

西安理工大学学报 2019年4期


一种移动终端可见光数据收发系统的设计与实现 柯熙政,宋云凤 (001)

外套筒式节点用于轻钢住宅的抗震性能分析 潘秀珍,马 俊,杨水成,刘 辉,张 鹏,田建勃 (007)

随从力作用下薄膜的非线性自由振动特性研究 邵明月,武吉梅,应戍狄,王 砚,卢 瑶 (017)

泄水工程反弧半径的研究 宁利中,徐泊冰,宁碧波,田伟利 (023)

齿轮局部故障振动信号分析及提取方法研究 杨秀芳,张西宁 (028)

基于Markov模型的渭河干流陕西段土地利用动态变化研究 严栋飞,姜仁贵,解建仓,张永进,朱记伟 (034)

玉米芯基多孔碳的制备及其在锂硫电池中的应用 燕映霖,魏一奇,李巧乐,陈世煜,蔺佳明,杨 蓉,许云华 (040)

中空碳纳米棒负载Fe3O4的制备及催化性能研究 孟庆男,崔娟妮,赵 康 (047)

多年冻岩土区露天矿边坡局部稳定性探究 李国锋,李 宁,刘乃飞,朱才辉 (053)

凹坑-树状分叉微细通道换热特性的数值研究 税琳棋,孙建辉,高 峰,吴文武 (062)

两类阿贝尔Cayley图上的完全状态转移 张爱仙,吉 喆 (069)

基于查找表的彩色逆半调改进方法 李永前,张二虎 (073)

考虑时变啮合刚度的船用高速斜齿轮动力学特性分析 文建爽,杜进辅,刘 凯,王峥嵘 (080)

基于ELECTRE的犹豫二元语义多属性群决策方法 刘 蕊,王秋萍,肖燕婷,闫海霞 (086)

一类具有脉冲扰动和饱和治愈率的媒介传染病模型研究 董红森,张素霞 (094)

冻融劣化混凝土动态轴压弹塑性损伤研究 吴 聪,彭 刚 (102)

关于伪Smarandache函数m次补数的一类均值 孙 忱,李江华 (109)

基于GABP算法的油墨配色研究 张 阁,郑元林,廖开阳,刘梦莹,王晓彤 (113)

基于近场动力学的隧道衬砌结构渐进裂损数值模拟分析 马云峰,徐林生 (120)


基于模糊聚类的可重构制造工艺规划方法 王永泉,张广鹏,张 倩(127)

多孔能源材料在有限扩散条件下的Warburg阻抗谱仿真研究 李 雨,杨维明,黄秋安,李伟恒,李喜飞,张久俊(138)

双级矩阵变换器高抗扰性预测电流控制 宋卫章,杜晓斌,贺 瑾,李 希,张 皓,王有云,钟彦儒(147)

特高压1100 kV GIS盆式绝缘子中心导体与绝缘盆体之间界面应力形成和作用过程讨论 王 闯,贾 静,赵 朗,卜 越,贾 嵘,彭宗仁(155)

基于压缩控制点的B样条曲线重构算法 任利娟,张广鹏,王 元,王妮娜,黄玉美(163)

永磁同步电机电流预测控制鲁棒性研究 王建渊,赵 娜,刘 强,孙向东(172)

45钢冷滚打成形Johnson-Cook本构模型参数标定及修正方法 黄 赓,李 言,李 龙,杨明顺,李嘉伟,陈 鑫,崔莅沐(179)

泾河流域径流变化趋势及归因分析 杨思雨,姜仁贵,解建仓,朱记伟,王 娇(186)

高强度钢材钢框架梁柱节点抗震性能研究 高志远,郭宏超,王德法,梁 刚(192)

四类非传统水资源开发工艺的可视化及可利用量计算 顾佳卫,解建仓,赵 津,连亚妮,李少轩,陈 晨(200)

激光金属成形缺陷在线检测方法及热场仿真 田舒平,解瑞东,李涤尘,张安峰,张连重,高 峰(212)

LED光源气溶胶探测雷达光学准直结构优化设计 杨学成,赵 恒,王 希(219)

基于视觉感知高度相关的图像质量评价 于淼淼,郑元林,廖开阳,唐梽森(224)

两种村镇隔震结构动力特性强震演变规律的振动台试验对比研究 邹蕊月,郭军林,李英民,袁 康,白宏思(234)

遮荫对冬小麦生长及形态建模的影响 石鹏兵,张建丰,李 涛,申亚宾(242)

地震波入射角对地震动特性的影响研究 华 凯,范留明,车军鹏(248)

低强度钢渣混凝土抗压及抗渗性能试验研究 朱训国,王兆毅,何传琪,王利芬,赵 双,刘星池(256)

基于图像非刚性匹配的物体空间转角检测方法 王宇佳,杨 静(264)


密闭腔体内空气故障电弧辐射模型的研究 李 美,郭鹏程 (269)

基于低秩稀疏表示的红外与可见光图像序列融合方法 王文卿,高钰迪,刘 涵,谢 国,焦鹏飞 (276)

基于World Wind的三江源水资源电子沙盘研究 于 翔,姜仁贵,解建仓,梁骥超,严栋飞 (284)

一种面向无向加权图的子图查询方法 朱 磊,姚燕妮,高 勇,王一川,姬文江,黑新宏,刘 征 (291)

叶轮时序对两级离心泵内部流动的影响研究 卢金玲,郭鹏程,王李科,廖伟丽,赵兴海 (300)

基于功率激光修剪绿化带的自动绿篱机设计 王馨梅,谢 冰,焦 欣,王成城,杨天阳,任 哲,牛仁杰,仝慧紫 (308)

超声强化海绵铁催化过硫酸钾降解磺胺嘧啶研究 李文英,魏 红,张佳桐,杨小雨 (314)

干旱胁迫状态下植物电信号特征分析与研究 周敏姑,剧飞儿,孙振豪,许景辉 (320)

新型风机增速箱输出轴优化设计及寿命预估 韦尧兵,彭 敬,刘俭辉,高刚刚 (327)

基于亚像素边缘的棋盘格的角点检测 艾裕丰,赵 敏,张 琪,雷 杰,白小亮 (333)

基于NSGA-Ⅱ多目标遗传算法的宿舍室内空间布局优化研究 李 琳,王旭鹏 (338)

一种非侵入式电力负荷监测系统的设计与实现 王爱囡,袁 麓,丁长波,曹高杨,高 鹏 (343)

土体热传导系数测量与模型研究进展 任 杰,张文兵,陈建琪,于碧含 (352)

密度线性方程式的理论误差探析 陈一军,成刚虎 (361)

同杆并架平行双回线不平衡电流产生机理的研究 杨金东,陶 晔,李周龙,吴思奇,郭鹏程 (368)

基于高低帽变换的优化边缘检测算法研究 张金凤,刘 昕 (373)

紫外LED光源对油墨固化效率的研究 董克凡,刘 昕 (378)

集群企业双层跨界连接对创新绩效的影响 向希尧,薛伟贤,赵家晗 (382)

农村居民消费变化特征及收入影响研究 孙赵勇,扈文秀 (388)


气压及温度衰减对C4F7N分解组分影响规律研究 付钰伟,同向前,尹忠刚,段建东,伍文俊 (395)

基于微凸体连续变形理论的结合面切向刚度模型 王世军,李志涛,韩子锐,赵金娟,李鹏阳 (401)

响应面优化酸化赤泥的制备及其吸附环丙沙星的研究 史京转,周孝德,魏 红,郑佳欣,黄九峰 (411)

基于时变耦合模型的引嘉入汉工程调蓄方案研究 魏 娜,卢锟明,解建仓,林梦珂,王晨晖 (420)

“地-电离层”波导结构中媒质变化对VLF电波场强的影响 蒲玉蓉,辛 楠,李 毅,席晓莉 (427)

考虑优先级的IPPS紧急订单处理问题研究 苗志鸿,杨明顺,王雪峰,李 言 (434)

基于标准化降水指数的渭河流域多尺度干旱特征分析 苟非洲,强文博,程玉婷 (443)

秦岭南北典型流域径流变化规律的对比研究 柯新月,汪 妮 (452)

重力坝杂填土地基坝基稳定复核分析 崔竞元,杨 杰,程 琳,任 杰 (459)

隐变量分形插值曲线的计盒维数 张明霞,冯志刚 (467)

纳子峡纤维混凝土面板坝服役期接缝变形特性分析 王玉龙,覃 源,王迎春,刘海敏 (472)

平面四索驱动并联机构的零点标定方法 郭晓玲,汤奥斐,张 奔 (479)

改进的樽海鞘群算法及在焊接梁问题中的应用 王彦军,王秋萍,王晓峰 (484)

未来气候模式下淮河流域极端降水量的时空变化分析 陈 琛,石 朋,瞿思敏,孙 龙,牟时雨,冯 颖,董丰成,崔彦萍 (494)

求解含对数势和变流动系数的Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw系统的解耦有限元方法 郭亚瑜,贾宏恩 (506)

宁夏境内特高压直流输电设备大数据智能管控应用研究 余 涛,冯 斌,于 波,韦冬妮,何勇萍 (512)

某地区变电站全生命周期造价管理工程应用研究 刘尚科,丁向阳,俱 鑫,尤 菲,苟瑞欣 (518)

低碳导向下的供应商关系管理策略研究:形态视角 高 攀,李随成 (524)



Design and implementation of visible optical communication system for mobile terminal KE Xizheng,SONG Yunfeng (001)

Seismic behavior analysis of outer-shell connection used for light steel residential structure PAN Xiuzhen,MA Jun,YANG Shuicheng,LIU Hui,ZHANG Peng,TIAN Jianbo (007)

Nonlinear free vibration characteristics of membrane subjected to follower force SHAO Mingyue,WU Jimei,YING Shudi,WANG Yan,LU Yao (017)

A study on the bucket radius of the outlet structures NING Lizhong,XU Bobing,NING Bibo,TIAN Weili (023)

Study on the analysis and extraction method of gear local fault vibration signal YANG Xiufang,ZHANG Xi’ning (028)

Study on the dynamic change of land use in Shaanxi section of Weihe main stream based on Markov model YAN Dongfei,JIANG Rengui,XIE Jiancang,ZHANG Yongjin,ZHU Jiwei (034)

Preparation of corncob-derived porous carbon materials and the application in lithium-sulfur batteries YAN Yinglin,WEI Yiqi,LI Qiaole,CHEN Shiyu,LIN Jiaming,YANG Rong,XU Yunhua (040)

Synthesis of hollow carbon nanorods supported Fe3O4and their catalytic properties MENG Qingnan,CUI Juanni,ZHAO Kang (047)

Local stability of open-pit coal mine slope in permafrost regions LI Guofeng,LI Ning,LIU Naifei,ZHU Caihui (053)

Numerical investigation on heat transfer characteristics of the tree-like branching microchannel with dimples SHUI Linqi,SUN Jianhui,GAO Feng,WU Wenwu (062)

Perfect state transfer of two classes of abelian Cayley graphs ZHANG Aixian,JI Zhe (069)

An improved color inverse halftoning method based on lookup-table LI Yongqian,ZHANG Erhu (073)

Analysis of dynamic characteristics of high speed helical gear for ship considering time-varying meshing stiffness WEN Jianshuang,DU Jinfu,LIU Kai,WANG Zhengrong (080)

Hesitant 2-tuple linguistic multi-attribute group decision-making method based on ELECTRE LIU Rui,WANG Qiuping,XIAO Yanting,YAN Haixia (086)

Analysis of a model with impulsive perturbation and saturation treatment of vector-borne diseases DONG Hongsen,ZHANG Suxia (094)

Study on the dynamic elastic-plastic damage of freeze-thaw deteriorated concrete under uniaxial compression WU Cong,PENG Gang (102)

Mean value onm-power complement of pseudo Smarandache function SUN Chen,LI Jianghua (109)

Ink color matching research based on GABP algorithm ZHANG Ge,ZHENG Yuanlin,LIAO Kaiyang,LIU Mengying,WANG Xiaotong (113)

Numerical simulation analysis of tunnel lining structure crack damage based on peridynamics MA Yunfeng,XU Linsheng (120)


Process planning for reconfigurable manufacturing based on fuzzy clustering WANG Yongquan,ZHANG Guangpeng,ZHANG Qian(127)

Simulation of Warburg impedance spectra under finite diffusion boundary conditions for porous energy electrode materials LI Yu,YANG Weiming,HUANG Qiuan,LI Weiheng,LI Xifei,ZHANG Jiujun(138)

Predictive current control of two-stage matrix converter with strong disturbance resistibility SONG Weizhang,DU Xiaobin,HE Jin,LI Xi,ZHANG Hao,WANG Youyun,ZHONG Yanru(147)

Discussion on the formation and action process of interfacial stress between the center conductor and the insulation material of the UHV spacer used in 1100 kV GIS WANG Chuang,JIA Jing,ZHAO Lang,BU Yue,JIA Rong,PENG Zongren(155)

B-spline curve reconstruction algorithm based on compressed control points REN Lijuan,ZHANG Guangpeng,WANG Yuan,WANG Nina,HUANG Yumei(163)

Research on robustness of current predictive control for permanent magnet synchronous motor WANG Jianyuan,ZHAO Na,LIU Qiang,SUN Xiangdong(172)

Parameter calibration and correction of Johnson-Cook constitutive model for 45 steel cold roll-beating HUANG Geng,LI Yan,LI Long,YANG Mingshun,LI Jiawei,CHEN Xin,CUI Limu(179)

Trend and attribution analysis of runoff in Jinghe River YANG Siyu,JIANG Rengui,XIE Jiancang,ZHU Jiwei,WANG Jiao(186)

Seismic behavior of high-strength steel-steel frame beam-column joints GAO Zhiyuan,GUO Hongchao,WANG Defa,LIANG Gang(192)

Visualization of four types of unconventional water resources exploitation processes and available amount calculation GU Jiawei,XIE Jiancang,ZHAO Jin,LIAN Yani,LI Shaoxuan,CHEN Chen(200)

A defects detection method for laser metal deposition and thermal fields simulation TIAN Shuping,XIE Ruidong,LI Dichen,ZHANG Anfeng,ZHANG Lianzhong,GAO Feng(212)

Optimization design of optical collimation structure for LED light source aerosol detection radar YANG Xuecheng,ZHAO Heng,WANG Xi(219)

Image quality evaluation based on high correlation of visual perception YU Miaomiao,ZHENG Yuanlin,LIAO Kaiyang,TANG Zhisen(224)

Shaking table test comparative study on the evolution law of dynamic characteristics in strong earthquake for two kinds of rural isolation structure ZOU Ruiyue,GUO Junlin,LI Yingmin,YUAN Kang,BAI Hongsi(234)

Effect of shading on the growth morphology of winter wheat SHI Pengbing,ZHANG Jianfeng,LI Tao ,SHEN Yabin(242)

Characteristics of earthquake ground motion influenced by seismic incident angle HUA Kai,FAN Liuming,CHE Junpeng(248)

Experimental study on compressive strength and impermeability of low strength slag concrete ZHU Xunguo,WANG Zhaoyi,HE Chuanqi,WANG Lifen,ZHAO Shuang,LIU Xingchi(256)

Object space rotation angle detection method based on image non-rigid matching WANG Yujia,YANG Jing(264)


Research on radiation model of air fault arc in a closed tank LI Mei,GUO Pengcheng (269)

Infrared and visible image sequence fusion via low-rank and sparse representation WANG Wenqing,GAO Yudi,LIU Han,XIE Guo,JIAO Pengfei (276)

Research on electronic sand table of water resources in the source area of Three Rivers based on World Wind YU Xiang,JIANG Rengui,XIE Jiancang,LIANG Jichao,YAN Dongfei (284)

A subgraph querying method for undirected weighted graphs ZHU Lei,YAO Yanni,GAO Yong,WANG Yichuan,JI Wenjiang,HEI Xinhong,LIU Zheng (291)

Influence of impeller clocking on the inner flow of a two-stage centrifugal pump LU Jinling,GUO Pengcheng,WANG Like,LIAO Weili,ZHAO Xinghai (300)

An automatic hedge trimmer of cutting greenbelt with a power laser WANG Xinmei, XIE Bing,JIAO Xin,WANG Chengcheng,YANG Tianyang,REN Zhe,NIU Renjie,TONG Huizi (308)

Sulfadiazine degradation in ultrasonic enhanced sponge iron/potassium persulfate system LI Wenying,WEI Hong,ZHANG Jiatong,YANG Xiaoyu (314)

Characteristic analysis of and research on plant electrical signal under plant drought stress ZHOU Mingu,JU Feier,SUN Zhenhao,XU Jinghui (320)

Optimal design and life prediction of output shaft of new wind turbine gearbox WEI Yaobing,PENG Jing,LIU Jianhui,GAO Ganggang (327)

Corner detection of checkerboard based on sub-pixel edge AI Yufeng,ZHAO Min,ZHANG Qi,LEI Jie,BAI Xiaoliang (333)

Research on optimization of dormitory interior space layout based on NSGA-II multi-objective genetic algorithm LI Lin,WANG Xupeng (338)

Design and implementation of a non-intrusive power load monitoring system WANG Ainan,YUAN Lu,DING Changbo,CAO Gaoyang,GAO Peng (343)

Advances in measurement and model research of soil thermal conductivity REN Jie,ZHANG Wenbing,CHEN Jianqi,YU Bihan (352)

Theoretical error analysis of density linear equation CHEN Yijun,CHENG Ganghu (361)

Research on the generation mechanism of unbalanced current in parallel operation of double-circuit lines YANG Jindong,TAO Ye,LI Zhoulong,WU Siqi,GUO Pengcheng (368)

Research on optimized edge detection algorithm based on high and low cap transform ZHANG Jinfeng,LIU Xin (373)

Study on curing efficiency of ink by UV LED light source DONG Kefan,LIU Xin (378)

Effect of distinct cross-cutting ties on cluster firms’ innovation performance XIANG Xiyao,XUE Weixian,ZHAO Jiahan (382)

Research on the characteristics and income factors of rural residents’ consumption change SUN Zhaoyong,HU Wenxiu (388)


Influence of pressure and temperature on C4F7N decomposition components FU Yuwei,TONG Xiangqian,YIN Zhonggang,DUAN Jiandong,WU Wenjun (395)

Tangential stiffness model for joint surface based on asperity continuous deformation theory WANG Shijun,LI Zhitao,HAN Zirui,ZHAO Jinjuan,LI Pengyang (401)

Preparation of acidified red mud using response surface methodology for adsorptive removal of ciprofloxacin from water SHI Jingzhuan,ZHOU Xiaode,WEI Hong,ZHENG Jiaxin,HUANG Jiufeng (411)

Regulation and storage scheme of Jialing River to Hanjiang River water transfer project based on time-variant coupling model WEI Na,LU Kunming,XIE Jiancang,LIN Mengke,WANG Chenhui (420)

Influence of medium parameter variation on VLF electric field in the earth-ionosphere waveguide PU Yurong,XIN Nan,LI Yi,XI Xiaoli (427)

Research on IPPS emergency order processing considering priority MIAO Zhihong,YANG Mingshun,WANG Xuefeng,LI Yan (434)

Analysis of multi-scale drought characteristics in Wei River Basin based on SPI GOU Feizhou,QIANG Wenbo,CHENG Yuting (443)

Comparative study on the variation of runoff in typical basins of northern and southern regions of Qinling Mountains KE Xinyue,WANG Ni (452)

Stability analysis of gravity dam with miscellaneous foundation CUI Jingyuan,YANG Jie,CHENG Lin,REN Jie (459)

Box counting dimension of hidden variable fractal interpolation curve ZHANG Mingxia,FENG Zhigang (467)

Analysis of deformation characteristics of joints of Nazixia fiber reinforced concrete face-slab dam during service period WANG Yulong,QIN Yuan,WANG Yingchun,LIU Haimin (472)

Zero-point calibration method of a planar four-cable-driven parallel mechanism GUO Xiaoling,TANG Aofei,ZHANG Ben (479)

An improved salp swarm algorithm and its application to welding beam problem WANG Yanjun,WANG Qiuping,WANG Xiaofeng (484)

Spatio-temporal trend of extreme precipitation in Huaihe River basin based on the future climate model CHEN Chen,SHI Peng,QU Simin,SUN Long,MOU Shiyu,FENG Ying,DONG Fengcheng,CUI Yanping (494)

A decoupling method for solving Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system with logarithmic potential and variable mobility GUO Yayu,JIA Hongen (506)

Intelligent control of UHV DC transmission equipment based on “big data” environment YU Tao,FENG Bin,YU Bo,WEI Dongni,HE Yongping (512)

Research on application of life cycle cost management engineering of substation in a region LIU Shangke,DING Xiangyang,JU Xin,YOU Fei,GOU Ruixin (518)

Research on low carbon-oriented supplier relationship management strategies:the configuration perspective GAO Pan,LI Suicheng (524)

