashan1, WANG Lingbao1, MA Weibin1, QIN Hanshi2

(1. Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China; 2. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute (Wuhan) Energy Efficiency Evaluation Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430074, China)

To better guide the design and efficient operation and maintennce of solar trough collector system, the influence of the reflector’s parabolic deformation on the allowed tracking error of the collector is investigated. Three dimensionless parameters, such as width focus ratio, focus deviation ratio and focus position deviation rate, are defined. The ideal allowed tracking error of the parabolic trough collector in different sizes is calculated, and the allowed tracking error variation with parabolic deformation of the reflector are given. Moreover, the effect of wide focus ratio, focal deviation ratio and concentration ratio on the allowed tracking error is calculated, and the result is drawn, then the variation of the allowed tracking error and the maximum deformation size are given based on different geometric sizes. The calculation results show that, the theoretical allowed tracking error reaches the maximum when the width focus ratio is 4, the coupling effects of the above three dimensionless parameters determine the value of the allowed tracking error, and the“expansion”deformation is unfavorable for the collector optical concentration. On the basis of the chart given in this paper, the concentrating loss of the collector can be predicted and the suitable tracking system can be designed to promote the application of the parabolic trough solar thermal utilization system.

solar energy, parabolic tough collector, parabolic deformation, allowed tracking error, concentration ratio, width focus ratio, focus deviation ratio, focus position deviation rate




王显龙, 姚远, 李华山, 等. 槽式集热器反射镜抛物变形对允许跟踪误差的影响[J]. 热力发电, 2019, 48(7): 86-91. WANG Xianlong, YAO Yuan, LI Huashan, et al. Influence of reflector deformation on allowed tracking error of parabolic trough collector[J]. Thermal Power Generation, 2019, 48(7): 86-91.



Supported by:Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Provice (2017A030223009); Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Provice (2018A0303130181); State Grid Corporation Headquarters Science and Technology Project (SGHB0000KXJS1800477); Key Laboratory Foundation of Renewable Energy, CAS (Y807J21001)


(责任编辑 杨嘉蕾)


宣钢1 号高炉降低焦比实践操作