Posting too many selfies can lead to narcissism2. This is selfishness and the belief you are better than you are. You think you are better than everyone else. Researchers found that people who used social media sites a lot showed a 25 percent rise in narcissism in just four months. The researchers studied people aged 18 to 34 and how their personality changed. Posting selfies seemed to increase levels of narcissism; sending text messages didnt.
A researcher said there were links between narcissism and the use of selfies. He said there wasnt much research on this topic. The results of his study suggest that posting selfies can increase narcissism. He said that “about 20 per cent of people may be at risk of developing” narcissism. They want attention and likes from other people after they post a selfie. They want to show others how their life is better.
[1]Have you ever posted a selfie? 你发过自拍照吗?
[2]Do you like posting a selfie? 你喜欢发自拍照吗?
[3]Do you think it is good or bad to post a selfie? Why? 你认为发自拍照是好还是坏?为什么?
1. selfie [ ] n. 自拍照
2. narcissism [ ] n. [心理] 自恋,自我陶醉
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