

风景园林 2019年1期










江洋畈位于一个山谷之中,周围有优越的自然条件,不过即使在高密度的城市街区里,一些面积较小的类似荒野的绿地也具有独特的生境与栖息地价值。如位于英国伦敦伊斯林顿区(London Borough of Islington)的吉莱斯皮公园(Gillespie Park)最早曾是一片农地,后来成为铁路边的一片工业原料堆积地,1960年废弃后开始了数十年的自然演替过程。21世纪初,这片土地被保留并建成了一个面积仅为1.6hm2的野生动植物公园(Wildlife Park),公园中有200余种植物,包括一些在城市中十分罕见的植物,并栖息着大量的鸟类和昆虫。这里还成为人们第一次记录到长尾蓝蝶繁殖的地方。






Urban Wilderness and Urban Habitat

The ecosystem of city is highly complex, and the habitat condition is also extremely diverse. Urban habitats include green space, forest, farmland, wetland, water bodies, wasteland and other natural or near-natural areas, as well as structures or infrastructures such as buildings, bridges, pipe networks, railways, etc.

Among all kinds of urban habitats, I pay special attention to the spaces with wildness feature in the city (here termed with urban wilderness). The vanish of urban habitats and biological species are related to the loss of wilderness. Therefore, the key to urban habitat is wilderness.

The green space ratio of urban built up area in China has reached 30%, but the biodiversity performs infirmly in most cities.In fact, the increase of urban green space area does not necessarily indicate the enhancement of urban ecological function, especially the enhancement of habitat quality. Ian Lennox McHarg, in his book Design and Nature, regard it so: There are two important systems in the city, one is the natural system, the other is the artificial system,and the two systems are balanced in a well-developed city, the natural system does not mean the green space, but the space that can develop according to its own evolution process. The wilderness in the city falls into this category of nature.

Urban wilderness refers to the land in a city dominated by nature rather than human beings, which is capable of natural succession beyond human intervention, and is owned by the land itself and the life upon which lives freely.

The value of wilderness to the city lies in its efficient ecological service function. In cities, the wilderness, dominated by natural processes, is a stable ecosystem closest to its native state, with lower maintenance, lower impact, and sustainable characteristics. The plant communities in natural state can grow spontaneously and compete with each other to form a stable and advantageous ecological system suitable for the site environment and climate conditions. Wilderness provides suitable habitat conditions for local animal and plant communities, and it is one of the most important habitat types in urban areas.

The prosperity of urban civilization and industrial civilization make the things created by labor show more value, but the value of natural or original things is often ignored. It is widely believed that wilderness is associated with negative images such as “Savage”,“Disorder”, and “Barbarism”, etc., or wilderness is desolate field,which is incompatible with urban life and urban landscape feature,and is not necessary to preserve and maintain. With the development of cities and the progress of technologies, transforming land becomes much easier. A large number of primary or secondary wilderness land around the city is thoroughly developed for urban construction in the process of rapid urban renewal and expansion.After living in urban environments for a long time, people are used to appreciating static, artificial, controllable landscapes, and viewing the natural environment as a solidified landscape, ignoring its dimension of temporal change. As a result, the attention to the natural state of life and the sensitivity to the changes of natural scenery are gradually lost. Some of the original wilderness areas have been extensively “beautified” and transformed into urban park. The land that can evolve according to the process of nature itself in the city is decreasing gradually, the urban wilderness has gradually faded out of people’s view.

Fortunately, some wilderness land sometimes survives in urban development for special reasons. Also, some land in the city, being abandoned for years for a variety of factors, turns into secondary wilderness, creating opportunities and conditions for us to preserve and maintain the wilderness in our cities.

For instance, between 1999 and 2003, a large amount of dredged-silt from West Lake in Hangzhou was transported into a valley called Jiangyangfan, forming a silt reservoir with a capacity of about 1 million cubic meters. Then the plants germinated gradually from the silt, with the change of water content on the land surface,obvious and interesting natural succession processes occurred, a secondary wilderness dominated by nature was formed in the city.Later, with this piece of land, Jiangyangfan Eco-Park was built. This is a park in which the natural system can follow its own laws, and a park that harmonizes human activities with the wilderness landscape.Today, dozens of species of birds inhabit here, the bog is home to wild fishes, crayfishes and crabs, where scientists have found also 42 species of butterflies.

Jiangyangfan is located in a valley, surrounded by superior natural environment, but even in high-density urban neighborhoods,some smaller wilderness-like greenbelts have unique value of habitat.For example, Gillespie Park in London Borough of Islington was originally a piece of farmland, later became an industrial storage area for raw material along the railroad, and since it was abandoned in 1960, decades of natural succession began. At the beginning of the 21st century, the land was preserved and built into a small 1.6-hectare Wildlife Park with more than 200 species of plants, including some species rare to be seen in the city, also a large number of birds and insects. It is the first urban space to record the breeding of longtailed blue butterflies.

In fact, as early as the 1970s, some urban parks in Europe began to line out a special area as undisturbed wilderness, providing habitat for local animals and plants. Still in this century, on the premise of satisfying the leisure activities of the citizens, many urban parks in Europe allow the natural process to develop freely in the parks,maximize the maintenance of the natural succession of the land, and make succession progress a part of the park’s autonomous design,allowing plants to compete and germinate themselves according to the site environment, to grow and transform freely, so as to create biotopes and habitats which are adaptive to the local environment in the cities.

Urban biotope and habitat are important foundations for urban ecology and biodiversity, while wilderness has irreplaceable value in its maintenance. As we should realize, the city needs not only green space, but also the green space that able to develop according to the succession of nature itself, and the wilderness in the city is indispensable.


Characterization of the N-polar GaN film grown on C-plane sapphire and misoriented C-plane sapphire substrates by MOCVD