曾小华 刘持林 李文远 宋大凤 李立鑫 陈存福
摘 要:针对闭式液压回路中变量泵排量控制方法精度较低的问题展开研究,基于泵控系统中伺服阀的脉宽调制(PWM)控制,推导出占空比信号与变量泵排量的线性关系,在AMESim软件平台上搭建了泵控系统仿真模型,并基于试验测试数据对模型进行校核,基于泵控系统模型提出了PID反馈控制、前馈+反馈控制和三步法控制的泵排量控制方法,并进行测试对比分析.仿真结果表明,三步法控制在动态响应及快速稳定方面优于PID反馈控制,相比于前馈+反馈控制,采用三步法控制的泵排量动态响应误差减少了35.5%.
中图分类号:U469.72 文献标志码:A
Research on Pump Displacement Control of Hydraulic Hybrid System
ZENG Xiaohua1,LIU Chilin1,LI Wenyuan1,SONG Dafeng1,LI Lixin1,CHEN Cunfu2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control,Jilin University,Changchun 130025,China;
2. FAWJiefang,Automotive Co Ltd,Qingdao 266043,China)
Abstract: This paper studied the problem of low precision for variable pump displacement control method of closed hydraulic circuit. The linear relationship between the duty cycle signal and displacement of pump was derived based on the pulse width modulation(PWM) control of the servo valve for the pump control system. The simulation model of the pump control system was built on the AMESim software platform,and the model was verified by comparing with the test data. Based on the pump control system model,the PID feedback control,feedforward + feedback control, and three-step control of pump displacement were proposed,and an analysis was performed. Simulation result shows that the three-step control is superior to PID feedback control in dynamic response and rapid stability. When compared with the feedforward + feedback control,the dynamic response error of the pump displacement controlled by the three-step method is reduced by 35.5%.
Key words: duty cycle signal;pump control systems;PID control;feedforward + feedback control;three-step control
采用变量泵的液压系统广泛应用于多种机构中,为保证系统对各种复杂工况和不同工作输出要求的适应性,常需要对液压泵排量进行及时调节.潜艇舵机液压操纵装置通过泵排量控制实现运动方向、运动姿态等基本性能的稳定控制[3];汽车液压启停能量回收系统,通过泵排量控制的优化实现更加优良的节能减排效果[4];电液混合动力轨道车中泵源排量的控制是提高轨道车行驶效率的关键[5].可知作为液压系统的核心能源元件,液压变量泵的排量特性直接影响了整机的工作性能和能耗,因此变量泵排量控制成为液压系统核心技术之一,同时也是当前研究的重点.黄新磊[6]针对转速感应控制基于匹配发动机的应用问题,提出了双段转速感应控制、全程转速感应的复合柱塞变量泵控制方法,改善了扭矩匹配效果,但模型采用的PID控制算法鲁棒性较差. Bergada等[7]为确定柱塞泵的动态特性参数,通过建立精确的柱塞间隙数学模型,研究流量泄漏及由此产生的流量、压力的动态变化,但没有提出具体的泵排量控制方法.