

农业工程学报 2018年24期




(1. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083; 2. 北京农业智能装备技术研究中心,北京 100097; 3. 北京海虹嘉诚知识产权代理有限公司,北京 100080)

针对当前小麦籽粒小、播量大、形状不规则,传统排种器难以实现精密播种等问题,该文设计了一种气吸型孔组合式小麦精密排种器。排种器采用气流-型孔组合式工作原理,气流负压吸种与型孔充种相结合能够使其获得良好单粒充种性能。根据小麦精密播种的粒距要求和三维尺寸,通过理论分析,确定了排种器的型孔轮半径为50 mm,以6°螺旋升角布置三排型孔,每排30个型孔,型孔为长槽形,长、宽、深分别为8.5、5和2.5 mm;通过流场分析,研究了不同吸孔孔径对气流变化的影响,确定了吸孔的孔径范围1.4~1.8 mm。搭建试验台,以气流负压、吸孔直径和型孔轮转速为试验因素,以重复充种率、漏充率和充种合格率为试验指标,进行三因素三水平正交试验,并分析各试验因素对于性能指标的影响显著性。通过极差和方差分析,得到气吸型孔组合式小麦精密排种器较优的组合参数为负压3 500 Pa、吸孔直径1.6 mm、排种型孔轮转速40 r/min时,进行试验验证,其重复充种率为5.1%、漏充率为4.7%,充种合格率为90.2%。该排种器能够满足小麦的精密排种对充种性能的要求,在一定程度上促进了小麦精密播种的发展。


0 引 言

小麦是中国的主要粮食作物之一,据2017年中国统计年鉴数据显示,全国小麦种植面积约为2 418.7万hm2,产量12 884.5万t[1],对国家粮食安全和社会稳定具有重要的影响。但中国小麦传统播种主要方式为撒播和条播,存在着播量高、水肥施用量大等问题,致使群体密度大、个体吸收养分和光照不足,易倒伏且穗粒小,严重限制了小麦单产的提高[2-3]。小麦精密播种技术作为一种先进的农作物种植方法,改变传统条播堆积的作业方式,精确控制播量、粒距和田间分布均匀性,使得单株作物能够充分高效利用水、肥、光、气等自然资源,在降低播种量、减少成本的前提下,保证小麦的高产稳产[4-6]。




1 整体机构与工作原理

1.1 排种器结构


1.固定架 2.排种盒 3.隔种清种刷 4.型孔轮 5.传动链轮 6.传动轴 7.进气口 8.导种板

1.2 工作原理


Ⅰ.充种区 Ⅱ.清种区 Ⅲ.导种区 Ⅳ.投种区 Ⅴ.过渡区

2 关键结构设计与参数分析


2.1 小麦三维尺寸


表1 小麦三维尺寸

经过测量,小麦种子长度范围5.4~7.8 mm,宽度范围2.4~4.2 mm,厚度范围2.6~3.7 mm,各方向尺寸具有一定范围,但尺寸基本符合正态分布;由表1可知,小麦种子平均长度6.8 mm,平均宽度3.4 mm,平均厚度3.0 mm,小麦的宽度与厚度较为接近,约为长度的二分之一。因此,小麦种子能够简化为椭球体,便于后期排种器关键结构的设计和参数确定。同时,小麦的三维尺寸对于小麦精密排种器的结构参数有一定的影响,当不同品种之间三维尺寸相差较大时,其参数应根据所播小麦品种尺寸进行设计,并尽可能的增大适应性。

2.2 小麦精密排种粒距的确定



式中1为排种粒距,cm;为每公顷播种长度,m;为每公顷播种粒数;为公顷面积,10 000 m2;为行距,m;为公顷播种量,kg/hm2;1为千粒质量,kg。

由小麦粒距计算式(1)可知,小麦粒距与播种量成反比,播量越大,粒距越小,在其他参数固定的情况下,粒距的大小主要由播量所决定。根据小麦精密播种的种量要求,取90~120 kg/hm2,行距0.2 m,千粒质量0.04 kg,计算可得小麦粒距范围1.67~2.22 cm。小麦精密排种粒距的计算,为后续的型孔个数和分布的设计提供依据。

2.3 型孔轮设计


1.型孔 2.吸孔 3.投种槽

2.3.1 型孔轮半径确定


因此,考虑小麦精密播种的农艺要求、真空吸室体积以及排种性能等因素,排种型孔轮半径50 mm,长度80 mm。

2.3.2 型孔尺寸与排布





其中,型孔长度大于小麦最大颗粒长度,小于最小颗粒长度的2倍,既要满足单个种子充入,又要防止两个颗粒前后相接充入;型孔宽度要大于最大小麦宽度,便于种子的充入,因是类椭球形,宽度也不易过大,应小于种子最小长度,防止部分种子横躺着进入型孔;型孔的厚度要满足充入后重心位于型孔内,单粒种子能够不被隔种清种刷带出型孔,又利于清除多余种子。根据2.1节测得小麦种子数据,并根据预试验,确定型孔尺寸:1=8.5 mm,1=2=5 mm,1=2.5 mm,2=1−2=3 mm。



由式(3)可知,型孔数量与作业速度成正比,与型孔轮线速度暨转速成反比,增加型孔个数可以提高播种作业速度,降低型孔轮转速,有利于提高作业效率和改善排种质量。根据精密排种的粒距要求,本文以粒距1在1.67~2.22 cm、v取1.2 m/s、一般取2060 r/min,得到型孔数量在65~216之间取值。

综合考虑,型孔排布受到型孔轮半径、粒距以及型孔尺寸的限制,本文设计型孔轮数量90个,粒距1.67~2.22 cm之间的调节可以通过调整转速的方式实现,单排不足以满足分布,采用多排型孔排列方式,在型孔轮轴向上交错布置三排,呈螺旋排列,螺旋角6°,每排30个型孔,每排型孔都开有投种槽,与投种片配合投种。

2.3.3 吸孔设计与仿真分析




1.型孔 2.吸孔

1. Type hole 2. Suction hole


Note:xis length of right-angle side on suction hole, mm;xis diameter of suction hole, mm.

图5 吸孔形状示意图

Fig.5 Schematic diagram suction hole shape

根据小麦籽粒的三维尺寸和精密排种要求,长槽孔x=1 mm,x取1.2~2.0 mm之间,并通过CFD对型孔轮部以及型孔周围的流场进行仿真,分析不同吸孔孔径对于流场变化的影响[25]。本文采用标准-模型[26-27],分别对x=1.2、1.4、1.6、1.8、2.0 mm不同孔径条件下的气压以及流场分布进行仿真研究。设置型孔轮进气口为压力入口,压强为0,型孔轮出气口设置为压力出口。以压强为−2 000 Pa为例,仿真时间5 s,得到不同吸孔下的型孔轮内部气体压力云图和吸孔横截面压力云图,如图6-10所示,其他负压条件下的变化趋势类似。不同直径的吸孔纵向截面气流速度云图见图11。

图6 1.2 mm孔径吸孔压力云图

图7 1.4 mm孔径吸孔压力云图

图8 1.6 mm孔径吸孔压力云图

图9 1.8 mm孔径吸孔压力云图

图10 2.0 mm孔径吸孔压力云图

图11 1.2和1.8 mm孔径吸孔速度云图


由图6b、7b、8b、9b、10b可知,吸孔横截面压力云图由中心向外侧环状分布,且外侧负压小于内侧,吸孔孔径越小,吸孔中心气压越大。此外,对不同吸孔直径下的流速进行分析可知,不同孔径的吸孔速度云图由吸孔向型孔轮呈放射状,吸孔中心处气流速度最大,随着吸孔直径增加,中心较高速度区域面积逐渐较小,气流速度逐渐减小,深颜色区域变小变淡,如图11所示,吸孔直径为1.2 mm时,吸孔中心流速明显高于吸孔直径为1.8 mm的中心流速。

通过分析可得,随着吸孔尺寸的增加,吸孔的负压、流速逐渐减小。吸孔直径1.2 mm时,负压与流速最大,但此时吸孔与小麦籽粒接触面积较小,影响了种子吸附,易受到种子间作用力脱离型孔;吸孔直径2.0 mm时,虽然接触面积较大,但吸孔气压损失较大,流速衰减较快。因此,综合考虑,吸孔直径设计在1.4~1.8 mm之间选择,以满足排种要求。

2.4 导种板设计

本文设计中,小麦类椭球形,型孔和吸孔均设计为长槽形。为了能够提高小麦充入型孔的充种率,在排种盒内设计倒“V”型导种板,结构如1.1小节图1所示,相邻最小间距为5 mm,小于小麦长轴尺寸,从而使小麦长轴沿型孔轮径向方向排列,即长轴方向与长槽形平行,减小沿型孔轮轴向排列的可能小,便于充种。

2.5 隔种清种刷与投种片设计



1.排种盒 2.种盒固定架 3.投种片

3 试验与结果分析

3.1 试验条件与方法

3.1.1 试验设备

试验设备为搭建的小麦精密排种试验台,结构如图13所示,主要包括台架、气吸型孔组合式小麦精密排种器、调速电机、负压风机、变频器、U型压力计等。其中,型孔轮、排种盒、投种片均采用树脂材料,3D打印而成;排种器转速由调速电机驱动,转速0~90 r/min可调;负压风机可通过变频器进行调节,最大流量320 m3/h,压力范围−4 400~0 Pa;U型压力计量程±5 000 Pa。

1.负压风机 2.变频器 3.台架 4.排种器固定架 5.U型压力计 6.调速电机 7.控制柜 8.输送带 9.排种器 10.排种盒

3.1.2 试验因素选择


气流负压:气流负压的较小,吸孔吸附力较小,漏充情况增加,气流负压较大又会造成单个吸孔吸附多粒种子,因此根据前期fluent分析不同气流负压条件下吸室气压和流速变化,并进行预试验,最终选择2 500、3 000和3 500 Pa进行试验。

吸孔直径:吸孔直径过大过小均不利于吸孔进行吸附种子,通过本文不同吸孔直径的气流仿真分析,得到吸孔直径设计在1.4~1.8 mm之间选择较为合适,因此正交试验选择1.4、1.6以及1.8 mm进行试验。

型孔轮转速:通过前期的单因素试验发现,型孔轮的转速较小时,充种区小麦种子流动性差、扰动性较低,存在部分区域不足以将种子带动落入型孔被吸孔吸附,造成漏充率较高;当型孔轮线速度过快,扰动性过大,种子进入型孔时间变小,来不及被吸孔吸附,就会被后续种子推出型孔,从而造成漏充现象增加,重复充种率下降、漏充率升高,充种合格率下降。因此,综合选择型孔轮转速30、40和50 r/min进行试验。

3.1.3 试验指标

试验以重复充种率、漏充率和充种合格率为试验评价指标,试验方法参照标准GB/T 6973-2005《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法》[28]进行,并分析各个因素对于排种器工作性能的影响规律。







3.2 正交试验

3.2.1 正交试验设计


表2 试验因素水平

3.2.2 试验结果与分析


表3 试验结果

表4 极差分析结果

表5 方差分析结果


Note:0.05(2,2)=19,0.01(2,2)=99.α(2,2)>0.01(2,2), represent very significance, denoted as **;0.05(2,2)<α(2,2)<0.01(2,2), represent significance, denoted as *.



重复充种率的较优组合112,漏充率较优组合322,充种合格率较优组合322。为了保证小麦的田间基本苗,优先考虑充种合格率和漏充率这两项试验指标,即较高的充种合格率和较小的漏充率,综上考虑,气吸-型孔组合式小麦精密排种器的较优组合为322,即气流负压3 500 Pa、吸孔直径1.6 mm、型孔轮转速40 r/min。

3.3 优化参数试验验证

根据正交试验的极差和方差分析,得到气流负压3 500 Pa、吸孔直径1.6 mm、型孔轮转速40 r/min为小麦精密排种器的较优参数组合。为了验证在较优参数组合条件下,小麦精密排种器的重复充种、漏充以及充种合格能够达到较好的试验结果,进行试验验证,试验进行3次重复,取均值。试验结果如表6所示,平均重复充种率5.1%、漏充率4.7%,充种合格率90.2%,漏充率较低,3次充种合格率均高于85%,平均充种合格率高于90%,满足小麦精密播种对于充种性能的要求。

表6 验证试验结果

4 结论与讨论


1)对排种器关键结构和参数进行设计,型孔轮半径50 mm,型孔和吸孔均设计为长槽孔,其中,型孔三排呈螺旋排布,螺旋角6°,每排30个型孔,每个型孔长度8.5 mm,宽度5 mm,深度2.5 mm;

2)对不同吸孔孔径条件下型孔吸室进行流体仿真分析,研究了孔径对于流场压力和流速的影响规律,确定了吸孔孔径的取值范围1.4~1.8 mm;

3)进行三因素三水平正交试验,通过极差、方差分析得到吸孔直径、气流负压和排种型孔轮转速对于排种器充种性能的影响;在气流负压3 500 Pa、吸孔直径1.6 mm、型孔轮转速40 r/min时,重复充种率5.1%、漏充率4.7%,充种合格率90.2%,气吸型孔组合式小麦精密排种器的充种性能较好,满足小麦精密播种作业要求。


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Design and parameter optimization on wheat precision seed meter with combination of pneumatic and type hole

Cheng Xiupei1, Lu Caiyun1, Meng Zhijun2, Yu Jiayang3

(1. College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. Beijing Research Center of Intelligent Equipment for Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China; 3.Beijing Haihong Jiacheng Intellectual Property & Partners, Beijing 100080, China)

Wheat is one of the main food crops, which has an important on the national life and social stability. At present, there are many problems in the traditional sowing of wheat, such as large amount of seeding, low utilization ratio of water and fertilizer, and high cost. In order to solve those problems, the wheat precision seeding technology has been proposed that ensures even and reasonable distribution of wheat seeds in the field. Aiming at the requirements of wheat precision seeding, a wheat precision seed meter, including metering box, seed separating and cleaning brush, type hole wheel, transmission axis, airflow entering mouth, seed leading board, and transmission sprocket, was designed with combination of pneumatic and type hole wheel, and it could achieve better single filling performance. And the type hole wheel was arranged with type hole, suction hole and seed-falling groove. Amount of seeds were poured into the metering box, wheat were arranged along the radial direction of the type hole wheel under the guidance of seed leading board. The seed was filled with the type hole by its own gravity and the friction force of type hole wheel, then the seed was adsorbed by the airflow through suction hole. When type hole wheel carrying seeds through seed-cleaning zone, more than one seed on the type hole fell back into metering box in the action of seed separating and cleaning brush, therefore one seed was kept in the type hole. After that, the wheat seed was transported stably by adsorption force. In the seed-falling zone, the seed overcame the adsorption force and dropped from type hole under seed-falling plate barrier force and gravity, complete the seeding process. According to three dimensions size of wheat, the main structure parameters and motion parameters of wheat precision seed meter were determined that diameter parameters of type hole wheel were 100 mm, type hole wheel surface with 3 rows, both type hole and suction hole were long slots. 3 rows of type holes with spiral angles of 6° and 30 type holes were in each row. Each type hole had length of 8.5 mm, a width of 5 mm, and a depth of 2.5 mm. By the fluid dynamics software, the influences of different diameter of suction hole on type hole wheel fluid field were simulated and analyzed, and results showed that more ideal diameter parameters of suction hole were 1.4-1.8 mm. In order to get the optimal combination of parameters of the wheat precision seed meter, the three-factor and three-level orthogonal test was designed with airflow negative pressure, suction hole diameter and rotation speed of type hole wheel as test factors. Airflow negative pressure was set at 2 500, 3 000 and 3 500 Pa, suction hole diameter was selected 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 mm, and rotation speed of type hole wheel was changed in 30, 40 and 50 r/min. A total of 9 groups of tests were performed that each group of tests was repeated 3 times, and the average of test results was recorded. According to the range analysis, the rotation speed of type hole wheel hadgreatest influence on the multiple rate of wheat, followed by the diameter of the suction hole, and the influence of the airflow negative pressure was small. For the missing rate and seed-filling qualified rate, the order of affecting indicators was the airflow negative pressure, the rotation speed of the type hole wheel, and the diameter of the suction hole. Through analysis of variance, the airflow negative pressure had a significant effect on the multiple rate of wheat, and had a very significant effect on the missing rate and seed-filling qualified rate.The suction hole diameterhad a very significant effect on the multiple rate, and had a significant effect on the missing rate and seed-filling qualified rate. The rotation speed of type hole wheel had a very significant effect on the multiple rate, the missing rate, and seed-filling qualified rate. The airflow negative pressure and the rotation speed of type hole wheel had significant effects on the multiple rate, and had a very significant impact on the missing rate and seed-filling qualified rate. The tests revealed that when the airflow negative pressure was 3 500 Pa, the suction hole diameter was 1.6 mm, and the rotation speed of type hole wheel was 40 r/min, which was a better combination of parameters. By experiment, the missing rate was 5.1%, multiple rate was 4.7%, and seed-filling qualified rate was 90.2%, which reached the requirements of wheat precision sowing. This seed meter improves the filling effect and obtains better parameters, which provides reference for the research and development of the wheat precision seed meter.

mechanization; crops; design; combination of pneumatic and type hole wheel; precision seed meter; wheat; seed-filling; experiment

程修沛,卢彩云,孟志军,于佳杨. 气吸型孔组合式小麦精密排种器设计与参数优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(24):1-9. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.001

Cheng Xiupei, Lu Caiyun, Meng Zhijun, Yu Jiayang. Design and parameter optimization on wheat precision seed meter with combination of pneumatic and type hole[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(24): 1-9. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.001











20220503 双粒花生精量穴播排种器设计与试验