【Abstract】What does memorizing a word involve? Memorizing a word is more than just memorizing its meaning, its spelling, and its pronunciation. Memorizing a word also involves in using it in a grammatically correct way, knowing its grammatical connections with other words, knowing which words can be used together with it, which is also called collocations, knowing its positive and negative associations, and most importantly knowing how to use the word in the right situation.Based on such understanding, we should reconsider the ways we memorizing vocabulary. There are 3keys to memorize words. The first key is to recognize the general shape of a whole word. The second step is to learn the symbols and to pronounce the corresponding sounds. The final point is to use it in a correct context.
【Key words】vocabulary; 3keys; context
I. Introduction (概述)
As we all had the experience of being English language learners, we have rich experience in learning its vocabulary. This experience can be helpful for us to understand the learning of vocabulary. Vocabulary has been recognized as one of the most important elements contributing to successful language learning. However, many learners find vocabulary very difficult to learn even with enormous time and effort put into it. It is also recognized that vocabulary is more vital than grammar for learners.
Hence, I refer to some resources to find different views on memorizing word. Let us analyze different ways of memorizing English words.
II. Some Basic Theories on Memory
2.1 Three Stages of Memory
Its commonly believed that memory is a psychological-phenomenon, which refers to a process (Brain preserves and recalls the past experience.). There are 3 stages in the process of memory. The first stage is registration. When we receive some information from the outside world, some organs and systems inside our heads that control movements, thoughts, memories and feelings will automatically react to those informational contents.The next stage is consolidation, when the information flows into our brains. Some areas of our brain will internally deal with the information. The final stage is reproduction, which means a process of thinking of past things. You can remember something that you have learned or happened in the past.
Having read the above- mentioned theories, I hope we can figure out some basic memory theories.
2.2 Some Ways of Presenting and Practicing Word
According to the above part, we know that the “registration” is the first stage of memory. In our teaching of vocabulary, we also can call this stage “presence”. Presenting new words play a significant role in memorizing a word. I will list some way of presenting new words .Let us see what methods can be used to present new words?
Using pictures or illustrations
(Vocabulary is often presented with pictures or illustrations. This way of presenting new words can help us establish a direct relationship between a word and its meaning, its image. )
Involving ourselves in actions
( To engage ourselves as much as possible, we need to give ourselves something to look and say, to imagine, to listen to, and to respond to, to sort or set, to solve or order.)
Besides knowing the examples shown above, we also can add more other options such as story telling, dictionaries, imagination, the internet, real objects. From above mentioned, we can see that there are many different ways for us to present new words. We can not expect people to remember all the new words without helping them to practice, restore, recall and use them later in the lesson.
We know the second stage of memory is “consolidation”, which we call also “practice”. Now I will list some ways of practicing vocabulary.
Draw a diagram (When our vocabulary accumulates to a certain degree, appropriate classification will be helpful for us to memorize word. We can draw a diagram. ).
There are also many other ways. For example, providing demonstration or giving examples, sing a song or say a chant. In conclusion, making use of the way of presenting or practicing words makes our learning process more colorful. Accordingly, in the next part we will discuss how to make our learning environment more enjoyable and funny.
III. Creating the Pleasant Learning Environment
3.1 Making Use of the Function of Music
To be frankly, the process of memorizing word is not only difficult but also very challenging, especially for people who are required to remember words in the limited time.If we can provide a relaxed learning environment, they may learn words in a good mood. Obviously, the learning result may be amazing.
It is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our emotions. In fact, since 1930s, music therapists have relied on music to soothe patients and help control pain.
Believe it or not, listening to classical music is good for our memory. Listening to light music you like stimulates the Alfa-wave in the brain, increases the heart rate and expands the breathing.
Thus, it is an effective way.
3.2 Making Use of Grassy Areas
Are you tired of memorizing words in classroom every day? Why dont change our learning environment? Go outside and enjoy the nature. A green neighborhood simply means more places for kids to relax, which is vital since time spent outdoors is one of the strongest correlates of childrens activity levels.Green space is also good for the mind too.
In short, I think, memorizing word in grassy areas is well worth considering. If you live in suburb or a city with good parks, take advantage of whats there.
IV. Using Pronunciation and Lexicology
4.1 Pronunciation and Phonetic Symbols
How did you feel about learning pronunciation and phonetic symbols, interesting, boring, useful, or motivating? What benefits do you think there might be in learning pronunciation and phonetic symbols? In language teaching, pronunciation and phonetic symbols are less emphasized than other language knowledge, such as grammar and vocabulary. Yet it is in fact a very important element for memorizing words. In many countries it has been in the past popular to use the phonetic symbols and pronunciation as the starting point for learning to read and write English .Research and experience have shown the fact this approach is very successful.
What is included in learning pronunciation? I dont think to learn pronunciation means to ask learners to repeat after the teacher sound by sound or word by word. Wrong (1993) points out that pronunciation includes stress, rhythm and intonation as well as individual sounds.“Learning pronunciation should not be limited to finding primary stress and comparing individual vowel and consonant sounds in a given word, as has often been the case with pronunciation learning in the past” (Okita, 1999: 18).we should be able to feel the rhythm of the language, and understand and produce sounds.
Let us analyze the reasons why pronunciation should be integrated in learning English word. Most important of all, pronunciation is integrated in language learning and it plays an important role in listening, speaking and spelling. It is helpful for learners to grasp good pronunciation. Whats more, phonetic knowledge can make word recognition and spelling much more easily. The last, it is very important for us to develop phonemic awareness, which means to be aware of the connection between letters and sounds.
In brief, good pronunciation will certainly be good for us to memorize word.
4.2 Making Use of the Lexicology
It is very difficult for us to remember every English word one by one. There is no doubt that it will waste our long time and energies. We can make use of the lexicology to memorize word, to increase our word power. We can learn from onomatopoeia (The fact of words containing sounds similar to the noises they describe). Let me introduce some words to you. The word “bark” means a short loud sound from a dog. When we pronounce this word, we find its pronunciation is related to its real meaning. Using our common sense and imagination, we can memorize many onomatopoeic words easily. We also can learn something from compounding. Compound is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems. We can use what we have learned to analyze the construction of a word, to guess its meaning. For example, the word“handbag” means a small bag for money, keys, especially by women. Its meaning closes to the combination of hand and bag meaning. But most of time, people choose to make use of the prefix, the root, and so on. lexicology frequently, we can memorize words easily. Because lexicology includes many rules we can research, which is beneficial.
V. Conclusion(結论)
The world is becoming more and more global. People from different countries and cultures need to communicate frequently in order to live together. Learning a foreign language is very important in this multilingual and multicultural society. Memorizing word is the first step of learning English. Hence, we must conquer the difficulty of memorizing word. Try to memorize English word in different ways. When we improve our learning methods, we can not forget something else, the learning attitude is also very important, like passion, diligence and strong will. I believe, with the development of our researches in this field, we can find out more useful ways of memorizing vocabulary in the near future.
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