日建设计特辑组稿编辑:朱君慧 Junhui Zhu, 高木弥佳 Mika Takaki, 吴春华 Haruka Go, 荒川明子Akiko Arakawa
同时,运用信息通讯与人工智能技术,大幅度强化建设过程中的全面质量管控。通过城市设计和建筑保护改善地球环境,从而实现健康多彩的生活方式,以“EXPERIENCE, INTEGRATED"的企业发展宗旨,为全球客户提供更加丰富多彩的体验。
Nikken Sekkei’s strengths lie in the fact that experts in fields such as architecture, urban design, and environment can collaborate and design from a broad perspective. Based on their firm philosophy, they continue to pursue architectural designs that lead the world.
For each project, they organize a team of experts including architects, planners,and engineers. Based on the expertise and experience of each member, and discussions backed up by evidence, they make innovative proposals that are optimized for the clients. They also have extensive experience in projects that span a wide variety of uses and require special technologies, such as o☆ces,multiple dwelling complex planning, hotels, research facilities, and historic buildings. They also utilize IT and AI to dramatically increase their accountability.
Nikken Sekkei contribute to the earth’s environment through urban design and architecture that enable healthy and cultural lifestyle.