

中国园林 2019年9期


中国风景园林与人居环境同根同源。寻找适宜的生存环境,研“风”究 “景”;寻求永恒的精神寄托,游历山水;寻觅诗情画意的栖居,赏景造园。历经5 000年的携手共进,如今已是你中有我、我中有你。在中国人居环境学科群的建筑、城规、风景园林3个核心学科中,历史上风景园林的作用是基础性的,近现代人居环境发展引发的环境生态问题更加有力地证明了风景园林在人居环境中不可或缺的关键地位。


从中国风景园林可以追溯中国人的世界观、价值观、人生观、美学观的坐标源头,风景观孕育了主客合一的中国哲学精神和 “天、地、人”三位一体的世界观;以风景园林为导向的人居环境实践,催生了 “天、地、人”三位一体的理想状态—— “天地人和”与 “集和化”的发展之路。从古代的 “风景天下”到今天的 “绿水青山”,风景园林始终是中国人居环境存在与发展的理想化身。

中国风景园林与人居环境休戚与共,中国人居环境繁荣兴旺,风景园林方大有用武之地。伴随新中国成立70年,中国的风景园林与人居环境已经发生了天翻地覆的变化。如今,在巨大的成就面前所面临的是信息文明时代公元第三个千年的人居文明的更大发展,为此,急需找回近代中国人居环境 “极端化”发展中丢失的初心和传统,实施一场不忘初心、文化自信、与古为新的现代转变。

身处新时代,衷心希望关乎绿水青山、国民生活质量的中国风景园林,以保护建设美丽中国人居环境为己任,在 “两个文明”、美丽中国的建设中发挥越来越重要的作用。

Landscape architecture and human settlements have always been the theme of the development of Chinese civilization. Protecting and creating a beautiful living environment is the starting point and foothold of Chinese landscape architecture.

Chinese landscape gardens and human settlements have the same roots.Study the sceneries is to find a suitable living environment, travelling through the mountains and rivers is to seek eternal spiritual sustenance, and enjoy the landscape is to find poetic and picturesque habitat. After 5,000 years of working together, they have been blended with each other. Among the three core disciplines of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture in the Chinese human settlements environment disciplinary cluster, the role of landscape architecture in history is fundamental. The environmental and ecological problems arising from the development of modern human settlements have fully proved that landscape architecture holds an indispensable key position in the human settlements.

Landscape architecture is the protagonist of the beautiful Chinese living environment. From the natural wilderness, the countryside to the city, it is inseparable from the background of landscape architecture of clear water and green hills; the highest pursuit of the human settlements environment in China is landscape architecture, thoughts of "Tao models itself after nature" "Harmony between heaven, earth and human" "Clear water and green hills", and "Shanshui City" are all derived from landscape architecture; the ideal environment for Chinese human settlements is landscape architecture; Chinese landscape architecture is the embodiment of China's ideal human settlements; the mother tongue of Chinese traditional habitat environment is landscape architecture, the mother tongue of Chinese traditional urban planning is landscape, the mother tongue of traditional Chinese architecture is garden, and the mother tongue of Chinese landscape architecture is China's beautiful clear water and green hills.

From the Chinese landscape architecture, the source of the Chinese world view, values, outlook on life and aesthetics can be traced. The landscape view fosters the Chinese philosophy of the subjective and objective and the world view of the trinity of heaven, earth and human; the practice of human settlements oriented by landscape architecture has given birth to the ideal state of the trinity of heaven, earth and human - the development way of "the harmony of heaven,earth and human" and "integration". From the ancient "landscape world" to today's "clear water and green hills", landscape architecture has always been the ideal embodiment of the existence and development of human settlements in China.

Chinese landscape architecture and human settlements go through thick and thin together. When China's human settlements environment is prosperous,landscape architecture will have big room to function. Along with the 70 years of New China, China's landscape architecture and human settlements environment have undergone tremendous changes. Nowadays, the great achievements face the greater development of human civilization in the third millennium and the information civilization era. For this reason, it is urgent to find the original aspiration and tradition lost in the "extreme" development of modern Chinese human settlements, and implement a modern transformation of staying true to the original aspiration, cultural self-confidence, and finding new ideas from tradition.

In the new era, I sincerely hope that Chinese landscape architecture, which are related to the clear water and green hills and the quality of people's living, will take the protection and construction of beautiful human settlements environment as its task, and play an increasingly important role in the construction of two civilizations and beautiful China.


和谐天地人 中华大吉祥
人居一世间 愿得展素顏