The visitor centre of the Grand Canal in Hangzhou is a landmark complex which includes a port terminal centre, a water bus station, and other commercial facilities. The concept of "bridge", a traditional Chinese form, is used to create a slender and efficient building to respond to the canal next to it.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 杭州运河集团/The Grand-Canal Development Construction Group
地点/Location: 浙江省杭州拱墅区小河路500号/No.500 Xiaohe Street, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 沈济黄,钱锡栋/SHEN Jihuang, QIAN Xidong
设计团队/Project Team: 宣万里,胡剑锋/XUAN Wanli, HU Jianfeng
合作单位/Design Partner: 浙江经纬工程设计有限公司/Zhejiang Jingwei Engineering Design Co., Ltd.
建筑面积/Floor Area: 32,110m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2013.02
建成时间/Completion Time: 2017.05
摄影/Photos: 章鱼工作室/ZYARCH Photographer Studio
1 沿河街景/An overview from the Grand-Canal
2 鸟瞰/Aerial view
3 分层轴测/Axonometric decomposition by layers
4 水上巴士码头/Port terminal for water bus