Learnings from My Commuting Life


Special Focus 2019年12期

By Chen Jing

In the early morning, we are often in a hurry to catch a bus while the sun is rising overhead.In the evening, we are tired to arrive home after the sun has set.Few people take notice of the stories that happen on the bus in their daily lives.

Suitable is Essential

An old saying in China goes, “you know whether the shoes fit only after you are wearing them.” So it is ridiculous to wear a pair of beautiful but unsuitable shoes.I always see attractive young women wearing high heels catch a departing bus hastily.More often than not, she would fall and twist her ankle, putting herself in a muddle.If she, instead, chose cloth shoes that are plain and cheap, her way to her bus could be way more easier.

More Haste, Less Speed

When you get on a bus, you may wish to find a good seat to have a rest.The majority prefer the front seats.They may quarrel or even fight with each other over a seat, which annoys the people around them.But some others look around and go to the back of the bus, then they find a seat in a corner and enjoy the scene outside quietly.

Prepare Yourself

In the winter, while the bus is blasting heat, wearing a heavy down jacket in it will make you feel that you are in a sauna.In the summer, if the bus is airconditioned, you may feel cold when you are in light sleeves.Therefore, the weak had better prepare appropriate clothes to avoid catching a cold.

Put Yourself in Others' Shoes

As we all know, many of the young commuters have had a hard time working a whole day before they step on the bus.However, it would still be preferable that they give up their seats to those more in need when necessary, which is one of our traditional Chinese virtues.In reality, some of them pretend to play on their phones, and not offer their seats.Is it really good for them? Actually, offering a seat may not be a bad thing, for it can reduce the softness that comes after a long bout of sitting, the strain on eyes and neck discomfort from playing on their phones, as well as avoid the radiation from the phones.Furthermore, they may feel more relaxed while standing up.

Life is full of philosophy.Looking around carefully, you may find more meaning in your life.