“到2025年,全球各城市每天产生的垃圾足以填满一辆3,100英里长的垃圾卡车。”这是竞赛任务书引用世界银行集团(World Bank Group)的话。城市垃圾已经成为全球议题。竞赛地段位于尼日利亚前首都拉各斯北部一个废弃的垃圾填埋场(图1)。将垃圾填埋场改变为日常使用的城市空间,需要跨学科合作的设计。低造价、适宜技术是竞赛提出的又一个挑战。“白象综合症”(White Elephant)用来表述大型体育场这样的巨型建筑对一座城市而言之不能承受之重。任务书要求的40,000人体育场可以归入这种建筑类型。朱文一工作室提交的“LagoScape”方案(图2)通过明确的设计思路、精准的设计策略以及巧妙的设计手法回应了上述挑战。
图1 / Figure 1地段现状为垃圾填埋场,拉各斯,尼日利亚The land fi ll site. Lagos, Nigeria / Souce:
图2 / Figure 2LagoScape方案Proposal LagoScape
Figure Sources
All figures, except those are specified, are provided by ZHU Wenyi Atelier
The LagoScape proposal is located in the former Olusosun Land fi ll (Figure 1) in the northern part of Lagos, Nigeria. The program asks participants to design a new multi-purpose stadium at the former Olusosun Land fi ll. How could this massive structure, known to be wasteful in its resources, limited lifespan, and inconsistent usage, confront critical issues of waste in Lagos while sited on a former land fi ll? Designers are encouraged to consider how the stadium might act as a porous entity, serving as both a world-class sporting facility and local commodity. ZHUWENYI Atelier proposed a scheme LagoScape (Figure 2). The keypoints of the proposal are as follows:
First, well-developed land fi ll technology is applied to build the stadium and green field, which is a sustainable way. The football stadium stacked with wastes can accommodate 40,000 people, meeting the requirements of sports competitions and city observation (Figure 3, Figure 4). The refurbished large green fi elds have become the venue for daily football activities in the surrounding communities.The 80-hectare site is designed as a football green fi eld. The large football stadium with 40,000 seats is centrally located, taking into account the events and daily use, exploring new typology of large-scale stadiums (Figure 5).
Second, the stadium not only serves as a football training and competition venue, but also has a unique image to become an attractive auditorium and city viewing platform. Giving the function of the tourist destination to the football stadium is an disruptive attempt to use the multi-purpose stadium.
Third, the proposal LagoScape takes into account the architectural experience from god's eye view,bird's eye view to man's eye view. It should be emphasized that the LagoScape is highly recognizable in its simple circular and is easily identi fi ed on Google Earth satellite maps. The gates of stadium with emanant paths on the green field are accessible to the neighborhoods surrounding the site(Figure 6).
The name LagoScape means Lagos Landscape.With its unique form, it will be a new landmark in the Lagos city (Figure 7).
图 3 / Figure 3用垃圾填埋而成的看台顶部——城市观景台The top of the grandstand made of land fi ll - the city observation deck
图4 / Figure 4通过适宜技术用垃圾填埋而成的40,000人体育场看台40,000 seats stadium stands made of land fi lls by suitable technology
图5 / Figure 5凡人视角下简洁、明快的“LagoScape”方案A simple and bright "LagoScape" from Man's-Eye-View
图6 / Figure 6“LagoScape”足球场和周边社区的巧妙连接Smart connection between the "LagoScape" football stadium and the surrounding community
图7 / Figure 7万能视角下的 "LagoScape" 。左:场地现状谷歌地球卫星图;右:LagoScape方案"LagoScape" from God's-Eye-View. Left: Site on Google Eargh satellite map; Right: Proposal LagoScape