【摘 要】本文论述了编程机器人搭配直流电机跑偏问题的分析与研究过程及改善方案。常规方案下,机器人原地转弯角度与直线运行角度偏差都大于15度,在组合运行时的角度偏角度最大偏差大于30度,无法满足儿童(学生)用户编程教育的使用需求。通过系统的测试分析发现,跑偏的原因是左右两边直流电机转速差异偏大、齿轮箱结构干涉、缺少精确的校准机制及最大速度的启停。针对以上现象,首先在原材料端管控直流电机转速的一致性;结构干涉修正及装配的一致性管控;硬件端增加增量式码盘与光电开关;软件端加入PID算法,控制转弯角度,实现机器人在运行中实时对角度进行修正,同时增加阶梯式启动与停止方案。此套系统性方案解决了编程机器人在平整地面直线运行时的跑偏问题,极大的提升了用户对产品的体验,为该产品按时量产和及时推向了市场提供了必要条件。
中图分类号: TP391.41 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-2457(2019)11-0060-003
【Abstract】This paper discusses the analysis and research process and improvement scheme of the programming robot with DC motor deviation. Conventionally, a typical deviation between the in-situ turning angle and the straight-line running angle for the robot is greater than 15 degrees, and the combined angular deviation can be 30 degree and higher, which is beyond the acceptable tolerance of children (student) user programming education. Based on analysis and statistic testing data, it is found that the deviation is resulting from the large difference between the left and right DC motor speeds, the interference of the gear box structure, the lack of accurate calibration mechanism, and the high speed starting and stopping. To improve the performance, the following has been implemented: Firstly, control the DC motor speed consistency for all incoming motor products; Secondly, correct and correct the structural interference during products assembly; thirdly, add incremental opto-interrupter and PID algorithm to realize real time angle control and correction; Also, step based starting and stopping mechanism is implemented. With these systematic solutions in place, the robot running deviation on a flat ground has been reduced to neglectable, and the users experience improved greatly, which secured the mass-production quality assurance and timely to market demands.
【Key words】Programming robot; Sensor; Gear; Opto interrupter; PID algorithm; Angle deviation
1 項目背景
2 工作原理