MEC Based Study of Brand Building of Hongyue Garden Maker
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Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Hangzhou 311300, China
Abstract Using the theory of means-end chain (MEC) and soft laddering technique, this paper carried out an in-depth interview with 38 consumers. By the content analysis method, it analyzed the relationship between the "attribute-consequence-value" of Hongyue Garden Maker, built the corresponding implication matrix and hierarchical value map, and finally obtained the dominant perception orientation of Hongyue Garden Maker consumption. This study revealed the potential reasons for consumers to buy Hongyue Garden Maker, analyzed the value connotation of consumers and the brand communication path of Hongyue Garden Maker. In addition, the results of this paper are expected to provide certain theoretical references for market segmentation and brand orientation of Hongyue Garden Maker.
Key words Means-end chain (MEC), Laddering technique, Hongyue Garden Maker, Brand Construction
1 Introduction
Hongyue Garden Maker is established by Zhejiang Hongyue Horticultural Corporation in response to the growing trend of flower and gardening consumption. At present, under the guidance of brand building technology, Hongyue Garden Maker has grown into China’s leading flower and gardening terminal service brand with a one-stop home gardening service model. Using the theory of means-end chain (MEC) and soft laddering technique, we carried out an in-depth interview with 38 consumers, obtained the chain between "attribute-consequence-value" of Hongyue Garden Maker consumers, built the corresponding implication matrix and hierarchical value map, and finally obtained the dominant perception orientation of Hongyue Garden Maker consumption, to reveal the potential reasons for consumers to buy Hongyue Garden Maker, understand the value connotation of consumers and the brand communication path of Hongyue Garden Maker.
2 Theory of means-end chain (MEC)
In 1982, Gutman proposed the Theory of means-end chain (MEC)[1]linking the attribute, consequence and value. According to the MEC theory, consumers buy a product not merely because of the product itself, but also because the consumers believe that the benefits of using a particular attribute of the product can help them achieve the desired value[2].
Attributes refer to product attributes, that is, all characteristics from the consumer to the product. Attributes include concrete attributes and abstract attributes, such as raw materials, forms, manufacturing processes, services, brands, packaging, value,etc.; consequences, also called consumer benefits, are effects of product attributes on consumers after consumers buy or use the products. Value is more abstract than the consequence. It is the psychological manifestation of consumers trying to achieve important consumption goals[3], such as: self-fulfillment, sense of accomplishment, fun, enjoyment,etc.
At present, MEC theory has been widely applied in market analysis and segmentation, new product development, consumer behavior analysis, and brand image management.
3 Research design
3.1DeterminationofrespondentsDue to limited research conditions, our team only selected random samples in Haining of Jiaxing and Lin’an of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province for interviews. Finally, we selected consumers who purchased flower products in the Haining Jinzhu Park, Haining Xiashi Store, Lin’an Yijin Store of Hongyue Garden Maker as respondents.
When studying issues using the MEC theory, Zeithamletal.[4]took the sample size of 30-50 as the basis, and successfully obtained the desired information. Thus, the sample size is generally controlled in the range of 30-50 for MEC method. In view of these, we set the number of respondents at 35 people.
3.2DatacollectionIn this study, we tried to analyze the brand communication path of Hongyue Garden Maker. The soft laddering technique is helpful for deeply understanding the ultimate demand value of consumers through the face-to-face interviews with respondents from "attribute-consequence-value", thus it is particularly suitable for this survey and study. At the preliminary preparation stage of the survey, our team members set up five basic questions based on the three layers of "attribute-consequence-value". The questions in the preliminary preparation were as follows: (i) Why did you choose to buy Hongyue Garden Maker products? (attribute) (ii) What factors or characteristics did you mainly consider when purchasing flower products? (attribute) (iii) Why the above mentioned factors or characteristics are so important to you (consequence) (iv) What kind of consequence will this factor or characteristic bring to you? (value) (v) Why such consequence is important to you? (value)
During July 2 and 10, 2017, our team members surveyed in the Haining Jinzhu Park, Haining Xiashi Store, Lin’an Yijin Store of Hongyue Garden Maker as respondents. In the actual interview, according to the actual situation, based on the above questions, we interviewed 38 Hongyue Garden Maker consumers in depth, and asked them to answer some concerns about attributes of Hongyue Garden Maker brand, to gradually get the reason why these attributes were important to them. In this interview, we made a record of respondents who agreed to the recording. Each time of interview lasted 10-15 min (generally, it finished when respondents could not provide more effective information). After the end of interview, we promptly converted the interviews into texts, for the purpose of data sorting and analysis.
3.3DataprocessingIn terms of processing the data in this study, we followed three steps: firstly sorted the data using the content analysis method, then built the implication matrix, and finally plotted the hierarchical value map for Hongyue Garden Maker.
3.3.1Sorting the data using the content analysis method. The content analysis method converts the qualitatively collected data into systematic objective quantitative data, and it is necessary to describe each element in detail. Firstly, we established three items,i.e. attributes, consequences, and values in the form of table. Secondly, we integrated elements of each item mentioned by the respondents in the interview into the three items separately. Thirdly, we integrated the elements with the same characteristics in the same item according to the number of times. Finally, we integrated the elements with similar characteristics and named them as new value elements for encoding.
In terms of the value elements, we employed the List of Values (LOV) proposed by Kahleetal.[5]. LOV is composed of value content or dimension and specific measures[6]. This measurement tool consists of nine core values: self-respect, warm relationship with others, self-fulfillment, a sense of accomplishment, fun and enjoyment, excitement, a sense of belonging, being respected and security.
3.3.2Building the implication matrix. The implication matrix is a matrix table plotted by summarizing the direct and indirect link relationships between all the respondents’ attributes, consequences, and values. It is the basis for plotting the hierarchical value map. Assume that the three elements are A, B and C, respectively. The relationship between the three elements is A → B → C, A and B, B and C are direct links, and A and C are indirect links. The rows and columns in the table contain all the elements (attributes, consequences, values), and the numbers denote the number of links between the elements.
3.3.3Plotting the hierarchical value map. The hierarchical value map is a picture showing the relationship between the various elements based on the implication matrix to make clear the path in which the consumer purchases the product to dominate the perception orientation.
The hierarchical value map reveals the cognitive path to the product in consumer choice, the information is the basis for locating the product and designing an effective communication strategy[7]. When plotting the hierarchical value map, it is necessary to make clear the cut-off value to determine the data that needs to be reflected in the hierarchical value map. By trial-and-error method, our research members plotted the hierarchical value map under the different cut-off values, carried out trade-off between different items of information, finally determined the cut-off value.
The dominant perception orientation path refers to the deep implication of the link relationship. Suppose there is a link relationship of A → C→ V. This link relationship represents the main reason for consumer’s choice of the product is A. After purchasing or using the product, the consequence B is obtained, and finally the ultimate value enjoyment of V is obtained.
4 Data analysis
4.1Attributes,consequencesandvaluesofHongyueGardenMakerUsing the soft laddering technique and content analysis method, our team integrated, analyzed, and encoded the three items "attributes, consequences, and values" of the interview contents. MEC codes for Hongyue Garden Maker are listed in Table 1.
4.2ImplicationmatrixofvaluechainofconsumptionofHongyueGardenMakerIn this study, we calculated the number of times of direct and indirect links between attributes, consequences, and values in the coding table, to build the corresponding implication matrix table. Through the implication matrix table, we can know the consumer’s cognition of the attributes of Hongyue Garden Maker products, and gain an in-depth understanding of their consumption consequences and value perception. The implication matrix for value chain of Hongyue Garden Maker consumption is shown in Table 2. From Table 2, it can be seen that the number of times of link (18∶11) between attributes and consequences is highest in the link of "Brand (A7)-Being relieved (C5)". Specifically, the number of times of direct links is 18 and the number of times of indirect links is 11. According to this data, the relieved psychological feeling given by "brand" attribute of good brand, high level, professionalism of Hongyue Garden Maker to consumers is the a preliminary key path for them to form consumption perception. The link between consequences and values "Sense of comfort (C3)-Fun and enjoyment (V1)" has the highest number of times of link (26∶20). Specifically, the number of times of direct links is 26 and the number of times of indirect links is 20. According to this data, through using Hongyue Garden Maker products, consumers can obtain the "sense of comfort" consumption consequence, and further obtain the ultimate value perception of "fun and enjoyment".
Table 1 MEC codes for Hongyue Garden Maker
4.3HierarchicalvaluemapofHongyueGardenMakerconsumptionThe plotting of hierarchical value map for Hongyue Garden Maker consumption is based on its implication matrix (Table 2). By the trial and error method, our team members plotted the hierarchical value map under different cut-off values, carried out trade-off between various information, finally determined that the cut-off value is 7. In other words, the map only shows direct links between various elements with level above 7, representing the main path of dominant perception orientation. From Fig. 1, it can be seen that "fun and enjoyment", "being respected", "sense of self-fulfillment", and "self accomplishment" constitute the ultimate values pursued by consumers purchasing products of Hongyue Garden Maker. According to the number of times of link, "fun and enjoyment" is the core value pursued by consumers of Hongyue Garden Maker products.
Table 2 Implication matrix for Hongyue Garden Maker consumption
4.4DominantperceptionorientationofHongyueGardenMakerconsumersFrom Fig. 1, it can be seen that the dominant perception orientation path refers to the deep implication of the link relationship. The strongest link for dominant perception orientation of Hongyue Garden Maker consumption is "variety → improving the environment → sense of comfort → fun and enjoyment". The link indicates that the main reason for consumers to choose Hongyue Garden Maker is that the variety and selectivity of their products can change the living environment of consumers. After purchasing or using Hongyue Garden Maker products, consumers will have the sense of comfort, and finally obtain the ultimate value of fun and enjoyment.
In addition, there are three main links: "quality → brand → high level pursuit → being respected", "variety → improving the environment → fun and enjoyment", and "variety → sense of comfort → personal preferences → self-fulfillment". Among them, the first link indicates that the quality attribute of the products of Hongyue Garden Maker is the basic element for consumers to be respected; the second link shows that the variety of attributes is the basic element for consumers to obtain fun and enjoyment; the third link indicates that the diverse attributes of the varieties to satisfy the consumer’s personal psychological satisfaction.
Note: The lines in the figure denote the relationship between "attributes, consequences, and value". The thicker the line, the stronger the link, and vice versa.
5 Interest communication and orientation of Hongyue Garden Maker
5.1Descriptionofattributes,consequences,andvaluesofHongyueGardenMakerThe cognition of consumers for attributes of Hongyue Garden Maker products includes "store location", "varieties", "service attitude", "price", "quality", "brand", "store size", and "recommended by others"; the above attributes can reach the consumption consequences of "convenient", "improving environment", "sense of comfort", "personal preferences", "being relieved", and "high level of demands", to ultimate realize the ultimate value enjoyment of "fun and enjoyment", "being, respected", "sense of self-accomplishment", and "self fulfillment".
5.2CognitionpathofconsumersforHongyueGardenMakerproductsWe plotted the hierarchical value map for Hongyue Garden Maker consumption, which clearly reflects the connection between attributes, consequences, and values of Hongyue Garden Maker, reveals the cognition path of consumers for Hongyue Garden Maker products, so as to understand the deep level thought link of consumers.
5.3DominantperceptionorientationpathforconsumersofHongyueGardenMakerproducts"Variety → improving the environment → psychological experience → fun and enjoyment" is the key link; "quality → brand → high level pursuit →being respected" link and "variety → improving the environment → fun and enjoyment" link and "variety → sense of comfort → personal preferences → self fulfillment" link are three secondary value links.
6 Recommendations for brand building of Hongyue Garden Maker
The consumption cognition structure of Hongyue Garden Maker brand built in this study is of great significance for management of this brand. From this, it is able to obtain the actual psychological cognition path of consumers, so as to obtain the brand communication path of Hongyue Garden Maker.
6.1FormulatingthedevelopmentpathforHongyueGardenMakerbrandorientationIn this study, we refined four main links: "variety → improving the environment → sense of comfort → psychological experience → fun and enjoyment" (key link), "quality → brand → high level pursuit → being respected", "variety → improving the environment → fun and enjoyment", and "variety → sense of comfort → personal preferences → self-fulfillment". From these, we can see that "fun and enjoyment", "being respected", "sense of self-fulfillment", and "self accomplishment" constitute the ultimate values pursued by consumers purchasing products of Hongyue Garden Maker. Based on this, Hongyue Garden Maker can give importance to variety, quality, and brand of products, ultimately realize the integration of ultimate value of "fun and enjoyment", "being respected", and "self-fulfillment", and refine the core values of this brand. Besides, it is recommended to find the optimal creative point combining product attributes and core values, formulate effective communication strategies, arouse sympathetic response of consumers for value, to stimulate purchase motivation of consumers[8].
6.2UndertakingprofessionalmarketingorientedtowardstargetgroupsofHongyueGardenMaker,tolookfortheeasiestpromotionmethodinthetargetmarketThe brand objects of Hongyue Garden Maker are high-end family consumption groups meeting the requirements of "rich and idle" and "window, balcony, and terrace". In the value chain, "quality → brand → high level pursuit → being respected" link conforms to the brand orientation. This link indicates that the brand’s segmentation orientation is correct and effective. The group pursues the quality feeling brought by quality, pursues higher level demands, to win the respect of others. Hongyue Garden Maker can carry out more marketing activities and brand activities for this consumer group, in order to form quality-related brand associations in this market seg-ment. The links "variety → improving the environment → sense of comfort → psychological experience → fun and enjoyment" and "variety → improving the environment → fun and enjoyment" indicate that this brand can further increase the product varieties, improve the living environment of consumers, and improve their living standards, to make consumers have deeper feeling of fun and enjoyment. Besides, Hongyue Garden Maker can also grasp this target market with more interesting and life-related brand building activities. The "variety → sense of comfort → personal preferences → self-fulfillment" link indicates that Hongyue Garden Maker can satisfy personal preferences, to realize self-fulfillment of consumers.
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