

农业工程学报 2018年24期




(1. 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,泰安 271018;2. 山东省园艺机械与装备重点实验室,泰安 271018)

芽眼准确识别是马铃薯种薯自动切块的前提,为降低误识别率,提高芽眼识别率和可靠性,提出基于色饱和度三维几何特征的马铃薯芽眼识别方法。对分量在三维几何空间进行分析提出了以其纵向截面曲线及其一阶导数为基础的4个特征向量,利用四特征综合判定准则进行芽眼纵向识别,然后根据芽眼横向特点对芽眼纵向识别结果进行再次筛选,降低芽眼误识别率。试验结果表明:该方法芽眼识别率达91.48%,其中,未发芽芽眼识别率92.21%,已发芽芽眼识别率89.00%,芽眼误识别率4.32%,识别单幅图像的平均耗时为2.68 s。因芽眼误识别造成种薯切块无芽眼的概率小于1.01%。试验证明该方法抗干扰能力强,能有效降低误识别率,防止种薯切块无芽眼引起的缺苗现象,可为马铃薯种薯自动切块机芽眼识别提供参考。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 图像的获取装置

图像采集装置如图1所示,包括计算机、支架、4个环形补光灯、USB摄像头和黑布组成。USB摄像头的最大分辨率1 600Í960像素,帧率30帧/s,USB3.0接口。计算机操作系统Windows 7,搭载Intel @ Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ CPU 2.30 GHz处理器,内存8 GB,分析软件为MATLAB R2016a。选用的环形补光灯功率25 W,以提高采集的图像质量,避免因自然光引起的干扰。

图1 马铃薯图像采集装置

1.2 色彩空间选择及图像预处理


为消除噪音及背景区域对芽眼识别的干扰,提高识别准确度,对JPG图像进行预处理,分析软件MATLAB R2016a,其效果如图2所示,方法如下:




1.3 特征选择



图2 RGB原始图像与S分量三维几何图



图3 S分量三维几何图及不同芽眼区域局部放大图


1.4 芽眼识别算法







式中CP1、CP2、CP3、CP4为芽眼特征参数。1、2表示PKS对应的前后窗口;max n表示PKS对应的窗口1和2内的最大值。




注:PKSn为第n个波谷值;W1、W2为PKSn对应的前后窗口;Smax n为PKSn对应的窗口W1和W2内的最大S值。


2 试验及结果分析

2.1 试验设计

试验所用马铃薯为市场销售的普通马铃薯,样本数为100,每个马铃薯选2个面进行采集图像,共采集图像200幅,格式为JPG,分辨率1 600Í960像素。整个测试过程操作系统Windows 7,搭载Intel @ Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ CPU 2.30 GHz处理器,内存8 GB,分析软件为MATLAB R2016a。

2.2 评价指标


2.3 结果与分析

2.3.1 识别结果分析


图6 马铃薯芽眼识别流程

将特征参数的阈值TH1、TH2、TH3和TH4分别设置为3、2.8、1.5和15,对200幅马铃薯图像进行了芽眼识别,识别结果如表1所示。共880个芽眼,成功识别出805个,成功率91.48%,芽眼漏识别率8.52%。其中,未发芽芽眼680,成功识别出627个,成功率92.21%。已发芽芽眼200,成功识别出178个,成功率89.00%。因破皮、污斑、泥土等干扰造成的误识别芽眼38,占总芽眼数的4.32%,识别单幅图像的平均耗时为2.68 s。

马铃薯种薯切块需要满足质量在30~60 g范围内并且芽眼数至少1个。根据试验分析及传统经验知每个种薯块大于1个芽眼的概率大于80%。因此,由式(7)知,因误识别的芽眼而造成种薯切块无芽眼的概率p小于1.01%。该方法对种薯芽眼识别的准确率完全能满足种薯自动切块机要求。

2.3.2 识别结果可靠性分析


表1 马铃薯种薯芽眼识别结果


图7 表面缺陷对芽眼识别的影响

2.4 三维状态马铃薯芽眼识别的可能性的讨论


3 结 论



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Potato bud eyes recognition based on three-dimensional geometric features of color saturation

Li Yuhua1, Li Tianhua1, Niu Ziru1, Wu Yanqiang1, Zhang Zhilong1, Hou Jialin1,2※


Potato is an important food crop with planting area been increased annually. Potato should be cut according to agronomic requirements before planting to make the potato sprout early and to increase the yield and to save the seed potato. The bud position and the weight of the seed potato cutting have an important influence on late growth of potato. Accurate identification of the bud eye is the premise of automatic cutting of seed potatoes. In addition, bud eyes are easy to be confused with mechanical damages such as growth spots, soil and skin breakage. In order to reduce the false recognition rate and improve the success rate of bud eyes recognition, a method for identifying potato buds based on three-dimensional geometric features of color saturation are proposed. By comparing the color space of potato, it is found that the color saturation componentin the HSI color space is the most obvious. In addition, it is less affected by light conditions, avoiding low recognition accuracy caused by interference of brightness factors. In this paper, four eigenvectors based on their longitudinal section curves and their first derivatives were proposed by analyzing thecomponent in the three-dimensional geometric space. The four-feature comprehensive judgment criterion was used to identify the bud eye longitudinally, and then the bud eye vertical recognition result was screened again according to the lateral characteristics of the bud eye. The modified method can greatly reduce the bud eye false recognition rate. The specific potato bud eyes recognition algorithm was as follows: 1) Color saturationcomponent was obtained by converting the acquired image from RGB color space to HSI color space. 2) Thecomponent curve was obtained by longitudinally column-by-column interception of the three-dimensional map of thecomponent. Then derivative curve was obtained by deriving thecomponent curve. 3) First, all the valley positions of the first derivative curve of thecomponent were obtained, and the four bud eye feature parameters corresponding to the position were obtained. Then, the bud eye was identified according to the determination rule. If the condition was satisfied, the corresponding row and column position was set to 0, otherwise it was set to 1. The bud eye binarization matrix was obtained by performing bud eye feature determination on all longitudinal columns of thecomponent three-dimensional map.4) According to the lateral continuity of the bud eye and the arc-like structure of the lower edge of the bud, the morphological processing of the bud eye binarization matrix was carried out, and the false bud eyes were further removed to complete the bud eyes recognition. The influence of defects such as broken skin, growth spots and mechanical damage on the accuracy of bud-eye recognition was also analyzed in this paper.The data indicated that mechanical damage, growth spots, etc. was not confused with bud eyes and caused misjudgment of the buds. The algorithm can effectively prevent the influence of these interference factors.The experimental results showed that the recognition rate of bud eyes was 91.48%, of which, the recognition rate of non-germinated buds, germinated buds and the false recognition rate of bud eyes was 92.21%, 89.00% and 4.32%, respectively. The probability of seed potato cutting without buds due to false recognition of bud eyes was less than 1.01%. This can effectively prevent the seedling shortage caused by potato cutting without buds, resulting in reduced production. The average time taken to identify a single image is 2.68 s. The results indicated that the method can provide reference for the bud eyes recognition of seed potato automatic cutting machine due to its low false recognition rate of bud eye, strong anti-interference ability and high stability.

crops; image processing; image recognition; potato bud eyes recognition; color saturation; 3D geometric features

李玉华,李天华,牛子孺,吴彦强,张智龙,侯加林. 基于色饱和度三维几何特征的马铃薯芽眼识别[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(24):158-164. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.019

Li Yuhua, Li Tianhua, Niu Ziru, Wu Yanqiang, Zhang Zhilong, Hou Jialin. Potato bud eyes recognition based on three-dimensional geometric features of color saturation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(24): 158-164. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.019










