

英语学习(上半月) 2019年1期

∷落 霁 选注


Overtourism is not a new problem. Barcelona, in particular,is at the centre of these mounting concerns about the rapid growth of tourism in cities, especially during peak holiday periods.①Barcelona: 巴塞罗那,西班牙东北部港市,因其众多历史建筑和文化景点成为热门旅游城市;mounting:越来越多的(常指造成问题或麻烦的事物);peak: 高峰的。In fact, Destination Barcelona estimates that there were 30 million overnight visitors in 2017, compared to a resident population of 1,625,137.

But across southern Europe protests②protest: 抗议。and social movements are growing in number. This has led to the formation of organisations such as the Assembly of Neighborhoods for Sustainable Tourism and the Network of Southern European Cities against tourism. They are at the forefront③forefront: 最前列,最重要的位置。of the fight against overtourism and the impact it has on local residents.

While many tourists want to “live like a local” and have an authentic and immersive experience during their visit, the residents of many tourism-dependent destinations are seeing the unique sense of place that characterised their home towns vanish beneath a wave of souvenir shops, crowds, tour buses and rowdy bars.④许多游客都希望“像当地人一样生活”,拥有真正的沉浸式旅行体验,但与此同时,在许多依赖旅游业的城市中,当地居民正目睹着家乡原本独特的地域特色逐渐消失,取而代之的是层出不穷的纪念品商店、摩肩接踵的人潮、随处可见的游客大巴和熙攘吵闹的酒吧。authentic: 真正的;immersive:沉浸式的,拟真的;rowdy: 喧闹的,吵嚷的。They are also suffering as local amenities and infrastructure are put under enormous strain.⑤amenity: (常作复数)生活福利设施,便利设施;infrastructure: 基础设施;strain: 困难,负担。

It is a truly global issue. Other destinations where overtourism has reached disruptive proportions include Palma de Mallorca, Paris,Dubrovnik, Kyoto, Berlin, Bali and Reykjavik. Recently, Thai authorities were forced to act when the number of tourists visiting Maya Bay, the beach made famous by Danny Boyle's film The Beach,⑥Maya Bay: 位于泰国小皮皮岛的一个海湾;Danny Boyle: 丹尼·博伊尔,英国导演、编剧、制作人,曾获奥斯卡最佳导演奖,代表影片为《海滩》(The Beach)。led to shocking environmental damage.

We define overtourism “as the excessive growth of visitors leading to overcrowding in areas where residents suffer the consequences of temporary and seasonal tourism peaks, which have enforced permanent changes to their lifestyles, access to amenities and general well-being.” The claim is that overtourism is harming the landscape, damaging beaches, putting infrastructure under enormous strain,and pricing residents out of the property market.①landscape: (陆上)风景;price out of: 漫天讨价(或收费)致使(自己或他人)失去(市场等)。It is a hugely complex issue that is often oversimplified②oversimplify: 使……过于简单化。.

It can have an impact in multiple ways. The international cruise industry, for example, delivers thousands of passengers daily to destination ports.③cruise: 乘船游览;port: 港口。While comparatively little is returned to communities, cruise activity creates physical and visual pollution.

City residents also bear the cost of tourism growth. As cities transform to cater for tourists, the global travel supply chain prospers.④cater for: 迎合;supply chain: 供应链;prosper: 繁荣,兴旺。This coincides with increasing property speculation and rising costs of living for local communities.⑤coincide with: 与……同时发生;speculation: 投机买卖。Airbnb, for example, has been accused of reducing housing affordability and displacing residents.⑥Airbnb: 一个让大众出租民宿的网站,提供短期出租房屋或房间的服务;displace: 迫使(某人)离开家。

Amsterdam wants to take direct action to prevent this by banning short-term rentals⑦rental: 租赁,出租。and directing cruise passengers away from the city centre. Airbnb is also making efforts to address the problems they are accused of creating.

Overcrowding and the establishment of typical tourism-focused businesses, such as clubs, bars and souvenir shops, overwhelm local businesses—and rowdy and unmanageable tourist behaviour is common.⑧过度拥挤以及俱乐部、酒吧和纪念品商店等典型的为旅游业量身打造的商业场所的开设,都使当地商业受到沉重打击,而且吵吵闹闹、难以管理的游客行为也十分普遍。overwhelm: 压垮,使受打击。This diminishes the unique ambience⑨ambience: 氛围,环境。of destinations and leads to crowd and waste management pressures.

Clearly, tourism brings jobs, investment and economic benefits to destinations. But overtourism occurs when tourism expansion fails to acknowledge that there are limits. Local government and planning authorities have so far been powerless to deal with the overwhelming influence of the global tourism supply chain. This has led to widespread“tourist-phobia”—first described by Manuel Delgado more than a decade ago as a mixture of repudiation, mistrust and contempt for tourists.①-phobia: 用以构成名词,表示“憎恶,恐惧”;repudiation: 否定,批驳;contempt: 轻视,蔑视。

Dealing with overtourism must now be a priority. But despite the mounting howls of protest, tourism promotion endures—and unsustainable hordes of tourists continue to descend on cities,②howl: 怒吼;unsustainable: 无法维持的,无法支撑的;horde:(通常指熙攘纷扰的)一大群人。beaches and other natural wonders.

Managing the flow of tourists seems an improbable③improbable: 不大可能的,未必确实的。and unwelcome task. But some cities have taken drastic measures to limit the effects of overtourism, including the introduction of new or revised taxation arrangements, fines linked to new local laws, and “demarketing,”whereby destinations focus on attracting fewer, high-spending and low impact tourists, rather than large groups.④但一些城市已经采取了严格的措施来为过度发展的旅游业设限,包括制定新的或修改征税措施、依照全新的当地法律增设罚款,以及通过“限制性营销”降低市场需求。通过这些手段,旅游城市将目标游客群体限定为少数高消费、低影响的游客,而非逐队成群的普罗大众。taxation: 征税;demarketing: 限制性营销,通过(广告手段)减少市场需求。

But it's a fine line to tread⑤tread: 踩,踏。. If tourist arrivals to a destination decline suddenly and dramatically it would likely have considerable economic repercussions⑥repercussion: (尤指不好的)持续影响,后果。for those who rely on them.

Overtourism is a shared responsibility. City administrators and destination managers must acknowledge that there are definite limits to growth. Prioritising the welfare of local residents above the needs of the global tourism supply chain is vital.⑦prioritise: 优先考虑,给予……优先权;welfare: 福祉,福利;vital: 至关重要的。Prime consideration must be given to ensuring that the level of visitation fits within a destination's capacity.⑧visitation: 游客访问;capacity: 容纳能力。

The global tourism supply chain also bears a major responsibility. It must ensure that product development achieves a balance between the optimal tourist experience and a commensurate local benefit.⑨optimal: 最佳的,最适宜的;commensurate: 相称的,相当的。Tourists must also play their part by making travel choices that are sensitive to the places they visit and those who live in and around them.

Tourism should be part of the wider destination management system,which must also consider transport and mobility, the preservation of public spaces, the local economy and housing, among other aspects of daily life. Research, planning and a close and ongoing dialogue between city administrators, the tourism industry, civil society groups and local residents are essential.

Perhaps overtourism is a symptom of the present era of unprecedented affluence and hyper mobility,⑩unprecedented: 空前的,无前例的;affluence: 富裕;hyper: 亢奋的,精力旺盛的。a consequence of late capitalism. We need to urgently rethink the way cities are evolving to uphold⑪uphold: 支持,维护。the rights of their residents.


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