OFIS Arhitekti


世界建筑导报 2019年2期

事务所简介 A Brief Introduction


OFIS arhitekti是一家由Rok Oman(1970)和Špela Videčnik(1971)于1996年创建的建筑实践工作室,两人都毕业于卢布尔雅那建筑学院(1998年10月毕业)和伦敦建筑学会(2000年1月获文学硕士)。截止到1998年,他们的作品已多次荣获业内大奖,如马里博尔足球场和卢布尔雅那城市博物馆。他们的很多项目被提名密斯·凡德罗奖,2009年的足球场获IOC/IAKS银奖,2006年获欧洲大奖赛创新奖,2005年在迈阿密双年展上凭借“别墅扩建”获优秀奖,其城市博物馆创新和扩展作品受到英国建筑评论AR+D奖的高度赞扬,2000年在英国伦敦获“年度青年建筑师”奖,在此仅列举他们的部分成就。













OFIS arhitekti is an architectural practice established in 1996 by Rok Oman (1970) and Špela Videčnik (1971), both graduates from the Ljubljana School of Architecture (graduated October 1998) and London’s Architectural Association (MA January 2000). By 1998 they had already won several prominent competitions, such as Football Stadium Maribor and City Museum Ljubljana. Many of their projects have been nominated for a Mies van der Rohe award, a Silver IOC/IAKS medal for the football stadium in 2009, the European Grand Prix for Innovation Award in 2006,an honorable mention at the Miami Bienal in 2005 for their Villa “Under”Extension, a high commendation for the City Museum renovation and extension by the UK Architectural Review’s AR+D awards, and the prestigious “Young Architect of the Year” award in London, UK, in 2000, to just mention a few of their achievements.


The international team is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Paris, France and has partner firm agreements in London, Moscow adn Zagreb. The beginnings of OFIS’ activities date back to the nineties, a particularly exciting yet difficult period for the former Yugoslavian republics that were undergoing intense self-re-evaluation and reinvention from scratch, economically and culturally. In terms of architecture this meant that most of the larger architectural offices had to be scaled down, creating an empty space for younger groups or individuals to participate in architectural competitions.Back then, OFIS managed to impress the jurors with original thinking and clear concepts. Over the past sixteen years they have been dealing with various national and international clients from the private sector, the commercial sector, and state institutions each with their own set of agendas,budgets and problems. In this period, they have developed the tactics in their work which make them stand out from the rest.

Their academic carieer involves teaching at Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, where they run main studios each second semester for the last 4 years. They also teach occasionaly in Ljubljana School of Architecture and Architectural Faculty Paris Val de Seine.


An OFIS project always starts with the search for a critical issue with the program, site or the client. Their design is not about surpassing,confronting, ignoring or disobeying the rules and limitations of each project. Rather, they plunge right in the middle of them and obey the‘law’ literally, word by word, if need be and at times even exaggerate it. In their work, restrictions become opportunities for an architectural system. In that sense, they become subversive, turning the limiting conditions into operational tools and so exposing all of the different possibilities. The architectural straight jacket all of a sudden becomes a beautiful dressing gown.


OFIS lately... Even though the practice is based in Ljubljana, the work and communication is international, taking part in competitions and the architectural discourse worldwide. They recently won a large business complex in Venice Marghera, Italy and a residential complex in Graz, Austria.However, it was by winning 180 apartments in Petit Ponts, Paris, their first large scale development was constructed abroad, which led them to open a branch office in France, 2007. This has been followed by a second large scale development with the construction of a football stadium in Borisov,Belarus, due for completion at the close of 2013.


Each project has its own agenda, tempo and progress. All our projects are related to the site and the context. The position within the site, its views,sun orientation, relation to the existing surrounding and natural surrounding is the key and first element that provides the form of the building and program insertion.

Or is that the site, the client, mental image, budget, all factors we start to consider and analyze and slowly the result is coming out. It is something similar than pilling the onion...

We are used to work in teams and we all draw at the same table. There is not a pyramid like hierarchy, everyone does exactly the same things: sketching,drawing and 3D modeling.


2016 . Tourist architecture recognition, Rogla Slovenia for Alpine Barn

2016 . Core 77 design build award, USA for Alpine Shelter

2015 . AIA New England design award, Boston, USA for Alpine Shelter

2014 . Archidesign Club Award for Paris Student housing, Paris, France

2013 . Golden Pencil Award 2013 , Space Habitable Wheel , Ljubljana , Slovenia

2013 . Plecnik award , Space Habitable Wheel , Ljubljana , Slovenia

2012 . Platinum Pencil 2012 , Award for extensive architectural achievements , Ljubljana , Slovenia

2011 . Mies van der Rohe Awards ‘10 Nomination for Farewell chapel

2010 . Chernikhov prize 2010 , selected nominee , ICIF , Moscow , Russia

2010 . Building of the year 2009 , Religious, Farewell Chapel, ArchDaily

2009 . IOC/IAKS silver medal for footbal stadium maribor, cologna, germany

2009 . mies van der Rohe Awards 2008 , nomination for footbal stadium maribor, selection

2009 . mies van der Rohe Awards 2008 , nomination for shopping roof apartments

2009 . mies van der Rohe Awards 2008 , nomination for hayrack apartments

2007 . TREND award for design, ljubljana, slovenia

2007 . mies van der Rohe Awards 2006 , nomination for housing on the coast

2006 . european grand prix for innovation awards, monaco

2006 . bienal miami 2005 . honors for villa under-extension, miami, usa

2004 . ar+d awards - for the city museum, london, uk

2001 . young architect of the year . winner, yaya, london, uk

2000 . piranesi honors award for housing block in koseze, piran, slovenia

Winning competitions

2015 . Arvo Part museum, Talinn, Estonia, recognition

2014 . Circus Conservatory of America, invited competition, portland, maine,USA, 1st.prize

2010 . FC Bate Borisov Stadium, Borisov, Belarus

2009 . rose garden city, invited competition, ljubljana, slovenia

2008 . 180 student housing. paris, france

2007 . mixed use complex (commercial + residential) . venice, italy

2007 . letaliska offices, invited competition, ljubljana, slovenia

2007 . alpine apart hotel, invited competition,kranjska gora, slovenia

2003 . 650 apartments , ljubljana, slovenia

2003 . housing block on the coast, izola, slovenia

2003 . invited competition for villa old oaks, ljubljana, slovenia

2001 . europan 6 , graz, A, (winner)

2000 . invited competition for villa bled, bled, slovenia

1998 . the city museum, ljubljana, slovenia

1998 . sports stadium, maribor, slovenia (1st prize )

1997 . housing block block on the plot 62x16, ljubljana, slovenia


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