

天津农学院学报 2019年2期




(天津农学院 水产学院 天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室,天津 300384)



1 海参肠道微生物的研究进展

1.1 水产动物肠道微生物组成结构

过去十几年的健康人类研究结果表明,人类与微生物存在着共栖关系,人体肠道中微生物大约有1013~1014种[1- 2],其中,最主要的微生物群组包含革兰氏阴性菌群中的拟杆菌门和变形菌门以及革兰氏阳性菌群中的放线菌门和厚壁菌门[3],一系列细菌代谢产物和免疫调节介质能够穿越黏膜屏障,影响人体免疫细胞[4]。


1.2 海参肠道微生物的形成


1.3 其他棘皮类动物的共生微生物


2 海参肠道微生物的功能

2.1 抑制病原菌


2.2 提供营养,促进吸收

海参肠道微生物群落非常丰富,当进食藻类、底泥等物质后,海参肠道微生物将大的有机物分解成小的颗粒物,进而产生可供肠道吸收的小分子,为机体提供能力[25]。海参在自身消化吸收的同时也为人类的消化吸收提供了宝贵的营养物质,为人体的消化吸收和代谢奠定了坚实的理论基础。海参皂苷是海参的次生代谢产物,是海参的重要活性成分之一,对脂质的代谢具有调节作用, 海参皂苷可显著抑制胰脂肪酶活力,阻碍外源性脂肪消化吸收,对其作用机制进行了分子水平上的系统研究,为脂质代谢紊乱引起的高血脂、NAFLD、肥胖和胰岛素抵抗等相关疾病的防治提供了新途径,对提高低值海参的利用价值及开发新型保健食品提供了科学依据[26]。

2.3 其他功能


3 影响海参肠道微生物组成的因素

3.1 水体因素


3.2 活性污泥


3.3 饮食习惯


4 海参养殖中病害防治

4.1 海参养殖过程中微生物制剂的应用



4.2 抗生素药物的应用


4.3 水环境的调控应用


5 展望


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Research progress on the formation and influencing factors of intestinal microorganisms of sea cucumber

CHAI Ying-hui, FAN Xin-hao, LIU Sheng-nan, GAO Jin-wei, JIA Xu-ying, SHAO Peng, ZHOU Wen-liCorresponding Author

(Tianjin Key Lab of Aqua-Ecology and Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China)

With the expansion of the scale of the cultivation of sea cucumber, many problems in the cultivation gradually become prominent. In the process of sea cucumber cultivation, pollutants such as residual bait excrement and other pollutants produce toxic ammonia nitrogen and nitrite, which can lead to the decline of water quality and seriously reduce the yield of sea cucumber. The disease caused by pathogenic microorganism directly threatens the economic benefit of aquaculture. Despite the strengthening of fishery resources and environmental protection, the disease of sea cucumber breeding still occurs frequently, and the disease is mainly traced back to microorganisms. Therefore, this paper summarized the formation and host regulation of intestinal microorganisms of sea cucumber, and introduced the early colonization, function and regulation of intestinal microorganisms, providing a reference for understanding the formation mechanism of intestinal microorganisms of sea cucumber as well as the prevention and treatment of related diseases.

sea cucumber; pathogenic microorganisms; disease; function











