

世界建筑 2019年12期






墨西哥建筑是信仰与韧性的聚合。现代墨西哥是建立在一个由令人眼花缭乱的文明兴溃、生灵福祸所构成的历史上的,它独享着一种在其他地方罕见的现象:在一系列的宗教信仰与社会形态更迭中,虽然后面的信仰或体系不停地以戏剧性的变革迭代前面的,但它们似乎在更大的层面上进行一种不间断的对墨西哥文化基底的加深。这里面有阿兹特克人、萨巴特克人、米斯特克人,也有基督教徒;这里面有殖民者、现代主义者、资本投机者,也有社会改良者;每一人群的集体信仰都在墨西哥建筑历史上留下不可忽视的明确足迹——但从来不完全覆盖其前的,而只是形成足够强大的振动与涟漪, 从而不停地对周知于世的“墨西哥式”建筑语汇进行拓展。




特别感谢ArchDaily 的创始人戴维·巴苏尔托,他使本期专辑成为可能。□

In his epic essay The Labyrinth of Solitude, Octavio Paz gave a poetic dissection of the Mexican identity. He argued, not without lament and pride at the same time, that there is a mysterious solitude beneath every Mexican soul. Indeed, to a people who both celebrate and repel death, a country that both embraces and evades collective monumentality, and a nation that celebrates both self-denial and self-esteem, the enigma of that solitude truly holds.

It holds for Mexican architecture as well.

Mexican architecture is a fusion of happiness and sadness.No other nation celebrates death as the Mexicans do on the Day of the Dead. No other nation embraces the (sub)tropical sunshine with such a display of voluptuous urban colour and power yet encoding the spaces in it with such lingering anxiety and powerlessness. No other city like the Mexico City interprets density with both the extremely monumental and the extremely horizontal. Its unique realistic urbanism, coming from and working for its equally unique demography, mocks all the established principles of modern urbanisation, utopian or dystopian or utilitarian, and still remains a puzzle to be deciphered by urbanists around the world.

Mexican architecture is a fusion of faith and resilience.Built upon a dazzling history of rises and falls of civilisations, of booms and catastrophes, modern Mexico enjoys a situation that is seldomly found elsewhere: the iteration of drastically different beliefs and systems working on a replay, constantly increasing the intellectual depth of the cultural backdrop of the nation.The Aztecs, Zapotecs, Mixtecs, Christians; the Colonialists,Modernists, Capitalists, Socialists; each group managed to leave a remarkable ideological footprint along the architecture story of the country, never entirely overtaking the previous one or all the previous ones, just generating enough shake and oscillation,just continuing to broaden the vocabulary of architecture that is known as "Mexican".

Mexican architecture is a fusion of the global and the local. Unlike most developing nations, the Mexican never brag about the glamour of western star architects and metoo-ish materialisations of their signature styles. We see acknowledgement and celebration when a work aligns coherently with the rich cultural substrate upon which it is made, such as the public enthusiasm for Pedro Ramírez-Vásquez's National Museum of Anthropology. We see rejection and condemnation when a work fails out of sheer arrogance and carelessness, such as President López Obrador's decisive overhaul of Norman Foster's environmentally atrocious and shamefully expensive New Airport.Moreover, we see the built testimonies of the infinite reflection of Mexican architects. Buildings like the Oaxaca Convention Centre deny every attempt of simple profiling and labelling.They are honest but joyously expressive. They are distinctively linked to tradition yet radically modern. They are technologically conventional yet tectonically endlessly imaginative.

Mexican architecture was, is, and will continue to be a thrilling enigma of convoluted beauty. No better words can give us more hint than the melancholic, yet poetic lines of Luis Barragán, presented in his acceptance speech of the second Pritzker Prize and still whispering in our ears:

"The invincible difficulty that the philosophers have in defining the meaning of this word, beauty, is unequivocal proof of its ineffable mystery. Human life, deprived of beauty, is not worthy of being called so."

Our special thanks to David Basulto, founding partner of ArchDaily, who has made this special number possible.□

