

疯狂英语·新读写 2019年2期

华东政法大学1650班 张 弛


When people arrive in a new country,it is important to be aware of the cultural difference to avoid embarrassing mistakes.Theresa May,British Prime Minister,knows it too well.She was recentlylaughed atby the British press for holding a Chinese character upside down.However,the mistake was made by the newspaper not by May.

During May's recent visit to China,she went to the Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai.At the garden,May and her husband Philiptried their hands atpaper-cutting, and she held her cut-out of the character fu, meaning good fortune, upside down.The London Evening Standard, a British newspaper, edited by one of May's former colleagues,former British chancellor (财政大臣)George Osborne, called out her so-called mistake. “The eye-catching couple was holding them upside down,earning confused looks from people at the Busy Bee center,including the young girl they were chatting to,” the newspaper said.

Fu means luck or happiness in Chinese.However,it is actually a custom to hang the character“fu” in reverse (颠倒) on doors or windows, as “upside down”rhymes with“arrive” in Chinese and it means good luck will arrive.Chinese netizenssprang to May's defense. “This is clearly correct, holding fu reversed showing people's wishes for good luck,” a user named Gelan said on Sina Weibo,China's Twitter-like social media plat-form. “It is the newspaper that knows little about Chinese culture,” another user commented on Weibo.

May's three-day trip sealed (盖章)a dozen deals worth a total of about 9 billion pounds including Belt and Road construction, finance, innovation, agriculture and technology.Her visit is expected toput a new shine onthe “Golden Era” between both countries.

In an interview with a Chinese reporter,May was glad to find out that the Chinese people affectionately call her “Auntie May.”“Oh, thank you.Thank you very much, indeed.I'm honored by that, thank you,” the Prime Minister replied.

Reading Check

Read the text carefully and fill in each blank with only one word.

Theresa May, British Prime Minister, was 1._______at by the British press for 2._______a Chinese character “fu” upside down.However, the 3._______was made by the newspaper, because it is a 4.________in China to hang the character “fu” in reverse and it means good 5.______will arrive.

Using Language

Ⅰ.Important phrases in the text

1.laugh at嘲笑……

2.try one's hand at尝试做某事

3.rhyme with与……押韵

4.spring to one's defense为某人辩护

5.put a new shine on给……增添光彩

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the phrases given above.

1.The freshman___________finishing all the work like other people before leaving the office.

2.We should lead a helping hand to people in need instead of___________them.

3.Jack had been looking for a word that____________knee,and at last he thought of three.

4.No one wanted to______________because he deliberately hurt his parents just because of a little conflict.


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