

农业工程学报 2018年24期

吕恩利,陈明林,刘妍华,郭嘉明,黄 浩,虞新新,李鹏飞


吕恩利1,陈明林1,刘妍华2※,郭嘉明1,黄 浩1,虞新新1,李鹏飞1

(1. 华南农业大学工程学院,广州 510642;2. 华南农业大学工程基础教学与训练中心,广州 510642)

为掌握喷淋预冷工艺参数对荔枝降温特性的影响,搭建了荔枝喷淋预冷试验平台,以“淮枝”荔枝为试验材料,研究了喷淋温度和喷淋流量对单层荔枝果实以及多层荔枝果实喷淋预冷降温特性的影响。试验结果表明:单层荔枝预冷,喷淋温度越低,冷却系数越大,7/8预冷时间越短,果实温度均匀性越差,选择(5±0.5)℃,能够保持较好预冷均匀性和较快的预冷速度;喷淋流量增大,冷却系数先增大后趋于稳定,7/8预冷时间先缩短后趋于平缓,与喷淋流量呈二次函数关系,果实温度均匀性提高,临界喷淋流量为5.9 L/(s·m2);多层荔枝堆叠时,果实离喷头越近,冷却系数越大,7/8预冷时间越短,果实温度均匀性越好,相对预冷时间与层数呈二次函数关系,临界预冷层数为4;研究结果为荔枝喷淋预冷装置的设计及单层与多层荔枝预冷应用提供参考。


0 引 言




1 试验装置及方法

1.1 试验装置

荔枝喷淋预冷试验平台如图1所示。蓄冷箱体采用1.5 mm厚不锈钢和8 cm厚聚乙烯隔热材料制成,箱体尺寸(长×宽×高)为1.86 m×1.01 m×1.08 m,蓄冷箱体与制冷机组(包括蒸发器、2个2匹压缩机、冷凝器等组成)相连。冷水在变频泵的抽吸作用下经喷头喷淋在荔枝表面并最终流回蓄冷箱体,形成一个循环,喷淋流量可通过改变变频泵的压力调节,安全阀可紧急控制喷头的开停。变频泵型号为DY/SD-750由江苏威乐科技有限公司生产,可调压力范围为0~0.4 MPa,最大流量为4 m3/h。喷淋流量由山东信准电子科技有限公司生产US211M智能数显流量计测定,准确度为±5%。荔枝平铺于孔质筐中,置于喷头正下方0.1 m处,喷头尺寸(长×宽)为0.3 m× 0.3 m,开256个直径为3.9 mm的小孔。孔质筐尺寸(长×宽×高)为0.3 m×0.3 m× 0.15 m,荔枝果肉温度由德国贺利氏产铂电阻PT100测得,量程为−60~300℃,精度为±0.15 ℃。

1.变频泵 2.卸压阀 3.数显流量计 4.喷头 5.孔质筐 6.荔枝 7.蒸发盘管 8.蓄冷箱体 9.压缩机 10.冷凝器

1.2 试验材料

试验用荔枝品种为“淮枝”,清晨采摘于广州从化果园,成熟度为8~9成熟。采摘后3 h内运回用于试验,挑选直径在30~32 mm间,规则无损伤荔枝为试验材料。

1.3 试验方法

在喷淋预冷试验平台上,改变冷水温度、喷淋流量,用冷却系数、7/8预冷时间和预冷均匀性来评价其对荔枝预冷降温过程的影响。喷淋温度的试验水平选取为:(2±0.5)、(5±0.5)和(9±0.5)℃,喷淋流量的试验水平选取为:1、2、3、4、5和6 L/(s·m2)。



为进一步分析多层荔枝堆叠预冷的降温特性,将挑选好的荔枝平铺5层于孔质筐,靠近喷头的为第一层,依次往下为第二、三、四、五层,如图1所示;每层布置3个温度传感器,插于荔枝果肉,荔枝果实摆放与温度测点分布如图2b所示,以各点平均温度表征荔枝果肉温度。采用40路数据采集仪采集传感器温度,每1 s采集数据一次,并记录。

2 评价指标

2.1 7/8预冷时间



2.2 冷却系数



2.3 均匀性



3 结果与分析

3.1 喷淋温度对单层荔枝喷淋预冷效果的影响

当喷淋流量为5 L/(s·m2)时,喷淋温度分别为(2±0.5),(5±0.5)和(9±0.5)℃条件下,对单层荔枝果实进行预冷,荔枝果实初始温度分别为26.3、25.8、26.4 ℃,记录荔枝果实温度变化。

图3a可知,喷淋温度越低,荔枝果实温度下降越快,荔枝果实终温越低。当喷淋温度一定时,预冷前期,荔枝果实温度呈急剧下降趋势,预冷后期,荔枝果实温度变化缓慢,直至恒定。预冷至15 min时,喷淋温度为(2±0.5)、(5±0.5)、(9±0.5)℃的荔枝果实温度分别为2.92、5.82、10.28℃。由此可见,降低喷淋温度,有利于缩短预冷时间,提高预冷效率[28]。


注:喷淋流量为5 L·(s-1·m-2),单层荔枝。

表1为不同喷淋温度条件下,荔枝果实到达7/8预冷时间时的评价参数。从表可知,冷却系数随喷淋温度的降低呈增大趋势;喷淋温度越低,7/8预冷时间越短[30],喷淋温度为(5±0.5)℃时7/8预冷时间相对于(9±0.5) ℃变化显著(<0.05),缩短了36.3%,喷淋温度为(2±0.5) ℃时7/8预冷时间相对于(5±0.5)℃变化不明显(>0.05),缩短了15.3%,随着喷淋温度的降低7/8预冷时间缩短减缓;喷淋温度越低,果实温度均匀性越差,喷淋温度为(2±0.5)℃时果实均匀度相对于(5±0.5) ℃增大了230.4%,预冷均匀性明显变差(<0.05),通过降低喷淋温度来达到快速预冷有一定限度。因此,喷淋温度可选择(5±0.5)℃,能够保持较好预冷均匀性和较快的预冷速度。

表1 不同喷淋温度荔枝预冷结束时评价参数


Note: Different letters within a column for the same evaluation parameter indicates significant differences at<0.05 level among three different spray temperatures, the same below.

3.2 喷淋流量对单层荔枝喷淋预冷效果的影响

当喷淋温度为(5±0.5)℃时,喷淋流量分别为1、2、3、4、5和6 L/(s·m2)的条件下,对单层荔枝果实进行预冷,记录荔枝果实温度变化。

从图4a可知,喷淋流量越大,荔枝果实温度下降越快,荔枝果实预冷终温越低。预冷至15 min时,喷淋流量为1、2、3、4、5和6 L/(s·m2)对应的荔枝果实温度依次为7.79、7.49、7.09、6.33、5.82和5.96 ℃。

注:图4a中15 min时图中线条代表喷淋流量从上至下依次为1、2、3、4、5、6 L·(s-1·m-2), 喷淋温度为(5±0.5)℃,单层荔枝。

表2为不同喷淋流量条件下荔枝果实预冷结束时各评价参数。从表可知,喷淋流量越大,冷却系数先增加后稳定;7/8预冷时间先缩短后趋于平缓,喷淋流量为5 L/(s·m2)的7/8预冷时间相较1 L/(s·m2)减少了7.31 min,增加喷淋流量能显著缩短预冷时间;荔枝果实温度均匀性变化不明显(>0.05),均匀度在0.095~0.068范围内先减小后趋于稳定。当喷淋流量达到5 L/(s·m2)后,荔枝果实冷却系数、7/8预冷时间和均匀度均趋于稳定,可能原因是荔枝果实与冷水的接触面积随着喷淋流量的增加变化减缓。因此,适宜的喷淋流量能增加预冷效率,提高果实温度均匀性。

表2 不同喷淋流量荔枝预冷结束时评价参数

为研究喷淋预冷较优喷淋流量,通过7/8预冷时间与喷淋流量的关系寻找临界流量值,当喷淋流量大于临界值时,荔枝果实与冷水的接触面积随着喷淋流量的增加变化缓慢。将7/8预冷时间与喷淋流量的关系进行非线性回归,回归曲线如图4b,7/8预冷时间与喷淋流量呈二次函数关系,回归方程为=0.32−3.547+18.2,决定系数2=0.989,这类曲线在顶点处变化率为零,可用顶点处对应的喷淋流量值估算7/8预冷时间随喷淋流量减缓的临界喷淋流量[16]。根据回归方程,求出该曲线顶点所对应的喷淋流量值,即为基于7/8预冷时间的临界喷淋流量。经过计算,得出试验条件下的临界喷淋流量为5.9 L/(s·m2),即当喷淋流量大于5.9 L/(s·m2)时,随着喷淋流量的增加,7/8预冷时间变化缓慢。因此,喷淋流量可选择5.9 L/(s·m2),若喷淋流量继续增大,不但预冷效率提升缓慢,泵的能耗也增大。

3.3 多层荔枝堆叠对喷淋预冷效果的影响

当喷淋温度为(5±0.5)℃,喷淋流量为5.9 L/(s·m2),在孔质筐内平铺5层荔枝,对其预冷,记录各层荔枝果实温度变化。

从图5a可知,上层荔枝果实温度较下层荔枝果实温度降温更快,即上层荔枝果实降温曲线更靠近荔枝果实温度轴;预冷后期上层荔枝果实温度较下层荔枝果实温度更低,即预冷后期上层荔枝果实降温曲线更靠近预冷时间轴,预冷至15 min时,第一至第五层的荔枝果实温度分别为6.27、6.50、7.03、6.93和7.80 ℃。

5层荔枝预冷结束时,中部纵截面上荔枝果实温度分布如图5b所示。从图可知,荔枝果实上层温度低,下层温度高,同层之间中间温度略高于两边。中部纵截面上,荔枝果实均匀度为0.14,各点平均温度为7.15 ℃,预冷耗时14.02 min。由此可见,多层荔枝堆叠放置时各层降温速率不一致,预冷时间较长,预冷终温不协调。


图5 多层荔枝堆叠果实降温过程与预冷结束时中部纵截面温度分布

表3 不同层荔枝预冷结束时评价参数


图6 相对预冷时间与层数的关系

4 结论与讨论


1)单层荔枝,喷淋温度越低,冷却系数越大,7/8预冷时间越短,预冷均匀性越差,喷淋温度选择(5±0.5) ℃,能够保持较好预冷均匀性和较快的预冷速度。增大喷淋流量,冷却系数先增大后趋于稳定,7/8预冷时间先缩短后趋于稳定,与喷淋流量呈二次函数关系,预冷均匀性逐渐变好,分析可得临界喷淋流量为5.9 L/(s·m2),当喷淋流量大于5.9 L/(s·m2)时,预冷效率提升缓慢,泵的能耗增大;喷淋流量可选择5.9 L/(s·m2)。



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Effects of different spray precooling parameters on cooling characteristics of litchi

Lü Enli1, Chen Minglin1, Liu Yanhua2※,Guo Jiaming1, Huang Hao1, Yu Xinxin1, Li Pengfei1

(1.,,510642,; 2.,510642,)

To investigate the effects of spray precooling parameters on the cooling characteristics of litchi fruit, a spray precooling test platform was established. “Huaizhi” litchi fruit was chosen as raw materials for this study. The effects of spray temperature and spray flow rates on the cooling coefficient, 7/8 cooling time, and cooling uniformity, as well as the characteristics of multilayer litchi spray cooling, were studied. For spray precooling of single layer litchi, the lower the spray temperature was, the bigger the cooling coefficient was, the shorter the 7/8 cooling time was, and the worse the temperature uniformity of the fruit was. When the spraying temperature was less than (5±0.5)℃, the 7/8 precooling time was shortened, and the precooling unevenness increased significantly (<0.05). The effects of spray temperature to achieve rapid precooling was limited. Therefore, a spray temperature of (5±0.5)℃ could be chosen in the actual precooling process, and it could maintain the precooling uniformity and accelerate precooling rate of litchi. With the increase of pray flow rate, the cooling coefficient initially increased and then stabilized, and the 7/8 precooling time initially shortened and then leveled gently, and the fruit temperature uniformity increased. The 7/8 precooling time had a quadratic function relationship with the spray flow rate. The 7/8 precooling time decreased slowly when the spray flow was higher than 5.9 L/(s·m2). This was because the contact area between the litchi and cold water increased more slowly than the flow rate. Therefore, the flow rate of litchi spray precooling could be selected to be 5.9 L/(s·m2), which could improve the precooling efficiency and reduce the energy consumption of the pump. When multilayer litchi fruits were stacked, the closer the spray nozzle was, the bigger the cooling coefficient was, the shorter the 7/8 precooling time was, and the better the temperature uniformity was. The relative precooling time had a quadratic function relationship with the number of layers, and the number of critical precooling layers was 4.1. When the number of litchi stacks was larger than or equal to 4, the relative precooling time varied little. To improve the precooling efficiency, the number of litchi stacks should be bigger than or equal to 4. However, as the number of layers increased, the precooling uniformity gradually deteriorated. When the multilayer litchees were stacked, the cooling rate of each layer was inconsistent, the precooling time was longer, and the precooling final temperature was not coordinated. The whole process of precooling took 14.02 minutes. After precooling, theof the middle longitudinal section was 0.14, and the average temperature was 7.15 ℃. In single layer litchi spray precooling, the spray temperature could be selected as (5±0.5)℃, and the spray flow could be selected as 5.9 L/(s·m2). The parameters of the single layer litchi spray precooling were used to precool the multilayer litchi, and the number of layers of the best stack of litchi was found to be 4. The research results provided reference for the design of litchi spray precooling equipment and single-layer and multilayer litchi precooling applications.

fruits; temperature; flow rate;litchi; spray precooling; cooling characteristics

吕恩利,陈明林,刘妍华,郭嘉明,黄 浩,虞新新,李鹏飞. 喷淋预冷工艺参数对荔枝降温特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(24):292-298. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.035

Lü Enli, Chen Minglin, Liu Yanhua, Guo Jiaming, Huang Hao, Yu Xinxin, Li Pengfei. Effects of different spray precooling parameters on cooling characteristics of litchi[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(24): 292-298. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.035







S375; TS255.3



