庄杰榕 许志红
中图分类号文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 -449X(2019)06 -0000 -00
Abstract:A selfstarting control strategy with quasicritical current for intelligent contactor was proposed. The forced down phenomenon of coil current was analyzed and the constraint condition for current closedloop was inferred. Based on these, the universal feedback signal of movement of contacts was established. Thus the quasicritical starting current was obtained when turning point occurred. By fuzzy observation, the starting current for contactor of different capacity was provided for the first time. A digital closedloop control method with opposite polarity voltage was designed. The high response online current search was used to approach critical starting current under the current working condition, in order to realize selfstarting process control with coordination between attraction and counterforce. The proposed control strategy which is insensitive of contactor parameters change and voltage fluctuation, can adaptively search for the quasicritical current to suppress the contact bounce. At the same time, it has the advantages of starting block fault alarm, coil overcurrent protection and so on. The effectiveness of the control strategy is verified by the related simulations and experiments.
Keywords:digital closedloop;dropping turning;selfstarting;quasicritical starting;current fuzzy observation
0 引 言
4 结 论
参 考 文 献:
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