

风景园林 2019年1期


1 总平面图Site plan

2 现有的两个水塘被选为校园更新的中心点The two existing ponds are chosen to form the center point of the renewal of the campus park

隆德理工学院(Lund Institute of Technology,LTH)拥有一个朝向东侧的巨大缓坡绿地景观。这片土地曾经被用于耕作。自1961年成立以来,该大学便致力于在瑞典南部建设为一所涵盖建筑学在内的高等工科院校。如今,隆德理工学院已经为10 000名学生提供了高等教育。

该学校的建筑师是兰卡斯特 安塞姆(Klas Anselm)。他在这块坡地上设计了十几座简单的红砖建筑,如今它们各自孤立地散布在斜坡上。校方曾坚信学校会迅速发展,预计这些单一的建筑将会扩张生长,并在彼此之间建立比原来更密切的联系。



4 北部水塘有一个向南的观景平台The northern pond has a viewing platform facing south

5 不同高度变化的楼梯激活社交生活Varying staircases on different levels stimulate social life

6 被称为“休息平台”的部分有宽敞的长椅供人坐下休憩The section called The Lounge”has wide sofas for seating

7 在东侧,楼梯一直延伸到水边On the east side, the staircases reach all the way down to the water



8 嵌在栏杆上的光点呈现了楼梯顺着斜坡上下起伏的态势Dots of light integrated in the railings describe the movement of the stairs up and down the slope




9 被称为“舞厅”的部分有特殊的照明设计The section called "The Ballroom" has a special lighting arrangement


客户:阿卡德米卡 哈斯地产有限公司

设计师:托尔比约恩 安德森,佩吉 海琳

设计团队:斯塔凡 桑德斯托姆,尼古拉斯 邦克,莫妮卡 祖隆加(照明设计)

面积:17 000m2


照片来源:图1,12~18©托尔比约恩 安德森+斯维可建筑师事务所;图2~5©艾克 伊森 林德曼;图6~11©卡斯普 杜吉克



10 照明概念旨在使水塘公园在天黑后也具有吸引力The lighting concept aims at making the pond park attractive also after dark

11“休息平台”的室外家具的座位是双向的The furniture at “The Lounge” has two-way seating

The landscape situation at LTH campus is a large, green field; sloping gently to the east.The land was once farmed. When the university established itself here in 1961, the purpose was to open a high-end school for technical faculties,including architecture, in the Swedish south. Today LTH offers higher education for 10 000 students.

The architect was Klas Anselm. He laid out what is today a dozen buildings in the terrain;simplistic, red brick volumes, sprinkled over the slope in quite solitary positions. The school authorities believed in a rapid growth, and the plan was that the singular buildings would physically expand and end up standing closer to each other than they originally were.

The school did grow, but not to the extent that the units came into a meaningful dialogue. The result is a rather handsome but barren campus. The lack of a density that can supply with a rich social life is obvious.

The project is about how to create a remedy for these shortcomings. The site is rather anonymous and windswept. However, there is one section which stands out; an area around two ponds. They are remnants of an old clay quarry,formerly used to supply material for the making of bricks. The clay pits are deep shafts in the ground and today filled with water. They have a dramatic setting compared to the surrounding open, sloping ground. From their rims is a steep drop, at places almost vertical. The climate here differs from the rest of the campus, lush vegetation protect from the winds, and the proximity to water adds qualities.It seemed as a good beginning for a new social hub at the school. It had lacked that quality for years.

12 观景平台,立面图Viewing platform, elevation

13 有轮椅通道的观景平台Viewing platform with access for wheelchairs

14 东侧楼梯的顶部和底部都有社交场所The eastern stairs have social spots at top and bottom

15 西侧的平台处于不同的高程上。早期的草图The western platforms are placed on different levels. Early sketch

The landscape concept was to make the steep edges of the ponds accessible but in differing ways.The purpose was to create socially attractive places,and promenades, around the ponds. A design principle of dual sides was established. The western rim of the larger pond offers places to stop by at,sit down, enjoy the view, and meet with friends and colleagues. Here, sun decks and platforms are located high above the water, close to the rim.The east side is the contrary. It is equipped with a winding promenade, and containing smaller social spaces. A system of staircases move up and down along the drop, at some places reaching all the way down to the water.

The design and the materials of the two sides consequently differ as well. The west side with the decks are made of wooden planks. The three terraces have names as the lounge, the pergola, and the ballroom. These are also the concepts after which they are designed.

The east side is a meccano of stretched sheet steel panels and staircases of the type you find at a construction site, reflecting the content of some of the curriculums at the school. The east side is light, almost floating, and orchestrate a playful promenade. The west side is firm,stable, of high gravity and form places for rest and social life.

The students as well as teachers, researchers and staff frequent the pond area in leisure time and work breaks. In addition, it is the showplace for the initial rituals that the freshmen perform every early fall, including self-constructed boats of various standard participating in a sea battle.

(Editor/LIU Yufei)

Location: Lund, Sweden

Client: Akademiska Hus

Designer: Thorbjörn Andersson and PeGe Hillinge

Project Team: Staffan Sundström, Nicholas Bunker, Monica Zulunga (light design)

Size: 17 000 m2

Opening: 2016

Photo Credits: Fig. 1,12~18©Thorbjörn Andersson +Sweco Architects; Fig. 2~5© Åke E:son Lindman;Fig. 6~11© Kasper Dudzik

Translator: SUN Xuerong

Proofreader: SUN Yue

18 休息平台的长椅施工图The lounge sofas, construction drawing

16 有着灯柱和长椅的“舞厅”“The Ballroom” with lighting on columns and a long sofa

17 木制平台西侧的总平面图Site plan showing the western side with the wooden platforms

