

疯狂英语·新读写 2019年2期

西安外国语大学 程佳雯


A husband and wife who stopped their motorcycle ride to the Blue Ridge Parkway last summer to perform CPR on a complete stranger in Stokes County are set to be honored by the American Red Cross of the Piedmont during its annual Salute to Heroes event later this month.

Wesley and Katie Clodfelter, of Thomasville,NC,were headed north on US 52 just past King on July 1,2017, when they saw a carpulled overon the side of the road.

Katie Clodfelter is an ER nurse at High Point Regional and Wesley Clodfelter does critical care transport there.He also works for the Thomasville Fire Department.

Both say theyfelt compelled toact when they saw a man being pulled out of an automobile in obvious distress (痛苦).They quickly learned from the man's wife that he had suffered a heart attack.

“We knew that he had no pulse, so I started chest compression (压缩),” Katie Clodfelter said.

“About 12 to 15 minutes, we did CPR before the ambulance had gotten there,” Wesley Clodfelter said.

He later learned that the patient and his wife were from Ohio,justpassing throughNorthwest North Carolina on vacation.Thanks totheir dedication and quick,trained lifesaving actions,the man lived and made it back home.

“We were just doing the right thing,”Wesley Clodfelter said and adding“anybody would have done it.”

“I feel like we were just in the right place at the right time with,somewhat of the right knowledge knowing what to do and how to handle a situation we found on the side of theroad,” Katie Clodfelter said.

Salute to Heroesis scheduledMonday at the Odeon Theatre on the Greensboro Coliseum Complex.

Reading Check

Answer the following questions according to the text.

1.Why are the couple honored with the title

“heroes”?(no more than 18 words)

2.How did they know the man being pulled out of an automobile had suffered a heart attack?(no more than 8 words)

3.How did they think of the in-time rescue themselves?

Language Study

Difficult sentence

I feel like we were just in the right place at the right time with,somewhat of the right knowledge knowing what to do and how to handle a situation we found on the side of the road.


【点石成金】本句为主从复合句。主句为I feel like...,其中we were just...为省略了that的宾语从句;分词短语knowing...在句中作后置定语修饰knowledge,而what to do and how to handle a situation为特殊疑问词+to do结构,作know的并列宾语;we found...为定语从句,修饰先行词a situation。

Using Language

I.Important phrases in the text

1.pull over路边停车 compelled to被迫;不得不

3.pass through路过;经过

4.thanks to幸亏;由于 scheduled (to) 预定;预期

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the phrases given above.

1______._the bad weather,the match had been cancelled.

2.The injured player _______sit out the rest of the match.

3.We meet Mr Lee this afternoon.

4.The tourists the town and bought up all the souvenirs

5.Rocco _______by a police officer who worried that his Buick appeared to be driverless.

Cultural Background


心肺复苏术 (CPR)是一个救助心搏骤停的急救措施,结合胸外按压、开放气道与人工呼吸,以努力保持受救助人完整的大脑功能,直到采取进一步措施,恢复自发性血液循环。

成人胸外按压深度至少5厘米,同时避免按压深度超过6厘米,按压频率为每分钟至少100到120次。救助者还可以通过吹气进入主体的口腔或鼻子(口到口复苏)或使用将空气推入主体肺部 (机械通气)的装置,提供人工通气。成人心肺复苏按压与通气的比例一般为30∶2。目前对未经训练的救援人员仅推荐一种简单的心肺按压方法。然而,对于儿童,只做按压可能会导致更糟糕的结果。


Wheelchair basketball stars