好莱坞有一所著名的电影学院——美国电影学院(American Film Institute,简称AFI),号称美国电影艺术保存地。这里的学生多以白人为主,亚裔只有少部分,中国学生更是屈指可数。然而,在AFI今年的毕业典礼上,代表全校同学做毕业演讲的竟是中国姑娘孔乐琪。在这场毕业演讲中,孔乐琪用勇气和自信,赢得了好莱坞的掌声。
So for a while in the first year I was in constant social anxiety. I don't know how to make friends and I would always miss home and isolate. However,that situation changed immediately after we started our cycle one shoot. You know what transcends all linguistic and cultural barriers? Hunger and sleep deprivation.
Collaboration is held so high at AFI and what is the most efficient way to force a bunch of ambitious, proud, young artists to bond? Structured, discipline-specific, accredited torture.
The searing agony of collaboration made us some sort of a family. Never in my life have I imagined I could be in an environment where we celebrate our differences, and find our voices through the conservatory itself.
One of the screenwriting rules I learned from my second-year feature mentor, Mr. Stan Chervin, completely altered my view on life. "There should be only one shtup scene in the screenplay. A second shtup only undermines the first."
Ever since I frist heard this from Stan, I just couldn't get over how profound this rule is. Think about it, a great shtup scene in a script, is a significant life-changing moment, only happens once. Just like our time here at AFI. It is so meaningful and delicate, and perfect in its singularity. It should be cherished and harnessed.