1 外景/Exterior view
This project is an adaptive reuse of a 1970's grocery store and cold storage located in Taiguli,Sanlitun District, Beijing. Its exterior functions as"a midnight city light". Display cases, light boxes,and floor-to-ceiling windows are arranged on the over-forty-metre-long street-facing facade in an alternating and rhythmic manner.
The interior of the bookstore was inspired by Fan Kuan's painting "Xishan Travel" in the Northern Song Dynasty. In order to evoke behaviors unique to this bookstore, 60 centimetres of back fill soil was dug down to increase the ceiling height for a twostory bookshelf system, which comfortably places all books in users' reach, and enlarged the amount of collected volumes from 20,000 to 70,000. The bookshelves form an infinity symbol in plan, and enrich the spatial hierarchy while concealing all 10 columns in the space. The bookshelves are like the mountains ridge, winding road in the picture"Xishan Travel". Among this landscape of books,the reading zone, lecture area, coffee bar and supporting facilities are in accordance with their local conditions.□
项目信息/Credits and Data
主持建筑师/Lead Architect: 米俊仁/Mi Junren
项目总监/Project Director: 龚耘/GONG Yun
审定审核/Review and Approval: 聂向东,董晨/NIE Xiangdong, DONG Chen
现场总监/Site Director: 王小用/WANG Xiaoyong
建筑设计/Architects: 张昊,梁曼青,Ulises/ZHANG Hao,LIANG Manqing, Fossat Arce Ulises Ezequiel
室内设计/Interior Designers: 林华,李少斌,吕春萌,张雷/LIN Hua, LI Shaobin, LU Chunmeng, Zhang Lei
结构顾问/Structural Consultants: 刘立杰,高鹏飞/LIU Lijie, GAO Pengfei
机电设计/Mechanical and Electrical Designers: 翁思娟,马珊珊,孙超/WENG Sijuan, MA Shanshan, SUN Chao
项目合约/Contract Managers: 李大鹏,常宇/LI Dapeng,CHANG Yu
建筑面积/Floor Area: 661m2
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2018.04
摄影/Photos: 杨超英/YANG Chaoying
2 鸟瞰效果图/Aerial view rendering
3 内景/Interior view
4 内景/Interior views
5 内景/Interior views