From X House to Cotacachi House,Continuity through Variation:Typology + Material


世界建筑导报 2019年2期

By arquitectura x


2008基多建筑双年展时,我们举行了技术和建筑研讨会,会上Mauricio Rocha详细叙述了他对一种简单材料应用可能性的探索,并对施工开发和使用此材料构成的形式系统进行了热情讲解。他说的是瓦哈卡州艺术学院的夯土,当时该艺术学院仍在施工中,Mauricio的理念和该建筑都非常引人注目,我们对潜在的可能性充满好奇。














Mauricio Rocha Oaxaca Arts School Mauricio Rocha 瓦哈卡州艺术学院

Earth construction in Cotacachi科塔卡奇夯土施工

x house x 房屋


Courthouses projects: typical building and adaptation to "specific answer"法院大楼项目:典型建筑及针对“具体答案”的调整








在这方面,客户已提到科塔卡奇,第二个关键条件便已了然:夯土施工和Mauricio Rocha的经验。这意味着对下列理念的有效应用,该理念强调材料和施工因素从一开始便在通用和抽象因素转化为与当地条件相符的具体和统一因素过程中,及完成类型图表的过程中发挥着关键作用。







若材料逻辑从一开始便影响图表,那么我们就必须对此类逻辑进行抽象,了解当代夯土施工中几何结构、形状和建筑所必须保留的基本条件。大型统一墙面双向分布,按要求加固*,排列在开间中,形成了主要系统。(*基本按照厄瓜多尔建筑规范和Mauricio Rocha的技术意见,混合水泥进行加固。)



x house diagrams x房屋分析图


x house under construction施工中的x房屋

Donald Judd Chinati, Marfa, TexasDonald Judd,德克萨斯州玛法镇基安蒂

Donald Judd Chinati, Marfa, TexasDonald Judd,德克萨斯州玛法镇基安蒂

House, earth and wood construction, Cotacachi房屋、夯土和木构造,科塔卡奇


In the context of the 2008 Architecture Biennale in Quito where we had gathered in a seminar to speak about technique and architecture, Mauricio Rocha shared with us in detail his venture into the possibilities of an apparently simple material,explaining with passion the development of a construction and formal system from this one material. It was the rammed earth for the Oaxaca Arts School, at that time still under construction, and both Mauricio and the building were so compelling we were left intrigued by the possibilities.

But how and when could we apply a material and construction technique seemingly opposed to what we were working on and developing at the time? Mauricio assured us we would be faced with a context where earth construction would be the right answer and offered all his help when the time came, of course this seemed very logical in a country like Ecuador where earth construction had a deep-rooted tradition.

How could rammed earth construction be incorporated into a line of development based on the direct relationship between adaptable, non-programmatic, flexible and generic space, and prefabricated, assembled, flexible and generic building?

Mauricio’s generosity had come in the form of showing us an amazing building under construction, and offering all the technical and factual information we could need to work with improved and reinforced rammed earth, but most importantly in the form of a crucial question.


At this point in time we were working on implementing the design method of our generic house, x house, to any other house located in any other place, and taking it further to other building types and scales. We started by understanding buildings(and/or urban spaces) through the systems that constitute them, or by systematizing buildings into: spatial, organization, structural, covering - protection, services, or, as many systems as would be relevant; then, depending on scale, use, or climate for instance, determining a system (or a combination of systems) that would rule over the others and define the way the building worked, its form and how it related to its environment.

Thus for example a market would be defined by a structural system and covering- protection system (a roof, solar and ventilation control), whereas a house would have the spatial system rule over the rest (the relationship between public and private, inside and outside); in both cases, the dominating systems become at the same time the formal system of the building.

This working method focuses mainly in undertaking a non-programmatic and nonfigurative approach to architecture, in order to achieve open, permeable, flexible,modifiable, adaptable or reversible buildings, that respond better to the constantly changing conditions of use, mobility, ambiguity in programmatic limits, work-live relationships, family or work structures, urban renewal – recycling, increasing demands in quality and quantity of public space and green spaces, etc.

The method had very clear working principles but we found through its application we still depended on many arbitrary decisions, specifically when superficial,unsubstantial opinion appeared as a basis for design, either from the clients or the professionals involved in the process. To counteract this, the laws and rules established for the systems of the building and their relationships had to be present from the outset of the design, in order to ensure a clear and logical process, from idea, to formalization, to construction of the building.

This related us back to the x house and its generic nature, how it started out from a universal set of ideas to become specific as it adapted to its site, climate, use,construction and materiality.

We found that applying universal architectural principles, in this case conforming a typology, as a primary tool to establish the outset of a project, was a very effective way of eliminating the arbitrary and unsubstantial from the design process, but specially to focus immediately on the essential, allowing those initial ideas to be developed from a sound conceptual base through a reasoned process into a specific architectural project.

We understood universal principles had to come from architectural discipline and history itself but also from abstracting what is essential or relevant to all of us within architecture as an integral experience. So we developed the idea of typological diagrams, where typology is enriched, refined and focused by abstraction and intention into a diagram for the project. This strategy allows the universal (essential),as it progresses from principle to diagram, to be re-formed by introducing the specific parameters of reality that must define the project as an appropriate answer to its time and place.


cotacachi house diagrams科塔卡奇房屋分析图

As the design method for the projects became clearer and conceptually rigorous,the formalization process was strongly related to the assembled, prefabricated, dry construction building system we had been exploring leading to the x house, where simplification and reduction of constructive elements and actions was decisive.Through a series of key decisions, construction and materiality were limited to some predetermination in all of our work; this allowed for a more efficient systematization of the building processes which also led to a more efficient application of the design method: we could focus better on typological or diagrammatic variations as we had more control over formalization trough proven systems, unifying the formal with the construction system.

It is in the materialization that the design process effectively incorporates the specific aspects of reality that will make it coherent, viable and functional within its time and place. Material and construction are thus crucial to the logical formalization of the architectural project and have to be an integral part of the determining aspects of the typological diagram.

The work in our office had been located around places where dry construction technique and prefab materials were readily available, but what to do when they’re not? In all truth you could have access to these materials and small fabricators throughout the country, so it’s not really a question of local availability but rather of an appropriate use of material and technique: appropriate to local conditions,appropriate to the site and place, appropriate to climate, available labor, client needs, but most importantly, appropriate to the materialization of the ideas for the architectural project.


The clients for the Cotacachi house were a couple from the Caribbean who had been trying for some time to have a design for their second home in Cotacachi, a small town in the northern Andes two hours north of Quito; they needed a design proposal in 4 days before leaving Ecuador, or they would sell the site.

On a first meeting we got a general overview of the client’s ideas: their priority was the relationship between the house and the Andes, and the division between private and public spaces. However, they had no site photographs or complete site plan,just a sketch that showed a rectangular, long orchard plot in a valley 2470 meters above sea level, located between the Imbabura and Cotacachi mountains, to the east and west respectively.

At that moment a first key circumstance became obvious, we had the same base conditions as for the x house, so this project required the application of the same parti, a universal strategy that could work for any particular site condition:a transparent house whose spatial limits would be the two mountains we know dominate the valley, with a binuclear courtyard organization. The same base for the typological diagram applied.

Also basic to the x house process is the concept of the generic as that space between the universal and the specific, the generic as a set of strong rules that mediate between the universal and the specific, acting as an open framework that allows variation and adaptation to specific conditions, while intensifying the essence of the parti/diagram.


We needed to root this basic typological diagram to its reality and make it specific without losing the formal (typological) attributes of the parti/diagram, but because of the mentioned working and time constraints, we had to very quickly determine which particular factors would act from the start and rule over the rest.

In this regard, as soon as the clients mentioned Cotacachi, the second key circumstance came into place: earth construction and Mauricio Rocha’s experience.This implied effectively applying the idea that material and construction were to be the key factors in making the universal and abstract, specific and coherent to its local conditions from the outset, completing the typological diagram.

Rammed earth construction meant understanding the implications of local building tradition and all that it inferred as a key design factor, from the outset of the project. If it had to be a determination from the start, restrictions for the design would be greater form the start, but at the same time this freed us immediately from having to make,and importantly not discuss with the client, decisions related to aesthetic or figurative(superficial) aspects, and allow us the freedom to formalize the house following strict rules inherent to the nature of the material and its appropriate building technique while following the formal rules inherent to the typology of the diagram.

As an outset condition then, rammed earth construction comes with its own set of rules related directly to form and geometry that allow very little variation in its working logic. In the case of traditional rammed earth construction in northern Ecuador, it also comes related directly to a set of building types, almost all based on the courtyard type. Thus the material and its inherent logics inform the typology and determine formal adaptations generating a new, final typological diagram.


After the clients accepted our first proposal, and once all the essential information was gathered and thorough analysis of the complete conditionings for the project was done, we could reach final determinations for the outset principles that would complete the typological diagram and general framework for the project:

Building with earth in a highly seismic region implies you have to work with very strict geometric rules that would not necessarily allow the house to be limited by the mountains, or vary to become more specific to topography, site geometry,trees in the orchard and precise needs of use by the client. Also, strictly applying local construction techniques carry the risk of falling into the figurative and literally reproducing vernacular codes.

Formalization through construction in a local traditional material means you also have implied within this process the way the material relates to its environment as a whole, so again you are freed from having to make certain decisions in making the universal into specific architecture.

If material logics were to inform the diagram from the outset, then we had to abstract these logics, understanding the essential conditions that had to be maintained in geometry, form and construction for contemporary rammed earth construction.Large uniform wall planes distributed bi-directionally and reinforced as required*arranged in bays, became the primary system. (*basically mixed with cement and reinforced according to Ecuadorian building code and Mauricio Rocha’s technical advice.)

The traditional courtyard house, built with loadbearing earth walls for the first story and wooden second stories and roofs, is abstracted to a courtyard type defined in this case by three bays determined by use: a public bay shared by the couple and guests, a private bay for the guests separated by the courtyard, and a third bay atop the other two for private use by the couple. The two parallel bays that define the courtyard are displaced, consistent with the parti principles of a house limited by the mountains and not within itself.

The primary load bearing wall bays system is complemented by, and interacts with,a secondary light construction system, derived from local construction logic of light wooden second stories and roofs that rest over the heavy system at the first story base; this system is constituted by layers of wood and glass that work as windows or screens, and by wooden beams with thin concrete slabs for the second floor and roofs.

Systematization according to material logic allows the work to focus on developing the formal and expressive possibilities of the material, that is truly formalizing an idea through materialization. This way we achieve a result that is not just specific but a synthesis of the local and the universal, a path open towards continuity through variation.


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