

疯狂英语·新读写 2019年2期

西安外国语大学 杨艳鑫


Different countries have different ways of celebrating the New Year.It's an interesting experience to know about different New Year customs.

Sydney New Year's Eve is an annual great event celebrated over Sydney Harbor,centering on the Harbor Bridge.Its main features are the two firework displays,the Family Fireworks at 9 pm and the Midnight Fireworks,both of which are televised nationally by the nine networks of current broadcasters.Each year the eventtakes ona new theme and is regularly viewed by more than one million people at the Harbor and about one billion worldwide on television.

As soon asthe 12 o'clock bell begins to ring on New Year's Eve,Spaniards rush to eat grapes.If a man can eat twelve grapes along with the bell,it means that he will be safe and sound in every month of the New Year.On New Year's day, parents are especially “kind”and will give their children everything they want.Because according to Spanish customs,children's fight and cry on New Year's day are bad omens (征兆).At the same time, most Spaniards carry gold or copper (铜)coins as a sign of good fortune.

In India,the New Year celebration begins on October 31 and lasts five days.The fourth day is the first day of New Year.And on this day,nobodyis allowed to beangry with anyone,let alone lose their temper.In some regions of India,on the morning of New Year's day,every household cries endlessly and everybody's eyesare filled withtears,as crying to welcome the New Year is a sigh with regret for life.In some areas,people begin the New Year with a fast(禁食)from the early morning of New Year's day until midnight.Due to these strange customs,New Year's day in India is called“crying New Year's day” and “fasting New Year's day”.

When in Rome,do as the Romans do.Understanding the differences of the customs about the New Year becomes more important in daily communication.

Read the text carefully and fill in each blank with only one word.

Reading Check

Using Language

Ⅰ.Important phrases in the text

1.take on呈现 soon as一……就…… allowed to do被允许做某事

4.let alone更不必说

5.lose one's temper发脾气 filled with被……充满

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the phrases given above.

1.It's ironic that the couple's refrigerator_______all kinds of beer instead of food.

2.The leaders are unwilling to acknowledge the nature of that threat, ________deal with it effectively.

3.After she came back from studying abroad,she _______a new and strange look.

4.Occasionally,the boss may ________,but shortly afterwards he will not hesitate to make an apology.

5.When Mr Black lost his property because of the financialcrisis,the two oldestgirls begged to _______something to lighten the load of home.

6._______the 12 o'clock bell begins to ring on New Year's Eve,Spaniards rush to eat grapes.


空腹抽血 禁食时间并非越长越好
背 影
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